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Skyrim vs Fallout 4


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Quick question for all of you Skyrim lovers, of which I'll admit up front that I'm not. Nothing against the game but it's just not my type of game. I've always been a Fall Out fan with FO3 still my favorite. Anyway the question. What was Skyrim like when it was less than a year old? I often read posts about how it wasn't all that great and that over time (years) with modding it became what it has become. Now be honest and don't come flying back at me from your heart. Was the game really all that great when it was less than a year old like FO4 is? Seems like Beth is Beth. They give us alright vanilla games and the mod authors then turn the games into something special... Just give FO4 time...

It was'nt, i think because there are alot more quests in vanilla Skyrim then FO4 it kept you busy for longer and not wanting mods because there was so much to do and explore. Now the Fallout games never were bigger then the Elder Scrolls games.


The MQ in FO3 and NV are not longer then the MQ in FO4. Just Megaton and Good Springs kept you busy longer then anything in FO4. There was however a whole lot more to do in side quests, exploring and meeting interesting NPC's. Tenpenny, Rebublic of Dave, Museum of history, tons of subways to explore, The casino's, bounty's, town overrun by ants, the antagonizer and a ton of little things i forgot.


I have not found anything like it in FO4, there simply is'nt much beyond the MQ and basically just fetch quests from the different factions. And yes, Moira's quest was also just a fetch quest, but at least it had a fun NPC and some story to it. It's those little things that FO4 lacks from the start which imho is the main reason for complaints.


It's up to modders to fill in those blanks within the next couple of years. Interesting NPC's is a great mod for Skyrim and something desperatly needed for FO4. It's a nucleair wasteland and there should not be alot of people around, but those that are around should be alot more interesting.

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