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The Great Imperial vs. Stormcloak Debate



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  1. 1. Which side will you choose?

    • The Imperial Army! Slay the rebel scum!!
    • The Stormcloaks! Drive out those pompous flat-landers!!
    • Not sure. Can I support the Toast Faction instead?

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What I find incredible ironic is the stormcloaks have the thalmor almost like an "absolute evil"... but the most interesting part is that some people forget WHY they (stormcloaks) consider the thalmor this absolute evil... Is that because they are a militarist regime founded on beliefs of racial supremacy with the specific intent of establishing the racial superiority of Mer over Man? And then we have a rebelion (stormcloaks) which want to fight against the thalmor, but is based around narcissism? LOL... really... This stormcloak rebelion is a complete paradox ... the stormcloaks hate thalmor, however they have a similar behavior, and with a leader like Ulfric they could become a thalmor 2.0 very soon.


IF they were really compromissed with their "cause", they should try to make alliances among the other races who could potentially support them, but nah.. they are more compromissed with their egos... it's almost like they deserve to lose this war... After all, there is no one in skyrim helping the thalmor more than Ulfric. This was probably the WORST time for a declared civil war.

I think all these moviments/organizations/regimes/governments based around some kind of racial superiority tend to collapse soon or later. They just generate more and more wars until the collapse.


Imperials aren't the "good side" too, there is the important question about the cultural supression, but after balancing both sides, I consider this the lesser of two evils, at least. And imo, that's exactly why at the first 10 minutes of the game, bethesda has created a situation where you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it also make you look at Ulfric as a poor innocent victim, and the imperials as the stupid bad guys. I'm sure the intend of Bethesda was to confuse you even more :P


Ofc, this is just my perspective :P


Edit: and btw a good dlc or expansion involving this (thalmor, civil war, ...) would be very cool. I would love to have an option to challenge ulfric in the "old nord way" and shout his racist ass apart, and then establishing new rules in the rebelion. For the imperials would be cool to have a moment where they stop supporting the thalmor and with the help of the allied holds they could clean the thalmor influence in skyrim.

Edited by janaseca
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First of all I'm a stormclock through and through. Just think for a second about what they are fighting for. Those ******* Thalmar banned the worship of Talos with the White-Gold Concordment. Thats like our president saying that it's illegal to worship god. Talos was part of their culture. And did the Imperials try to do anything. NO! They just sat there like idiots and signed it.


That's why I'm a Stormcloack and proud to be one. PRAISE TALOS!!!

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The first influence for me was the same as most players. Getting your head nearly cut off for no reason tends to leave a bad taste in one's mouth - and you would have, if not for Alduin. Though it's strange Alduin chose to attack there of all places. Why save the Dragonborn? Or if not the Dragonborn, why Ulfric? Or maybe Alduin could just sense the Dragonborn's presence somewhere there and decided to kill everyone. I think it was one of his first actions upon returning to the world... makes sense to wipe our your biggest threat right from the get go, especially in such a vulnerable spot.


The next was the banning of the worship of Talos and how the Empire was basically a puppet to the Aldmeri Dominion. The Thalmor secretly kidnapping people in the middle of the night didn't help matters either. The Empire wasn't going to stop it any time soon, but the Nords sure as hell would.


Problem is, if the Thalmor invade I'm not sure if Skyrim alone could hold them off on their own. If they were no longer part of the Empire and the Empire didn't send aid, then it would open way for a Thalmor land invasion on Cyrodil. But I could just never really get over the Empire bowing down to the Thalmor and turning a blind eye to the Thalmor.


What was worse was that in Skyrim Ulfric's challenge to High King Torygg. In Skyrim the ways of old are sacred and Ulfric's challenge was legitimate - Roggvir said it himself. He should be High King. A grieving wife refuses to see that, and an Empire does not want to lose a province. By right, Ulfric should be High King. A true Nord would be bound by honor to carry out their duty to their father's fathers. I believe Ulfric's claim to the throne has legitimacy. It should also be noted he studied with the Greybeards, he was accepted as a student... a very rare thing to be accepted by the Greybeards to learn the way of the voice.


The following will be spoilers... read at your peril...



I think the real question is about all the dragons left alive at the end, and potentially even Paarthurnax... though, I saw leaving him alive as a good thing. Killing him just because what he was made me refuse to side with the Blades.


The Emperor himself was really weak though - you can even kill him yourself. After a simple conversation with him it's clear that he was never fit to rule.


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I think the empire versus storm-cloak idea is heavily influenced by the Roman Empire vs Barbarian conflicts. And Ill say this, though many a times it seemed Rome was the aggressive condescending bully, I'm very glad for western society that they where. They gave us so much, with their ancient Greek influences. The birth of a republic, scientific method, philosophy. So if the skyrim empire represents a pysdo-Rome then I support it, at any cost. Because sometimes the means do justify the end.
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the imperials are cowardly, bending to the thalmors every disire. at least ulfric and the stormcloaks are fighting for the right reasons, even if they're racist against just about everyone, id still rather have a king ready to fight for my home rather then a queen willing to surrender it at a moments notice. besides who wouldnt be a little cheesed off if an entire race started arresting people just for worshipping different gods. the thalmor are the enemy and the empire supports them, even though they dont admit it. they would never take action against the thalmor, they're all talk. as a matter of fact hadvar proves that with one of my favorite quotes


"what the rebels like to forget is that the empire is whats keeping the thalmor out of skyrim." is that so hadvar? ok explain ancano? explain ondelemar? explain elenwen? explain why thalmor justiciar are walking all around skyrim with bounded stormcloak prisoners? explain the thalmor embassy and northwatch keep, both built in skyrim for the thalmor? bottom line what the thalmor want, the empire will provide.


*spoilers* lets take it another step further, the factions of skyrim. kodlak whitemane, harbinger of the companions, his words and advise isnt just treasured amoungst the companions but in each hold as well (it says so in several loading screens), and he is a talos worshipper. the gray-manes are also strong supporters of the stormcloaks and 2 of them are companions as well. you dont see any imperial supporters in the companions, ria is an imperial but not a legionare. then the college of winterhold, i cant imagine them being too impressed with the legion after what ancano did, not to mention thier distain for the synod. i dont like the blades but even they are talos worshippers, delphine makes this apparent.


like i said the imperials are all talk and no walk, skyrim is better without them. the stormcloaks are warriors, proud, strong, and brave. they will fight for thier land or gloriously die trying, and ulfric will lead them to freedom. i am proud to count myself as a son of skyrim.

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