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Where do you buy your clothes and shoes


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I don't really have any store that I use often, I just go into town if I need anything.


i want to know if you think i wasted my money on this




it was £13,995.00


I'd better not let my better half see that. :ohdear:

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It would be nice to have that much money :laugh: . I say enjoy the money and buy whatever you want, but since its inheritance my only recommendation is to make sure that there would be enough left for the next generation of your family to live just as comfortable as you do :happy:.



Oh, and on the actual thread topic, I get my clothes from American Eagle and my shoes are normally from sport check. Pretty standard for a student :laugh: .

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Didn't realize it was that much money :sweat: , ya, you will never have to worry about out spending it all. I am sorry to hear about a bad past relationship like that, it always frustrates me just how low people can sink. For example, in local news there was a guy who was stealing remembrance day poppy boxes for the change in them :dry: . I get so mad when I hear about things like that. Anyways, best of luck recovering from your ankle, I will be going to the doctors soon to finally deal with this cold I have had for the past few weeks. Wow, did this thread ever go off topic :tongue: . If you get really board you could always get an old game boy advance and pick up a copy of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. That always passes the time. (I suppose in your case you would want "More Friends of Mineral Town" version because that way you get to play as a girl :laugh: )
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