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Dragon City Mod


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Shadow, don't question the cat. It is illegal. So in that light...Cat, you will see the story just as damn soon as everyone else. Sorry, you've already heard most of it anyway. I am about to go work on it right now; expect it later tonight.


EDIT: The story is up! You know where to find it...

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Please excuse my lack of endurance, but I don't take particularly well to the fact of reading near 100 pages so...


Rather then me sifting through that could anyone tell me: Has this mod officially been started (example: esps, meshes, world spaces made, quests made) or is the story just being made right now?

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Please excuse my lack of endurance, but I don't take particularly well to the fact of reading near 100 pages so...


Rather then me sifting through that could anyone tell me: Has this mod officially been started (example: esps, meshes, world spaces made, quests made) or is the story just being made right now?


Actually, the project is well underway. We have the majority of the city's basic architecture complete, and we are currently creating several custom meshes in order to improve it further. We have also begun work on our airship, which we have been discussing over the past few pages... among other things. Also, I am allegedly working on armour and Most everybody is chipping into NPC creation, at least concept-wise. So that's that.

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Hey everyone. it makes me sad to announce, just under 100 pages worth of creativity, that this thread is formally closed. You heard me. Any new posts after this one will not be read. All corespondance will take place elsewhere; if you haven't been told the location, you don't need to know (Yay, covert operations!). Now, anyone who reads this and gets all bummed out, don't worry! The mod has, if anything, picked up speed. The Beta should be out before Christmas. Anyone who seriously wishes to help should PM me. If I think you are serious enough not to just come spam our meeting place and to actually contribute more than just a story idea once and awhile, I will spread the word and you can join the team. I am being selective like this because there have been several people on this particular thread who have, over the last hundred pages, taken a liking to spamming with ridiculous impossible ideas and questioning obvious things. In short, wasting space. This forum has been good to us, and we will still stay around, but we have found a better place where we can seriously converse about this particular goal. See you on the other side!
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Ouch harsh Triforce....Good luck with the mod, I'll help anyway I can (I should probably be pming this to you)
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