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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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In response to post #39478620. #39478950, #39478990, #39479360, #39481460, #39481565, #39482090, #39482190, #39482470, #39482645 are all replies on the same post.

Kira8002 wrote: I've been using this website for 8 years I guess, and I never bothered coming out of the woodwork to express my opinions or whatever, but I guess now it's a good time. Here it goes:

Dark0ne, you are naive.

People gathered at Nexus for convenience and simplicity's sake. If things start getting too complex or full of drama (like this buzzwords filled post of yours), then we'll just move somewhere else, and this WILL happen to Nexus if you keep making mistakes like this. Your post will divide the community even more than console mods ever would.

We users and content creators own you nothing, you are entitled to nothing. If we see that this site isn't worth the trouble anymore, we'll just pack our s#*! and go.
everstitan wrote: then go and don't come back, right wing trumpeter
PonceMonster wrote: As much as I want to punch you in the face right now... Robin is love, Robin is life.
imbadatgames69 wrote: Wall just got 10ft higher, Pedro.
madpaddy wrote: THIS.... ( Judging by your profile, no file pictures added, 0 endorsements, 7 posts, etc. I'd say that you are on nexus to see what you can get from this community ).

8 years and you haven't given 1 endorsement not contributed a single thing, sorry but your words are as empty as your profile.
Nas00 wrote: Pack your s#*! and go then.

P.S: shut the door on your way out.
sp4rkfist wrote: Good bye then, it's not like you are an active user at nexus despite your join date.
juiceb1tch wrote: Aiite seeya.
Nogrim313 wrote: read the actual article dumb ass.
ArsenicTouch wrote: Next time you have a thought, just let it go Kira8002. It's clear you didn't even understand the point he was making before you started shooting your mouth off. Don't forget to let the door hit you on the way out.

What do you mean by "things start getting too complex"? Also, being in charge of a website and releasing a statement to the comunity explaining the issue it has been having recently and explaining the small changes are going to be happening to the website so as to benefit the whole comunity is NOT drama. It's called being responsible towards your community.

Judging by your profile, no file pictures added, 0 endorsements, 7 posts, etc. I'd say that you are on nexus only to see what you can get from this community, which is absolutely fine, you are in your right to do so and it's within the guidelines of the community.

But the fact that you say that this post will divide a community in which you have not taken any part... is naïve.

Correcting your statement, this comunity does owe Dark0ne something, which is the ability to share content between ourselves so as to enjoy it. He is entitled to his own opinion and on his right to be the one to inform the community on which steps the website is going to take to prevent a very serious issue that affects it which is intellectual property theft.

If you think that trying to protect property from authors whose work you have been enjoying for eight years is "too much of a hassle" for you, then you can, as your said, pack your f*#@ing s#*! and go. Edited by GarnetSan
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In response to post #39479570. #39479965, #39480425 are all replies on the same post.

imbadatgames69 wrote: "Extreme-right"
Don't possibly see how "right"(if you actually understand what it means on the political spectrum) falls in line with PC mustard race. I'd guess it's probably just a form of projection and lashing out at things you don't like.
everstitan wrote: you're only taking issue with that because you, yourself are a RWW(Right wing warrior) complain more
imbadatgames69 wrote: Define the extreme right.
I get that you might not have finished high school yet, but give it your best shot.

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No one actually cares if mods are on consoles, console players are just getting their butt all wet-willyed because they can't run certain mods due to the extension type or what the mod actually changes. And the other problem is modders getting their mods reuploaded without consent just for the mods to not work properly or corrupt saves or what have you. No one in their right mind could actually care about mods being either on consoles or PC, it's jsut that consoles can't use some mods properly which is the console limitation aspect.
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In response to post #39469990. #39471310, #39471555, #39471980, #39472855, #39473705, #39473890, #39473975, #39474085 are all replies on the same post.

skinnytecboy wrote: Firstly, I've always had a great respect for your wise words Dark0nsie
Secondly, I haven't read any of the comments before launching off on my text....

I think in regards to mod piracy, there is a misguided interpretation that console users are to blame.

However, in order to upload mods you need a Pc version of fallout in order to use CK (perhaps there is a way with pirated versions, I'm too innocent to know). Therefore, by and large, the actual perpetrators are PC users and not console users.

The above said, obviously there is fault upon the hands of some console users, but who can blame someone for wanting all those lovely slooty mods that Pc users take for granted?

In regards to the whole layout of bethnet, I personally think it's better (put down those pitchforks and hear me out).

On the nexus main page we are presented predominantly with hotfiles (predominantly underage followers in skyrims case) and a small side section that features "latest" mods. Whereas on Bethnet the presentation is equal among Popular/Favourite and New. In that aspect at least I think the nexus could learn from. Well, it would certainly sedate alk those slooty posts that keep popping up on the forums lately.

