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Weapon/Armour mods you want.


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Ornstein's armor and weapon from Dark Souls. Maybe for lulz, but Smough's too.


I would also love Dark Soul's Dragonslayer Greatbow added.


MAYBE the elite knight's armor set too.


Maybe Havel's armor too. (Just to annoy people who hate people who use it online)


Could also use a Gwynevere's robe. (Great chest ahead)

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Legendary Items and weapons like in FF...

I Mean:

_Mjollnir (Thor's Hammer the Hammer of Lightning That allways come back to its owner after being throwed)

_Durandal ( Roland's sword, Roland was a Charlemagne knight, a french legend tells that this sword was so hard that was able to open a fault onto a mountain)

_Balmung (Siegfried's sword the sword that killed "Fafnir" the Lord Dragon in the nordic legend of the niebelungens)

_Caladbolg (Excalibur in Arthur's legend Caladbolg was a sword of light, able to kill anyone in one attack, owned by "Dana" people in Irish Celtic legends)

_Beowulf's Armor (See the german Mythology a powerfull enchanted armour)

_Achille's armor (See Greak mythology a gift from " Ephaistos" the god of fire an armor known to be invicible)


Just for fun, but would be cool to have a quest for finding these.

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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I'm probably the most boring person in this thread... what I'd like would be a DnD style elven chain stylized for a ranger acting as a scout. So a stealthy scout type armor instead of something ornate and showy.


Armor type: Chainmail

Unique features:

* Chain links are very dark blue and brown (to better blend in with shadows) instead of shiny.

* Dark blue leather overlay with dark gray trimmings, or dark gray designs (maybe like ebony armor, which I love)

* The gloves would have leather along the top of the hand/fingers and palm, but the sides would be visible chain.

* The boots would be chain but covered in leather.

* The helm ---- this is the tough part - I haven't found a helm I like search the web.


And for weapons... I love the intricate designs of the ebony weapons (especially with the gold inlay mod - beautiful) but the dagger is too stylized and the sword is more like a katana. I'd like to see the blade for the dagger be just gently curved and the handle a little more robust. And then for the sword, a more robust handle and a slightly thicker, and shorter, gently curved blade. Something akin to melding a katana's blade (though slightly thicker) with a more European style longsword hilt (though less crosslike).


I wish I could draw... :( lol


Basically, the idea is to look sleek, without stylization, but maintain the intricate inlays that ebony weapons/armor currently have.

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  • 2 months later...

Alright, multiple thing si"d like to see...


1. Roman Lorica Segmentata. I love this armor design, and with the fall of the Roman Empire being a clear inspiration, the lack of proper Roman items is disappointing.


2. Roman Gladius, Spatha, and Pugio. Sword, Longsword, and dagger in Roman styling.


3. Hornless Iron Helmet. I hate the horns on the iron helmet. I hate horns on helmets, period. I don't think they look good, they're impractical, and they don't really intimidate people that well.


4. Celtic swords. I love me some Celtic swords. :D


5. Proper chain mail hauberk. There was (kinda) one in Oblivion, what happened to chain mail in Skyrim?


6. Kilts. See Braveheart.


7. Sword of William Wallace. Also see Braveheart.


8. Leather plate armor. If you watch Beowulf, the armor from that movie.


9. Nasty falcion from the Macejerowski (sp?) Bible. http://www.manningimperial.com/catalogue/259main.jpg <- second from top in that pic.

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  • 3 months later...

Star Wars.


You asked...


Perhaps some kind of classic Jedi robes like from episode 1, and maybe some Sith robes too. Something epic.


Anyways, won't happen. Seems like there's an ignorance towards Star Wars in the Skyrim community.


I already have Magicka Sabers and a moon Deathstar, so the archmages robes works fine anyways.


Perhaps some ewoks? Haha, wrong thread.

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Dont know what u folks think but I think armor in skyrim both steel and the other fantasy stuff sucks. I think when u wear the steel armor u look like an oversize headed idiot and when u wear the other ones u ll just look like an angel walking on earth or something I ll ask for just one simple thing from u guys if it is possible make some god damn standart soldier armors like they had in beowulf 2008 like the ones that soldiers were wearing there because those armours were really close to reality and also standart not too epic not too dull. And also if you can make it, make the beowulf's armor because that one is both epic and plain. Plain is always good pure is always the best cmon folks just think about it we already have too many living legends walking around we need something plain in the game so the legends could show themselves..anyways if u can do it It will be great thanks..
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