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Thoughts on Fallout 4's DLC ending in August?


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Just my opinion, but I'm disappointed. I was really expecting Bethesda to follow the same scheme they had with FO3's 4 or 5 DLC land masses. Instead we get two, and a handful of DLCs that appear to have mostly mined the modding community and not offer anything new.


I am not upset about the money I spent on the season pass, but I probably won't outright buy anymore passes from Bethesda until I know more about them. I based my purchase off their past actions.


Just to be clear, I'm just expressing disappointment, not internet rage, and I am genuinely curious about how people on the Nexus feel.



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I'm probably a little disappointed but I'm certainly not surprised. It might the new pattern we can expect now. We only got two large dlc and a small one for Skyrim. I'm very glad I bought the season pass when it was on the cheap.

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Absolutely, you basically get 2 legit dlc's, plus a bunch of little crafting DLC's that CDPR would have given away for free. Actually, when you look at Witcher 3's 2 story DLC's along-side FO4's 2 story DLC's, for half the price, Bethesda should be ashamed.


EDIT: Obviously I'm making an assumption that the Nuka World DLC will be similar in scope as Far Harbor, not first-hand experience.

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Ya, I'm a little disappointed as well.


I am also very glad I bought the Season Pass at a low cost.


* Wasteland Workshop was not what I would / could call a DLC. It was more an "expansion pack" - so I'm not even counting that as a DLC.


* Robot DLC, was okay, but it was not what I would have called a "good" DLC, it was 'fair'.


* Far Harbor, that was indeed a GREAT DLC. I was going, "... finally, they got some writers that knew how to weave a great story line..."


Fallout 4 Base game was a major disappointment. For all the hype, I was expecting, well more than I got. The game, well, was a challenge to keep me interested. I kept hoping for the MOD COMMUNITY to "come to the rescue" .... and I still hope that it does! ( Please .... )


Other wise - Fallout 4 will die a slow and painful death.


So for now we got: 1 Expansion Pack ( Wasteland Workshop ) and 1 1/2 DLC's.


. o O (sigh)

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* Wasteland Workshop was not what I would / could call a DLC. It was more an "expansion pack" - so I'm not even counting that as a DLC.


That's interesting that you would classify it that way. I always considered "expansions" or "expansion packs" to be the major content addons, while "DLC" would be all of the other smaller things.


EDIT: For example:


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I think they are basing all their future profit on the modding community. Even the new Skyrim remaster is relying heavily on unlocked console mod support. It's a good tactic but I think it's a bit lazy, they really could have been taking ideas from popular mods and inserting them into the base game to improve the experience for everyone without just relying on mods and the support of the fan community. I would have liked some more story expansions but I've liked the DLC's so far, it was certainly worth the cost of the season pass.

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Pretty disappointing. I expected there to be an announcement of a Season 2 of DLC coming in 2017- get your Season Pass right now for only $30 (limited time only, price may vary by location).

For them to give up on making DLC nine months after release knowing they have a gap of around seven years between games? It's heartbreaking. How can they expect to keep fans? Do they not want the same fans playing their games, anxiously anticipating the next one, introducing their children and grandchildren to their favorite series? We throw money at Bethsoft hand over fist and they're just like, "Meh, modders will take care of the rest. It's Cookie Wednesday. Race you to the cafeteria!"

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Fairly negative on the announcements. If they announced this prior to fallout 4s launch I'd have been far more optimistic.


To explain, I was able to buy into the plot of fallout 4, thinking that with a little effort you could care about your spouse and kid. Hell they managed to make me care in fallout 3. However, what we got was perhaps two lines of dialogue with your spouse, and we are supposed to have some sort of emotional buy in?


Waste land workshop: It sounded neat, and I had hopes that the capture system would be at least somewhat interactive. At the very least a new ammo type for a syringe gun. Instead we got a lame ass script.


Automatron - Sounded great on paper. What we got though was literally two quests, and lots of robots to make. Which without mods would be reduced to a build a robot provisoner mod.


Far harbor - Not many complaints about this, other then they didn't bother to factor in survival mode. How many folks got tired of hoofing it around the entire bloody island? No virtibirds, no teleportation.. If I had to guess the development teams don't bloody talk to each other.


So in conclusion, their announcements tend to all sound great on paper, then fall drastically short in the delivering.

Edited by Mavkiel
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I'm somewhat glad to see a fair consensus; let's me know I'm not looking at things in a skewed manner.


Regarding the Skyrim DLC model being an indicator of future DLC models, I would have to agree; I should have seen this coming.


Regarding modding being Bethesda's new base support/profit tactic, that's fine, but I would just like to see them contact a mod author who's idea they wish to build on and either compensate them, or at least give them credit. Instead, they seem to be doing what their terms and conditions on Bethesda.net state is not acceptable. Sure, it's their IP, but it just seems a little out of character and not in general good faith towards the user base that has garnered them so much attention and success. Just to be clear, I am not dogging Bethesda, just giving my perspective. They are by far one of the best devs and publishers out there today. I'm sure Xenimax puts pressure on them to do things they don't like. I'm sure none of the people at Bethesda Game Studios started doing what they do for money, but everyone has a boss or someone they answer to.


Regarding Far Harbor's lack of attention to Survival Mode, I agree.



It was weird having the BOS or Institute travel up their and yet not give you a ride back to Acadia when the mission called for it. You just sat there and watched them teleport there or the vertibird take off and leave you to walk back.








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