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Steam Forums Hacked.


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To put a point on it... Just about every site, including this one, has been hacked at some point with member information stolen (most of it usually encrypted). Or did we forget about that thing with Sony awhile back already? And that was a direct account which often had a linked credit card, rather than a forum account that someone would have to connect to another system, sign in, and harvest any data manually, provided that the password and account name were the same.
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(This may double post, I accidentally closed the browser with this in the reply field, so if it does apologies.)


Just an update. Not just the forums.


Dear Steam Users and Steam Forum Users,


Our Steam forums were defaced on the evening of Sunday, November 6. We began investigating and found that the intrusion goes beyond the Steam forums.


We learned that intruders obtained access to a Steam database in addition to the forums. This database contained information including user names, hashed and salted passwords, game purchases, email addresses, billing addresses and encrypted credit card information. We do not have evidence that encrypted credit card numbers or personally identifying information were taken by the intruders, or that the protection on credit card numbers or passwords was cracked. We are still investigating.


We don’t have evidence of credit card misuse at this time. Nonetheless you should watch your credit card activity and statements closely.


While we only know of a few forum accounts that have been compromised, all forum users will be required to change their passwords the next time they login. If you have used your Steam forum password on other accounts you should change those passwords as well.


We do not know of any compromised Steam accounts, so we are not planning to force a change of Steam account passwords (which are separate from forum passwords). However, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to change that as well, especially if it is the same as your Steam forum account password.


We will reopen the forums as soon as we can.


I am truly sorry this happened, and I apologize for the inconvenience.




Sources: http://www.giantbomb.com/news/valve-admits-steam-intrusion-no-current-evidence-of-fraud/3802/ http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/11/10/steam-hacked/ http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/11/10/steam-hacked-valve-investigating.aspx

Edited by Arredamaal
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But unlike others, I have a different password for everything, and I keep them in a... secure place.


your mind is not a secure place anymore! Big Brother is always watching. always watching. :ohdear:

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(http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/11/10/steam-hacked-valve-investigating.aspx?CommentPosted=true#commentmessage) Now I wonder what will happen to my new vegas and skyrim if my account is stolen, this is why I don´t like steam.Anyway I already changed my password, and will change my email for the third time since the ps3 hacks -.- why can´t I just buy skyrim and install it without worries of being stolen...
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But unlike others, I have a different password for everything, and I keep them in a... secure place.


your mind is not a secure place anymore! Big Brother is always watching. always watching. :ohdear:

Nope, not my mind. You see, I have a special USB drive hidden somewhere with my passwords in it. And even more awesome, I came up with my own font that functions as a cipher.


And the funny thing is, I actually did this because of my older brother xD


It's because he has very prying eyes and he actually has gotten into my stuff before by finding my passwords, so I came up with this cipher to counteract his sneakiness and I've since refined it. Hopefully, he never finds the instructions on how to decipher it. If he does, I'll have to spend another two years creating another cipher and font, as well as creating new passwords.

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(http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/11/10/steam-hacked-valve-investigating.aspx?CommentPosted=true#commentmessage) Now I wonder what will happen to my new vegas and skyrim if my account is stolen, this is why I don´t like steam.Anyway I already changed my password, and will change my email for the third time since the ps3 hacks -.- why can´t I just buy skyrim and install it without worries of being stolen...

Except two things...


It's the forums, not the steam account. Even if your account does get hacked, Steam actually seems to be pretty good about getting those things sorted out, especially when it's something public like this.


Second, unless the game actively uses a Steam connection (Neither Skyrim nor FONV needs one) the game can always be used after being activated through Steam, even if you lose connection or access to your account for a time.


Plus one additional bit since this is Skyrim we're talking about. Since Skyrim won't have a CD check, and can always be re-downloaded from your account, you won't have to make your own backup disk so that you don't ruin the one that came with the game over time (since the disc can get scratched, warped, or corrupted from handling over the years). My FONV disc is still in like-new condition... My Oblivion is in it's second backup copy, my Morrowind... I've lost track.

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If you feel you have personal information stolen please change your password asap, its not just the forums. If you have been on steam lately there is a message stating the issue. I personally dont have any credit card info or anything of that nature, if it is its simply gift cards.


Oh off topic i have Skyrim :biggrin:

Edited by Thor.
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