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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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Yes, for literally millions of us out here the game runs fine. For the hundreds or perhaps even thousands who are having problems just keep checking up on solutions. Here's the latest mod that may help some -




i dont think you know what the word "literally" means.


unless of course you have taken a poll of these millions and can show the results,

if not then its just you using false stats to prove a point thats already been debunked by the provable posts on this and every other forum or game site.


for further proof i suggest the ps3 problems and the day 1 patch and subsequent botched patches for the "perfectly" working game


in fact avery short peek into these and other forums actually shows that those claiming a perfect game are so few thats its laughable anyone can try and put across the idea the game runs perfectly.



now this is where we hear the old quote of "but if thier games running fine they wouldnt go to a forum"

which begs 2 more questions...

1: why are they here if thier game runs fine

2: where were all those who didnt post on forums on first week of release,when it was so broken it needed a day 1 patch.


the biggest laughable point so far is the console textures on a pc,and some people saying it looks fabulous even before any tex packs were released.

but coming second as laughable is those who go into tech forums shouting thier games running fine,


but i suppose with wide access to the net we will always get the fruit cakes who get a mastabutory thrill from misleading those with problems..

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@ Rimmer Bsc.Ssc. - There are over 6 billion people in the world. I don't have to speak to each one of them to verify that.


No one knows the exact number of PC units sold but there are over 10 million units shipped for all platforms. There are hundreds of thousands of people playing Skyrim on Steam at given time and who knows how many playing offline. Skyrim is the fastest selling game in Steams history. Skyrim has outsold every other PC game by a three to one margin. So, although it is impossible to say exactly how many people are playing Skyrim on PC it is conservative to say at least 2 million. There are at most a few thousand people experiencing problems while the rest are happily playing the game. The reason those of us who aren't having problems are here on the tech support problems is because we sincerely want to help those that are having problems.


I understand that misery loves company but wish there was a shelf life on that!

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@ Rimmer Bsc.Ssc. - There are over 6 billion people in the world. I don't have to speak to each one of them to verify that.


No one knows the exact number of PC units sold but there are over 10 million units shipped for all platforms. There are hundreds of thousands of people playing Skyrim on Steam at given time and who knows how many playing offline. Skyrim is the fastest selling game in Steams history. Skyrim has outsold every other PC game by a three to one margin. So, although it is impossible to say exactly how many people are playing Skyrim on PC it is conservative to say at least 2 million. There are at most a few thousand people experiencing problems while the rest are happily playing the game. The reason those of us who aren't having problems are here on the tech support problems is because we sincerely want to help those that are having problems.


I understand that misery loves company but wish there was a shelf life on that!


Despite the problems I've had and figuring out the solution for my system, I do like playing the game even though I'm more of an action player like BF3. Can't argue with the numbers or with people who are convinced within themselves.


Let's see 10,000,000 * $60 = $600,000,000 WOW!

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Well, ever since I got my Graphics card, I found out I never had enough watts to support it.

So my Power Supply had to pull what little watts it had left out of it's ass.

But if that wasn't enough, I decided to try Hyper Drive with my Graphics card since the game had been running fine ever since upgrading to Windows Vista..

Bad move.

Fried my Power Supply.

My old Power Supply was 550 watts, and the Geforce GTX 560 Ti uses about 200 Watts +..

Luckily, i've ordered a new Power Supply that's 800 watts.

Should be here by Monday.

I'm dying to play Skyrim again.


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@ Rimmer Bsc.Ssc. - There are over 6 billion people in the world. I don't have to speak to each one of them to verify that.


No one knows the exact number of PC units sold but there are over 10 million units shipped for all platforms. There are hundreds of thousands of people playing Skyrim on Steam at given time and who knows how many playing offline. Skyrim is the fastest selling game in Steams history. Skyrim has outsold every other PC game by a three to one margin. So, although it is impossible to say exactly how many people are playing Skyrim on PC it is conservative to say at least 2 million. There are at most a few thousand people experiencing problems while the rest are happily playing the game. The reason those of us who aren't having problems are here on the tech support problems is because we sincerely want to help those that are having problems.


I understand that misery loves company but wish there was a shelf life on that!


actually there was only ever 100000 copies sold on every platform.


50000 were returned as faulty


30000 are ps3 and we know what they are suffering


10000 pc were sold,of which 9982 have had severe problems with the game


the last 10000 were xbox,and they dont have pc`s to complain online


those are my conservative estimates ;)

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This is gutting.


Im only a few hours into the game & LOVING IT.


But now, just today, the game wont let me have more than 10 minutes before a CTD - as i said, it's gutting!


This here is my 64bit dxdiag attached

Edited by Raiden8
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Windows XP 32 bit (haven't had time or money to upgrade that yet)

4 gigs ram (of course, only sees 3.25 gigs)

AMD Athlon 64 x2 dual core processor 5200+ 2.61 Ghz

ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series


Here's my story.


My friend gave it to me for present, installed it for me. I never had a problem. Right before Christmas, I found out it was an illegal copy.

So I bought it and installed it for real. (I have enough games I dont' need to get an illegal copy) Then over Christmas, my old video card died (it was a radeon 9500 series, I beleive).


I replaced the video card with the HD 4600, replaced my power supply with a 620 watt and installed my legal copy.


Every since it does the black screen computer reboot error.

I can't get anything to work.

I've tried bare settings, I've tried no AA, etc... I've tried lower resolutions.

Still trying, but dang this is crazy.

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Do we know exactly what is causing the problem?

CPU usage?


I'm reading all sorts of things. Having an idea where to start would help.

Anyone have anything definitive?


You can go back about 5-10 pages and read what has been going on or go to the first post.



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