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Hahah, speaking of films with flying things in it - I finished watching Howl's moving castle just now :P.


Anyway, nami proposed a wow goblin zep, QQuix's LoginToDownload's design wasn't much too different and Tri posted a picture of a boat in a way similar to all theese designs.


Armed with the knowledge that what you people want is an imperial boat lookalike adorned with a nix hound skin baloon filled with netch gas instead of a marvel of dwemer technology I'll reevaluate my take on the ship design.


I'll just load up a ship mesh from vanila, remove the masts add a prolonged sphere for the baloon and I'll call it a day.

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Oops sorry there.


Didnd't sleep tonight so I'm kind off conjuring things up.


Anyway, you made me realise that I do not yet know your take on the subject.


Ricky didn't discern his views yet either. But dwemer or not he'd probably like to have it look the same way as the concept in the airship mod thread.


Then again he's always sounding in an overreactish way, so I just might be wrong.

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IHRE, yeah just make a real boat. However, you can do textures right? Use textures to reflect the Dwemer-ness of the craft. You know, like all steel and stuff. And feel free to add armor plating and the such like. While the vanilla ship is a great idea, don't forget to mess with it slightly.
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Ok, I must be getting retarded or something because I just can't design anything looking atleast remotely dwemerish, the last atempt looks like a frikin submarine


Guys I serriously need your help, draw me a few sketches, link me to something you'd like it to look like or just try to give me a few pointers because otherwise I'll be just scrapping my designs for ever and ever. (Just for the record - that was attempt number 7)

Ricky didn't discern his views yet either. But dwemer or not he'd probably like to have it look the same way as the concept in the airship mod thread.

Well, if I'm going to be perfectly sincere for once, I'll go ahead and say that this was always my favorite design. So, yeah, I'm into the whole boat-with-balloons concept too.

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Anyway, you made me realize that I do not yet know your take on the subject.
Not sure what you mean (English is not my native language)


If you are asking for my opinion on the boat design, I have none.

No artistic talent, whatsoever.

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