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Full list of Racial Bonuses


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I wouldn't say that the Orc power is particularly OP really. If the Oblivion combat system is anything to go by, warriors are no match for a mage with high illusion and conjuration skills. Assuming you are playing for the sake of actually being the most successful character: while an Orc would be taking half of the damage it would usually take, an Altmer will be invisible, hiding somewhere, taking no hits at all and having summoned creatures dealing all of the damage. Hence taking 0% damage and not having to do ANYTHING to inflict a huge amount of damage on a horde of foes. Added to which he wouldn't just be able to do this once per day, it would be a repeatable combat strategy without waiting 24h in game.


On top of which you'd be able to cast paralysis on enemies with a high illusion skill


It would, of course, be a hell lot more fun to put the Orcs' racial ability on and charge into a legion of goblins whilst wielding a hammer the size of a child, but I wouldn't say it will be the best battle strategy.

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Orcs deserve something for being born looking like green boarmen. But really it's not a serious power. You can get the same effect on any character by adjusting the difficulty slider down. In essence, orcs are now the official noob race.
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it's pretty cool. but i wonder how the claws work for the lizard people? does anyone have any idea how it works?


You mean Khajiits? The Khajiits have a claws racial power. And I'd be interested to know how these work.


I hope they actually use claws and not just get extra hand-to-hand damage... Kinda hard to use your claws on someone when you're hitting them with your fists.


In fact, that'd be a good way to maim yourself. :confused:

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There will always be a race or class that will be op you just have to face the facts there is no true balance unless you have one race with one class. But I’m glad that it’s a melee base op vs a caster op because in about every mmo and any other game casters are always op it’s a very refreshing change of pace.
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