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Skyrim is Very Disappointing, A Major Let-Down.

David Brasher

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If you are about to go buy Skyrim for the PC, you better think twice. Having played the game, I would venture to say that it won't perform satisfactorily on fully half of the PCs that people in this forum own. If you buy it, and your computer can't handle it, you will just be wasting your money.


My computer is an above-average general-purpose computer. First I used the default graphics settings that the game picked out for me by scanning my hardware. It chose "medium" settings. The load times were terrible. Like 5 or 10 minutes to load the game. The lag was so terrible that the controls would hardly function. I could push a button and the computer might not notice. The framerate was atrocious. Like 3 frames per second or something. I could hardly stand to look at the screen.


I turned the graphics settings to "low." It was better, but so laggy and jerky and unresponsive that I didn't enjoy playing.


So then I went into advanced settings and turned everything to the lowest possible low. The game is almost playable now. The graphics are absolutely terrible. They look sort of like Morrowind graphics but maybe not as good. The framerate is still annoyingly low and the controls are not responsive enough. I think I am ready to give it up and not play Skyrim on this machine.


Just because your computer can play Oblivion fine, you should not expect to be able to play Skyrim.


So if you want Skyrim on PC, you better have an awesome gaming computer or a bunch of ready money to spend on buying or building one.


You would probably be safest to just buy Skyrim for the XBox360 or PS3.


Seriously? I'm running a 2.4 quad core with 4 gigs of ram and 2 130$ hd5750s on almost ultra settings just fine, my rig was piecemealed together for just under 750bucks clearly you sir are a troll. Do not buy this game for anything other than PC I have been running the game almost non stop for 3 days and have no issues what so ever.


No need to flame-bait.




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@ across1X


So you are stating that I am a troll and implying that I am a liar. These broad shoulders can take it.


I have given an honest report of how Skyrim performs on my computer. You seem to imagine that what I have reported is impossible and that Skyrim cannot run badly on a computer that is not strong enough.


I congratulate you on your thrift and skill at building a computer from pieces of this and that. I freely admit that I do not know how to build a computer.


I never stated that I had an awesome gaming computer. I said that I have an above average general-purpose computer. It was like the most powerful one in the store I bought it from a little over a year ago.


Judging from the traffic on the forums where people always talk about lag in Oblivion, I have reason to think that numerous people have computers worse than mine that can't run Oblivion as well as I can. So I believe I can justifiably assert that many people will have serious issues trying to get Skyrim to perform satisfactorily on their current hardware.


Now if I was a real troll I would have said something like,


Skirum sux!! lol itsa stupud gam un all the peple thut buy it ur retardud git a lif lusers!!! ROTRL


I really like Morrowind and Oblivion, and I expect that Skyrim is just as fun. I am not telling people not to buy Skyrim. I am telling them that they need to look at their computers closely and try to figure out if Skyrim will work on them before buying the game for PC. It really stinks owning a game you can't play.

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Why does a brand new game that has been on the market for less than 24 hours need a patch already? Is that to say that it was clearly broken from day one, and Bethesda already knew this before releasing the game?


Hi, unfortunately this is pretty normal these days, especially for big open world games. Its mainly because of the time gap between "going gold" and release day. So take it as a good sign, they constantly working on it :)

And this will most certainly not be the last patch ;)

As an first hour victim of A-Bomb and F-Bomb I'm going to delay this one a bit :)

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Considering there was a graphics and engine update, what did you expect?


You should always go into every game thinking it will suck. You should think every game is terrible and pick out the good things as you play it.


You are sure to be disappointed if you start a game assuming it will be perfect and just try to find the bad things within it.


That being said this isn't even a valid complaint if its just due to your system not being able to run it.

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I can imagine optimizing a game like this for several different consoles AND the PC isn't a particularly easy job.

since these processes are independent

(you write for the spectrum, you optimize individually)


there is no excuse


I see, well, goes to show how little I know about optimizing. :P Still, building a game as epic as Skyrim and also get it to run smoothly can't be an easy process.


And David, thats just what I said; you can't expect a new game to run smoothly on a yearold computer.

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yesterday I've got my copy of Skyrim and was a bit worried after reading all those negative threads and comments about this and about that everywhere.


Now I can say it looks fantastic, nice gameplay, great dialogs, ai, everything is really great. Not perfect, but I have yet to find something perfect in this world :rolleyes:


(Now if only Bethesda released the darned Creation Kit as promised....)

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TLDR; I'm complaining, Skyrim isn't that great to me but it's there when I'm bored nothing more or less from this game. I adventure, I see some cool things, then I stop playing for a day. Doesn't feel like an RPG much to me. (All IMO obviously)


Skyrim doens't lag on my PC at all with high settings on everything.

Computer is just one bought from Dell without even having all of the features available. Not sure the exact model but it's not brand new at all and was purchased with a budget in mind.


I seen Bethesdas' name and didn't hype myself up. I expected more of an action type game and I expected something kinda shitty for computer.

It is much better on console and I am speaking from experience. Everything flows smoother in terms of UI and even the game to an extent.


However as far as RPG goes I will be sticking with Fallout 3 for Wasteland fun (I only crash once every 20mins now!) and Oblivion for the TES series simply because mods let me have all the gear I want and there is texture packs to make it not as ugly.


Skyrim is there when I'm bored to be played in small intervals. Nothing more for me, that's just my personal take on the game. I don't find much enjoyment and have a somewhat small list of pet peeves with the game. Unfortunately in this day and age I expect improved versions of well done or already implemented RPG features. Especially in terms of UI, just make it look nicer don't go f*** with the whole thing when the old styles already work nicely.

Never hurt to use popular features from other games, just keep the world unique to the game your making.


Also, side note.

The f*** is with these bows always shooting straight? It actually bugs the hell out of me when I am doing a good 200yard shot with a bow and it shoots straight. Even though I watch the arrow land right on the mob it doesn't do DMG. I'd rather them have the arrows drop instead of setting a set distance to them.

This ain't Call of Duty, I want to judge my shot and make corrections.

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For one, I love Skyrim to death. Two, Skyrim actually runs BETTER than OBLIVION due to the immense improvements to the new engine. Skyrim is way more optimized than Fallout 3, Fallout NV, and Oblivion.


I do not have the best rig in all the land: Windows 7 64 bit, 8 gigs of ram, Radeon HD 4670, Asus gaming mobo, two HDD, and an AMD Phenom X4 965 Black Edition Quad Core Processor running at 3.6 gHrz. Now all these parts can be bought for less that 1000 dollars. Not that expensive when you look at the cost of most other gaming rigs. And guess what? I have Skyrim maxed to Ultra and running with a constant 40+ fps. And it is all thanks to dual harddrives, lots of ram, good mobo, and a nice quad, and a near 3 year old graphics card with 1 gig of ddr3 vram. Which is now a casual gaming card. Not hardcore like you would think skyrim is. But in reality, Skyrim really does not take that much to run and look good.


I mean what did you expect to run skyrim on with a middle end all purpose computer?

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