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Will the nexus work for the remastered skyrim


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I still maintain that if it 'aint broke, don't 'fix' it.


That logic can be used on a great majority of the top endorsed mods on the nexus which aim to improve existing game mechanics that were already working perfectly fine if in a reduced capacity.


They are of no benefit to PC users and are only a hindrance.


DirectX 9 came out in 2002. The notion that updating something so old and yet so critical to how the game looks and behaves is a hindrance is insane.


The first 32 bit program came out in the 1960's, the first 32 bit capable windows operating system did not come out until 1995, 32 bit is ancient and unreliable for the needs of gaming in 2011 let alone 2016, ENBoost or no ENBoost.

Edited by Darthsith
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They are of no benefit to PC users and are only a hindrance.

The game running on 64x is a great plus, it should be more stable and handle more load.



Can you elaborate on what you mean more load? What will 64 bit allow mods to do that 32bit cant?

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They are of no benefit to PC users and are only a hindrance.

The game running on 64x is a great plus, it should be more stable and handle more load.



Can you elaborate on what you mean more load? What will 64 bit allow mods to do that 32bit cant?


More scripts, more ncps, more textures etc. due to an increase in the memory it can use. The engine is far more stable as well.

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Not only SKSE has to be ported but also all the SKSE mods should be rebuilt as well. At least they need to be recompiled once.


All the SKSE mods as well as SKSE itself are DLL-based, which strictly follows the underlying architecture (x86, x64) of the process (.exe) they are attached to. If Skyrim binary is to be ported to x64, ALL of them need to be x64 as well. Currently everything is x86 (32 bit). Thus, even if Skyrim and SKSE gets ported to x64, the mods are currently released in x86, so they will not glue themselves together.


The implication is that if your SKSE mod has been "finished", i.e. no support from now on because the developers left for various reasons, it will probably not going to make it. The 64bit porting of SKSE itself is not sufficient to run them.

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its a remaster for consoles consoles wont be using nexus


there is no remaster for pc as its just a graphic overhaul which there is plenty of mods for the pc


Actually, it's a complete overhaul. Not just graphics. It will be very beneficial to get on PC, even if you have "better graphics" because it is on a better system, even having better FPS than current Skyrim. The kind of stuff that can be used to really make a much better game via mods with this.



But you can be sure the remaster will be infected with bethesda.net. They'll disable achievements and all the other hassles that came with FO4 will be there too.


Nothing entirely wrong with Bethesda.net. Just ignore it on the PC and achievements are useless anyways. I've gotten them all on the Xbox 360 version of Skyrim completely on accident and I really don't care for them in the first place anyways.



They are of no benefit to PC users and are only a hindrance.


So having 60fps instead of 30fps, and a general updated system, on the PC version is an hindrance? Last I check, you can't simply mod the fps that a game allows. Correct me if I'm wrong here though. I'm not someone who really cares about graphics and this sort of stuff, I'm more of a gameplay and having fun type of person. So never gotten any graphics related mods and such for Skyrim.



They only see the Nexus as a gold mine to pillage. If they didn't, then they wouldn't have lured mod authors away to become Steam only when they tried paid mods


This is just your opinion since we can't get any official say on what really happened with the "paid mods" ordeal but I saw that mostly on Valve's part, then Bethesda's. Mostly because Valve already does something similar to paid mods for their own games anyways and Valve makes most of their money off of the people purchasing that kind of stuff, instead of actually making and selling games. I don't think the paid mods idea was Bethesda's own actual idea but they were convinced to agree to it at the end of the day. On top of that, you're forgetting that this could also just be Zenimax's doing since Bethesda is just owned by Zenimax and usually it's Zenimax who controls the pricing of things and release dates for games, not Bethesda themselves.

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But you can be sure the remaster will be infected with bethesda.net. They'll disable achievements and all the other hassles that came with FO4 will be there too. They want you to use bethesda.net and abandon the Nexus. They only see the Nexus as a gold mine to pillage. If they didn't, then they wouldn't have lured mod authors away to become Steam only when they tried paid mods.


I still maintain that if it 'aint broke, don't 'fix' it. All these changes benefit console users. They are of no benefit to PC users and are only a hindrance. I am still convinced that they have been working over time on something ever since they failed with their paid mods plan. Something that will let them get what they originally wanted at the expense of the Nexus mod author/user... More money.

i agree. i don't think we pc users will need much from the skyrim remastered. bethesda would have to do something really ball busting to pull us away from what we have now and even then they would risk, pissing off our fragile community, thus telling us "yeah, f*** all the hard work on the original" maybe i'm just talking out my ass, but bethesda seems to be going in a "for the console users!" spirit lately and it's been elbowing pc users out of the way. so in conclusion, there is no real reason to need skyrim remastered, unless it's top s***

Edited by odst959
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