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Skyrim on sale in the Netherlands


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This is great, the console crowd can play as soon as they get the DVD while we have to wait for an arbitrary date set by some marketing twonk. http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/958/swear2.gif
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Playing right in to the hands of the "use Steam more" developer thinking.


Don't think it will be long before there's Steam-esque locking and unlocking for the consoles as well.


I already expected ps4 and the next Xbox to have some form of DRM. publishers hates used game sales.

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Playing right in to the hands of the "use Steam more" developer thinking.


Don't think it will be long before there's Steam-esque locking and unlocking for the consoles as well.


I already expected ps4 and the next Xbox to have some form of DRM. publishers hates used game sales.


About 25% of 360s and PS3s aren't connected to the internet, the number is even higher for the Wii, that's an awful lot of lost custom.

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Playing right in to the hands of the "use Steam more" developer thinking.


Don't think it will be long before there's Steam-esque locking and unlocking for the consoles as well.


I already expected ps4 and the next Xbox to have some form of DRM. publishers hates used game sales.


About 25% of 360s and PS3s aren't connected to the internet, the number is even higher for the Wii, that's an awful lot of lost custom.


They'll think of something and whats a wii? It plays games I thought it was just a table ornament or that thing people put in their closet after a purchase of a 360 or ps3


Honestly I know like 10 people with wii and that's all they're used for.

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I remember reading somewhere the Microsoft or Activision was banning anyone playing Modern Warfare 3 before it launched. I think something similar happened for Gears of War 3 and Halo: Reach. Only a matter of time until consoles get a 'play before release get banned' policy for all games.
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If consoles DO go through with the whole DRM thing, I guarantee you that console sales will drop by at least 15 to 25 percent, piracy rates will achieve interstellar spaceflight and Windows/Mac will become the only gaming medium for a while, until game companies realize that you can't possibly have business by forcing people to do what they don't want to.


And until they reach that conclusion, I'll probably never play a game on any platform again.

Edited by Delikatessen
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