Anyway, just speaking my mind and nothing more :)
tazdotnet wrote: why do people give a s#*! what platform a thief uses? a thief is a thief is a thief - give them the Hoffa treatment like any other thief
skinnytecboy wrote: My point exactly. ..minus the Hoffman treatment thingy
Sadguy99 wrote: Pls, define and point out differences between "pc users" and "console" user, sir. If a "pc user" also has a console and play games on both platform what do you call him? "pc console hybrid user" or "pc-onsole user"?
Kukassin wrote: You can do it with a pirated version, so it's both who are to blame.

The only reason I even have a problem with some of the console community is that they f*#@ING SUPPORT IT! That (as a mod author myself) is f*#@ing disgusting and I feel like slamming my fist down their throats when they think themselves the f*#@ing Robin Hood of console modding.
skinnytecboy wrote: I don't call him or her anything. I'm merely stating that you need to have the game on PC in order to use the creation kit
.. Therefore the people uploading stolen mods to consoles are PC users! It's a murky thing isn't it and very easy to breed hate when the obvious isn't pointed out.

Btw... I don't have a console (well I have a ps3 but that doesn't count).

Think happy thoughts :)
Jacebereln wrote: The problem I feel is that some console modders feel ... isolated from some mods and this causes agro, there needs to be a QA about console mods now, the first question should be with an answer that explains why pc mod makers have yet to port x mod yet, and maybe then they'll understand. Console modders can be impatient and this again puts much undue stress on the mod makers, I am as you put is a hybrid gamer, but for beth games pc all the way.
skinnytecboy wrote: Try not to "fist" the console users, it wouldn't be healthy. ;)

Taking a step back for a moment, personally I think it's great that consoles can have mods, it's a brave new world in my books.... For example, I released a mod here with 500 lines of custom dialogue for fallout back in May, it doesn't have any boobs tho, and it currently has 400 d/ls .however, the same mod on beth has 13,000.00 sleep
/ls . Not that what I do is concerned with popularity, but it's nice to feel "worth" for your work.
skinnytecboy wrote: I keep posting at the same time as you... Take each response of mine as a response to each penultimate post..

Gads... time travel is dangerous

Uh, no. It's not that hard to port a mod, owning a PC does not make you a PC player. You can buy a s#*! prebuilt 300 dollar computer that can't play s#*!, and still port mods over. A PC player has no benefit to stealing the mods, as they would be caught as quickly as they upload it, just like how it was with the paid mods fiasco.
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In response to post #39479635. #39479960 is also a reply to the same post.

kealoz wrote: Back in the golden days when the modding community invigorated the mood (regardless of aggravations back then too), nowadays it just seems every time I check back in with the community it just makes me more tired. There's always been dark spots, blame and theft and tension but lately it just seems to have been taken to extreme levels. Idiots blaming all console users for theft clearly not their fault, Bethesda doing little about it, wars being fought in mod comment sections. Kind of depressing to see how far we've devolved. Hope there's a light at the end of the tunnel and we can get back to the days paranoia free modding.

P.S. Violent discussion doesn't solve the problem, it exacerbates it. If you have a point to say keep it calm and rational. We're civilized, not dark age savages.
PonceMonster wrote: We're not really being violent, but there have been people being careless about what they say. I mean, I'm a hypocrite for saying that but that's because I don't give a f*ck xD. But yeah anyways, don't be naive. You could have easily seen this coming, this changes nothing for us, or anyone else that seems to care. You should've known that at some point bethesda would have tried to make modding for consoles, and you should have already been used to them f*#@ing something up or screwing everybody over. You're not being obligated to feel this way, if you had known or had seen this coming, you certainly wouldn't seem so tangible. This brings nothing new to the table, and I hope you realize that. Robin admitted himself on numerous accounts or atleast hinted at it that he didn't even want to make the article.

God, you don't know how many times I have said that last sentence: :P
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good post but the mere mention of paid modding being an inevitability really makes me upset.....

Remember last time when irreversable damage was done? If it becomes a sure thing then I'll imagine the results will be tenfold.

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In response to post #39480075.

vertigo1055 wrote: I read the article, yes the whole thing. I liked it. As a matter of fact I found it a good read for people. The thing I think people do not under stand is that it is like a damn that got broken and needs to get fixed. Console users, when given access to mods thought "great we have mods now for us too". Now the reality is and a lot of Console users don't understand this fact is that it takes a person to make the mod for them to use. Yes, it takes someone willing to take the time and effort to make the mod, then upload it to Bethesda.net for console if they so wish. The sore spot for Console users is that they feel now that they have access they should have "full" access. A lot of the user base for Consoles do not understand that it takes time to make a mod that is fully compatible for the Console in some situations. They don't like that and they want what they have not had before "now". Now there is DRM available for mods, if the mod author so chooses. No, I am not talking about F4SE, I am talking about what is referred to as "vapor ware", wherein basically you have to have a two part "key" system to use the mod. For example the holotape. Pop it in and you now have access to the mod. Do I support mods on Console might be a good question and the answer is yes. However, I will not tolerate blatant theft. Because of the I want it now mentality that has erupted this is what we have and this is what is needing to be dealt with. It sickens me. This whole situation of mod theft just makes me ill. It is what has become and what will destroy the community as a whole. In the end I just hope everyone here realises it comes down to one thing, and that is people. People make the mods, people make up the modding community, and to sh*t on them by stealing hours of hard work just because you "want " something is wrong. Modding was an outlet for me, now it is just an ill word. I have no passion to mod like used to and for me that is a hard thing to say and a sad truth. Thank you Robin for another great post.

