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The core community...


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So the core community of a lot of franchises are usually very strict with how their games must be. For example:

Battlefield core fans are a pain in the a ss. They hate any and all change to the BF franchise. Yet since I played Counter Strike since the start, I can empathize and see their position: if CS2 came out with health regen and all this I'd be mad.


So for TES:

How is the core community receiving Skyrim? Is everyone a happy bunch or do we have those old cranky people who want the games to be a very similar to the previous games? I know a lot of peeps were mad that Skyrim and Oblivion were going carebear mode and were too easy.

I played TES4 first, then morrowind, and found it harder but in a mundane and unnessicary way. The tasks weren't so much exploration, as I'd been told by TES purists, but rather just mundane and unnessicarily time occupying.


Can someone help me with the status of the community?

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When Oblivion came out people were mad that they changed the way your character and the enemies/monsters level up.


As far as I've seen, people are thrilled to pieces with everything they've heard about Skyrim, though.

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'Purists' (in my experience) don't whine as much because almost everything they can complain about is going to be modded out within a week of release. And because it is a single player game you don't have to care about what other people are doing. In BF if they add something then SOMEONE on the server is going to be using it and it will affect your gaming experience. In Skyrim if someone is using godmode and has the best armor/weapon once they start then you aren't affected.


Edit: I spel gud.

Edited by Arredamaal
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There's going to be some complaining I suspect, due to the inevitable consolization of Skyrim. I for one, am a little bit hurt over the loss of Acrobatics, not that it's deterring me from the game in the slightest.
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So the core community of a lot of franchises are usually very strict with how their games must be. For example:

Battlefield core fans are a pain in the a ss. They hate any and all change to the BF franchise. Yet since I played Counter Strike since the start, I can empathize and see their position: if CS2 came out with health regen and all this I'd be mad.


So for TES:

How is the core community receiving Skyrim? Is everyone a happy bunch or do we have those old cranky people who want the games to be a very similar to the previous games? I know a lot of peeps were mad that Skyrim and Oblivion were going carebear mode and were too easy.

I played TES4 first, then morrowind, and found it harder but in a mundane and unnessicary way. The tasks weren't so much exploration, as I'd been told by TES purists, but rather just mundane and unnessicarily time occupying.


Can someone help me with the status of the community?

There'll probably be some hate once it is released but, in general, Skyrim fixes most of Oblivion's blatantly horrific issues while adding things people have always wanted (eg. dual wielding). I'm sure you'll be finding threads like "Dragon fights aren't as epic as I wanted" and what have you, but even those complaints might be lessened due to mods. I'm sure it'll take exactly 10 minutes before the first "Dragons are tougher" mod is released, along with a myriad of other things.

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You see any threads with "omg I can't believe...this sucks omgz!" around?

Next monday there should be a flood of these


As much as I hate to say it, you're spot on with that one.


I know people are going to have all kinds of opinions about classes being eliminated. This is good, though, because it means the eventual mods will potentially be very diverse and interesting.

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