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Legion vs. Stormcloaks


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After playing hours of gameplay on the game i have come to my decision i have found out that ulfric is a massive facist opportunist he just wants skyrim for the nords although its massive and he's taking advantage of the situation with talos although talos (tiper septim) who im sure would rather have the empire stay alive as he founded it he's using that situation to try and get power as high king even the name suggests corruption, the stormcloaks. I have found out that the peace treaty of the aldemeri dominion with the empire is the only thing preventing the aldemeri dominion from invading so they say they're fighting to preserve their way of life and nord freedom but if they leave the empire and get invaded things will be far worse.Dont get me wrong though i have recognised the flaws of the legion with is all but two the first they nearly kill you at the beginning and the second that they signed the white gold concordat angering many by banning talos but it had to be done to end the great war and save many lives ... and the empire.


Really the legion is a much more honourable group but many of the nords are too stupid to see whats happening .But with ulfric there's racism opportunism a hunger for power he's basically the hitler of skyrim.

Edited by HarryR448
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I joined the Imperials mainly because I accidentally escaped with the Legion guy at the beginning. Also, I like the Empire as a whole and I don't want to see it torn apart. I'll admit that it's a little weird to hear "The 8 Divines", but ah well. Little confused though. If they stop worshiping Talos because it is heresy to think of a man becoming a god, then why do they still worship Arkay? Isn't it said that he once was just a shop keeper that wanted knowledge of life and death? Just sayin, sounds a little hypocritical to me.
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They both have their pros and cons.


The Imperials condone religious intolerance of Talos because it is necessary to maintain peace with the Aldmeri Dominion, but the Imperials support racial equality even if the Aldmeri Dominion are breathing down their throat about that as well.


The Stormcloaks condone racial intolerance because they believe only Nords should have rights in Skyrim, but they support religious freedom because Talos, the Ninth Divine was originally a Nord.





Of course you find out later that Ulfric not only supports genocide of lesser races but he is actually a pawn of the Thalmor, who captured him during the Great War and manipulated him with numerous lies to act against the Imperials.

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Frankly I think the Imperials have gone all weak at the knee, and that particular Imperial officer lady at the begining earned so special payback from me(spitroasted) but the Stormcloaks are just nasty.


There's a particular way you're supposed to use the powers of the voice-using them to kill a rightful kill, usurp the throne for your own ends, and stir up a pointless war that's only going to end in defeat is not why Akatosh gave you that power. Akatosh is a sad panda, and it's all Ulfric's fault.


To be honest though Ulfric's story just reminds me a bit too much of some real people I rather dislike, like hitler or Stalin. I don't much like racial intolerence having taken a bit of it myself in realm life, so some stinking nord-hitler trying to take over MY lovely realm is something I take personaly.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I'm pretty divided on it. I've played 50+ hours of the game so far, weighing both sides. Initially I would have said Stormcloaks without hesitation, because I was annoyed at that one Imperial that had me sent to the chopping block despite my name not being on the execution list. But as things went on, things changed. Particularly that point in the main quest where you have Ulfric and Tullius meet. At that point Ulfric just seemed to be an a**hole. I had to give Tullius some respect for acknowledging that if Alduin and the dragons won, the war would have meant about as much as a wet fart. But even after he and Esbern both brought that up, Ulfric just bitched about wanted Solitude.


Still, the Empire is supporting the Thalmor on some level, and they're about the biggest assholes in the game so far. That makes me iffy. Probably end up with the Empire, though, as I've been on solid terms with them in Morrowind and Oblivion, and because despite all his speeches about freedom and Nordic honor, all I hear from Ulfric's mouth is a random bid for personal power. And I'm not a fan of his use of the Thu'um.

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