Arhhhh my eyes, make it stop the the wall of text, hear that they're coming for YOU hehe.
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In response to post #39469990. #39471310, #39471555, #39471980, #39472855, #39473705, #39473890, #39473975, #39474085, #39480980 are all replies on the same post.

skinnytecboy wrote: Firstly, I've always had a great respect for your wise words Dark0nsie
Secondly, I haven't read any of the comments before launching off on my text....

I think in regards to mod piracy, there is a misguided interpretation that console users are to blame.

However, in order to upload mods you need a Pc version of fallout in order to use CK (perhaps there is a way with pirated versions, I'm too innocent to know). Therefore, by and large, the actual perpetrators are PC users and not console users.

The above said, obviously there is fault upon the hands of some console users, but who can blame someone for wanting all those lovely slooty mods that Pc users take for granted?

In regards to the whole layout of bethnet, I personally think it's better (put down those pitchforks and hear me out).

On the nexus main page we are presented predominantly with hotfiles (predominantly underage followers in skyrims case) and a small side section that features "latest" mods. Whereas on Bethnet the presentation is equal among Popular/Favourite and New. In that aspect at least I think the nexus could learn from. Well, it would certainly sedate alk those slooty posts that keep popping up on the forums lately.

Anyway, just speaking my mind and nothing more :)
tazdotnet wrote: why do people give a s#*! what platform a thief uses? a thief is a thief is a thief - give them the Hoffa treatment like any other thief
skinnytecboy wrote: My point exactly. ..minus the Hoffman treatment thingy
Sadguy99 wrote: Pls, define and point out differences between "pc users" and "console" user, sir. If a "pc user" also has a console and play games on both platform what do you call him? "pc console hybrid user" or "pc-onsole user"?
Kukassin wrote: You can do it with a pirated version, so it's both who are to blame.

The only reason I even have a problem with some of the console community is that they f*#@ING SUPPORT IT! That (as a mod author myself) is f*#@ing disgusting and I feel like slamming my fist down their throats when they think themselves the f*#@ing Robin Hood of console modding.
skinnytecboy wrote: I don't call him or her anything. I'm merely stating that you need to have the game on PC in order to use the creation kit
.. Therefore the people uploading stolen mods to consoles are PC users! It's a murky thing isn't it and very easy to breed hate when the obvious isn't pointed out.

Btw... I don't have a console (well I have a ps3 but that doesn't count).

Think happy thoughts :)
Jacebereln wrote: The problem I feel is that some console modders feel ... isolated from some mods and this causes agro, there needs to be a QA about console mods now, the first question should be with an answer that explains why pc mod makers have yet to port x mod yet, and maybe then they'll understand. Console modders can be impatient and this again puts much undue stress on the mod makers, I am as you put is a hybrid gamer, but for beth games pc all the way.
skinnytecboy wrote: Try not to "fist" the console users, it wouldn't be healthy. ;)

Taking a step back for a moment, personally I think it's great that consoles can have mods, it's a brave new world in my books.... For example, I released a mod here with 500 lines of custom dialogue for fallout back in May, it doesn't have any boobs tho, and it currently has 400 d/ls .however, the same mod on beth has 13,000.00 sleep
/ls . Not that what I do is concerned with popularity, but it's nice to feel "worth" for your work.
skinnytecboy wrote: I keep posting at the same time as you... Take each response of mine as a response to each penultimate post..

Gads... time travel is dangerous
overlord13of13 wrote: Uh, no. It's not that hard to port a mod, owning a PC does not make you a PC player. You can buy a s#*! prebuilt 300 dollar computer that can't play s#*!, and still port mods over. A PC player has no benefit to stealing the mods, as they would be caught as quickly as they upload it, just like how it was with the paid mods fiasco.

What does it matter if the thief uses one platform or another? Also, the problem is NOT bethnet's layout, what gave you that idea? The problem is their moderation of the site. Lastly, the "blaming" of console users isn't about WANTING the mods, is about some console users ENCOURAGING thiefs to steal more mod author's works.

On an ending note, I despise the toxicity of the gaming comunity between a portion(just a portion) of the console community and the so called PC Masterrace(not ALL PC users), which onlys seems to bring more problems to the table than solving them
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