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Skyrim vs Oblivion vs Morrowind



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  1. 1. Which was your favorite(technology aside)?

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Skyrim, on the other hand, feels incredibly shallow and not only is it not to my taste but I don't think it's a 'great' game by any means.


Heh, i felt the same way about oblivion. I can only play modded oblivion with massive immersion changes. :thumbsup:


Skyrim on the other hand does have that unique feeling and kind of tension in the air like something really menacing is going to happen, but that's it, it just stays there, nothing happens. Also, people talk about how many choices you have in skyrim, but after 60 hours of gameplay i felt forced to do most things rather then i chose to do so. Also quests are very repetative. (these are just my few thoughts on the game and how i felt it, to be honest i think the game is overrated)


Which leaves me to morrowind which i find it to be a winner here simply because of its story, complexion, etc..


Good thing we have three games in the series to play with then ^ :thumbsup: I just wish I could love ALL of them. Would be a joy to swap between three fantastic games.

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After over 120 hours I can tell you this is the best PLAYING game in the series and the ABSOLUTE WORST MENU INTERFACE in the history of RPG. Designed by morons and approved by idiots.

I LOVE this game.



- disgraceful -

- no sorting

- no consistency - when is a left-click really a left click

- non-mappable keys? Ridiculous

- RIDICULOUS in so many ways, I get tongue-tied trying to type them all out

- no access to ANY stats, other than weight and damage and price - no levels, no hit points - sure there's a list of some in the HELP menu...

- open holes in a menu interface? - click to the left of WEAPONS - closes the window.

- can't remap the E key?

- one time R takes one, one time R takes all

- a perk menu to piss off even Ghandi - no control, no overview, no details, takes forever, just trying to control the mouse cursor is a nightmare


Didn't ANYBODY there ever play FO3NV? The PERFECT INTERFACE - PERFECT - you never think about what to do or how to do it, it just happens for you -



I LOVE playing this game; the only time I HATE it is when I have to INTERACT with it.

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Oblivion was absolute trash. The combat was floaty and enemies had massive amounts of HP that they would just heal up. The dungeons were boring and the only loot you could find in them was a few potions, with no unique items unless they were quest related. Only one voice actor for each sex of each race, and every town was the Rainbow Diversity Team with no real difference between the races (I guess this was to help hide how few voice actors there were). The only good thing Oblivion did was the faction quests, which were a lot better than the ones in Morrowind or Oblivion. That first rat quest for the fighter's guild was a funny corruption of an overplayed fantasy trope.


Morrowind was my favorite. It had a certain atmosphere that I just can't imagine any new Elder Scrolls game capturing. I don't just mean the setting, which was great. It's hard to explain, but it was a combination of no fast-travel, the way conversations were in text instead of voice acted, and the slow pace that made playing a more peaceful and less grating experience. I absolutely couldn't play Oblivion or Skyrim with the mod to disable NPC greetings.


Morrowind also had a lot of other things going for it. The UI was better, the scaling was better, and there was a lot of powerful unlevelled loot to make exploration fun and rewarding.


Skyrim was a huge step up from Oblivion and it was a relief to know that Oblivion was just a hiccup from a developer that normally makes great games. The combat is the best in TES series and the dungeon design is amazing as well. Magic is also now more than just colored projectiles. Unfortunately it has some problems that keep it from being as good as Morrowind. One of these problems is the way everything is voice acted, and many of the most verbose characters are also the most irritating.


Besides that, the level scaling. It certainly isn't as bad as it was in Oblivion, and I don't even think level scaling is necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I believe that it's necessary and that mods attempting to remove level scaling are misguided. It's just a little too aggressive, not in regards to the ways enemies level, which is fine and actually not that different from Morrowind. It's the loot scaling. High-level equipment is way too easy to find. At some point you start finding Daedric armor in every chest and it's a bit unrewarding to know that you got it because you got lucky on a RNG, not because you hunted to the ends of the earth to find it.

Did aliens steal your brain? Because I think you had mistaken Skyrim with Oblivion in the first part about no unique items - indeed in Skyrim you cant find anything special (at least for now) but in Oblivion there are many powerful items you can find like these:

- Amulet of Axes

- Necklace of Swords

- Mundane Ring

- Ring of Perfection

- Ring of the Iron Fist

- Ring of Vitality

- Sorcerer's Ring

All of these are very powerful and very valuable items that you can find in random chests, of course you have to be a certain level before they begin to appear and being high end loot they are rare. However some of them can appear on quest related NPCs too for example Raven Camoran will carry a Mundane Ring on him if you are at least level 22.

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Mob Scaling has been an integral part of Bethesda games since, at least Morrowind (I only remember the Arena and Daggerfall stories, not so much the gameplay). I admit, it kinda sucks, and i'd like to see it gone, but its part of how their system works. Without it, you'd have some serious problems. Would you like to run into a Saber Cat while your level 1? It would be a lot more frusterating dieing by pure fluke than having enemies scale to your level. Edited by Lachdonin
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To me, Bethesda reminds me of a US car manufacturer. They have trend setting designs but they have serious QC issues and the need for the occassional recall. Morrowind is like a classic muscle car from the fifties and sixties. If modded right it runs great but no matter what, it still shows its age. Oblivion is like an average car that anyone and everyone pimps out.


Skyrim is like this years version of Oblivion. It's a lot like the old car but it has a few extra features. The company rushed release and cut some corners where they probably shouldn't have, so it is underperforming but that is par for the course. Unfortunately, they decided to go with a third party distributor that has a wide customer base but poor customer relations. When customers go in to service the damn vehicle, the dealer's people screw up the maintenance. Meanwhile, everyone else is still fumbling with the system because no one is familiar with the changes to this year's model and the dealer is bottlenecking distributors from shipping new parts.

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I would run like hell.


Ignoring, of course, the fact that Saber Cats are faster than you...


I'd like to see the game come standard with a toggle for 'Scaled' and 'Realistic' spawns. Scaled being for more casual gamers, Realistic for the immersion. The modding community will do it anyway, they have since Morrowind, but it would be nice to see something like that supported int he retail package.

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