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Contraptions is Out - First Impressions


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The mannequins are excellent. I just put my entire outfit of around 20 non-vanilla pieces on one and it worked beautifully.


The Power Armor displays are very cool.


Weapon Displays are not bad, quite a few different options available.


The rest is building stuff - BoxCars are very nice. I can see whole settlements being built from these. Warehouse pieces is also a great addition.


What do you guys think?

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I won't have a chance to check these out for about another 10 hours.


I do have a question though, if I may.


Are there ways to load additional schematics into the builders? I saw a Youtube video that showed lists of things for the Builders to make. Ammo for example could make .38 .308 10 mm and 5 mm. But there was no listing for energy ammo. None that I saw anyway.


Can you tell if they are listed somewhere?

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From what I could see just now, you simply build the machine, connect it to a terminal and that's all there is to it. There were around 8 or so different machines of this kind to construct, and you can see what things they build when you connect the terminal.

Looking first at the Ammo press, most noticeably there was no option for creating plasma rounds, gamma rounds, fusion cells or cryo cells but there was the option for building 2mm electromagnetic cartridge rounds. It's a bit weird for sure. Also absent were .45/70 rounds from Far Harbor.


There is a ton of stuff I had no idea about included in this addon. I'm actually quite impressed. I won't spoil any of it, when many of you are still waiting to get your dlc, because some of it is quite cool.

Edited by RaffTheSweetling
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What level is you character? The video I saw was a low level character and didn't have access to 2mm in the ammo press.


As far as value. Yea, I've seen the list of stuff. I think it is well worth the $5 US.

Edited by Loxly
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What level is you character? The video I saw was a low level character and didn't have access to 2mm in the ammo press.


As far as value. Yea, I've seen the list of stuff. I think it is well worth the $5 US.

I think i'm around lvl 122. :)

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What level is you character? The video I saw was a low level character and didn't have access to 2mm in the ammo press.


As far as value. Yea, I've seen the list of stuff. I think it is well worth the $5 US.

I think i'm around lvl 122. :smile:



I wonder how long it will be before mods are added to increase what these devices can make.

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I just found another video showing almost all the ballistic ammo. No 2mm and no 45/70.


My guess would be that what is available is based on what perks the character has.


@Raff, does your character have Science but no Gun Nut?

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I just found another video showing almost all the ballistic ammo. No 2mm and no 45/70.


My guess would be that what is available is based on what perks the character has.


@Raff, does your character have Science but no Gun Nut?


I think you misunderstood, Loxly. I said the .45/70 rounds from Far Harbor were absent from the machine options. And that's not really a surprise, but what is a surprise is the absence of the Plasma and Laser weaponry ammo.

2mm EC rounds are definitely an option however. See photo - http://i.imgur.com/0Kpjn9V.jpg


And to answer your other question, yes, I have maxed-out all of those skills.

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Thanks again.


I take it that Shotgun Shells is off the bottom of the list? In any case, the video I saw doesn't list 2mm EC, so something you did/have gave you access to it that they don't have. So it is possible that you could make the other ammo under the right circumstance.

If not, I guess that means someone will need to mod in the missing ammo is that isn't the case.

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