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The next Fallout will be Double Plus Good.


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zanity's right, it might be an old hand thing, where more experienced nerds are old enough to know better and the younglings aren't...

I've noticed the degradation of quality content in general art/things related to it in a sense too for more mainstream gaming titles
it's a drawback to having gaming itself be more mainstream, the mainstream games become lamestream (tame, lame, unimaginative and derivative like star trek enterprise - god I can't believe my TNG loving self actually appreciates voyager nowadays ugh)

back in the day I was watching (the TV was on while I was playing WoW) things on sci-fi channel and it was cheese like relic hunter, earth final conflict, earth2, space above and beyond, the various star treks (all of them), robotech, babylon 5, hercules, xena

to this day, relic hunter is at the level of fallout 4, whereas fallout 3's writing is on the level of babylon 5 first season (so FO4 is like the next seasons of babylon 5 I guess)

I USED to bemoan the out-datedness of topics and naivety of current events in various tv shows and stuff, but foyle's war and the other old british detective series are mature, interesting, subtle, nuanced - there's another series of this genre that touches on gays in the UK back when homosexuality was illegal (or was set in those days) and it was in character, with the younger cop doing what younger people tend to which is "hey this, this isn't "normal society" is this alright? it seems haram" and the response was just that they weren't hurting anyone and keeping to themselves and that was a defense of gays

some of that still exists, but it's blunt references for a gag, not a properly integrated part of world building with consequences for actions

nowadays it's like, "captain america is a hydra agent all along and the red skull is making reasonable points for defending national sovereignty because those things are evil"
it's brash, idiotic and boring, childish and simpleminded - all while patting themselves on the back and being smug for doing the minimum of interesting'ness

don't get me wrong, FO4's got lots of interesting tidbits, but the world-building, the fleshing out of the areas into a cohesive narrative with nuance and multiple aspects relating to a singular reality is severely lacking

better visuals are NOT a sufficient substitute for lack of writing - the old clash of the titans is far superior to the new one, arnie's total recall, well I like colin farrell's as well personally
so many reboots are childish fanboi fan-edits of a "yay me too" and "look at my finger painting it's so great" stuff
like back in the day when people took the guy who put a urinal as a submission as postmodern art and won and then everyone started copying him in earnest when his whole point was that pure absolute literal garbage gets taken in as art and he's sick of it

From a more elitist, downbeat point of view, if we assume that a significant percentage of Viewers Are Morons, it can mean a work that is made to appeal only to the Great Unwashed. Instead of more "worthy" audiences, it is marketed to Joe Sixpack and all his family out there in Flyover Country, taking out everything that anyone more educated might appreciate, reducing it to its most shallow parts.

it's still "funposting" even if you're being "ironic"
funposting being a standin word for something relating to posting and feces as I guess it's mature language

after years of review of things I wasn't a fan of and looking back on, it would appear that there is IN FACT, something of value in those reclusive and semi (not purposefully just kind of natural behavioural practices) exclusionary groupings of different interest groups, lowest common denominator does as much for the art and group as cracking a crab's shell open by a seagull does for the crab
this isn't nostalgia either, I still have about the same view of those things I did before, it's just that I've exhausted all the stuff I've preferred and have access to, meaning they're the next best thing, because I have a good memory for these things - and those meh things compared to a lot of current things, the newer more popular things just come across as I need to go throw up most of the time, there's a few good things occasionally, but most of it comes across as the writers going for an ADHD bells and whistles approach instead of good timing, rhythm and flow - more noise, like thrash metal, as opposed to hardcore metal (I could scrape metal together and bang pots and pans if I wanted thrash - and it's not a new style I grew up and knew about it, so this isn't me getting old either I've just never liked it it doesn't send me into a frenzy the way good trance or rhythmic does - I LIKE being in a frenzy, mindless noise doesn't do it for me though and the same goes with storylines that are full of gags but lack cohesive narrative)

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fallout 4 + season pass
general cause of artistic degradation atm

always a two edged sword, in that someone hits it off proper, while holding the blade themselves lol
while tv tropes says it's never happened, I can attest that the site anonymous is known from essentially has had this problem by its own popularization through "raids" and that as an old /b/tard new /b/ and /pol/ are even worse than we were not because of individuals necessarily being worse, but because of the dynamics of the situation leading to inability to gain a critical mass of awareness and "maturity" in regards to the situational understanding even if you insist on still being a /b/tard :p

I saw this occur with an online game from europe with some large infusions of south american populations ingame, and I'm partly native, which means from both the aboriginal-european and european-americas relations I have seen the detrimental effects this has, in reality and in artistic mediums
it's not that it can't change, it's just the boom-bust nature of it that's just insane. if you care about something.
I'm a part of this boom myself actually, but I'm not *completely foreign to the fundamentals* which some people are, and while this isn't a huge problem in of itself, it's the combination of so many, plus so many of them being foreign to the fundamentals from prior that is an issue

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This is peculiarly interesting article. I will bring this to my office and they will buy me beer.
I also started as a fandom at early age.
Now I am sick of catering so called fandom who are emotionally too attached to the product, focusing on minimal tirivats like a life or death matter while completely neglect the things we have focused and achieved in our latest goods.
No matter shrilling or over-compliment. They are terrifying like they don't see themselves in a mirror at all. Casual fans are much better to get mixed with, and provided more opened view more than a time. As time goes by, I am now more willing to do casuals favor than for diehard fans.
Back to the topic, yeah I would also make cheap, clear, intuitive and easy stuffs. It appeals to more people which means a better chance of expanding customers. And the truth is - there are more people skip all dialogues and want to go shooting than focusing on minor fluffs to their maximum emotion.
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I don't play for pretty people and graphics are one of my lower concerns.


I even find having to kill my way across the map kind of annoying.


Maybe by 2022 Bethesda can return to good storytelling.


It's not like 1:1 exchange but the visual has became more winning factor than stories for the majority in the market. It can be Ironic but console is actually helping us buying that time. Graphic is progressing too fast so we need console barrier to fix this.
Sometimes it feels like a chicken race. The demand is going only onward while the profit is more or less the same. Angry neckbeards do nothing for us but bashing their own keyboards. Luckily they serve a zero factor to the market. We have ten more customers to deal with.
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I don't play for pretty people and graphics are one of my lower concerns.


I even find having to kill my way across the map kind of annoying.


Maybe by 2022 Bethesda can return to good storytelling.


It's not like 1:1 exchange but the visual has became more winning factor than stories for the majority in the market. It can be Ironic but console is actually helping us buying that time. Graphic is progressing too fast so we need console barrier to fix this.
Sometimes it feels like a chicken race. The demand is going only onward while the profit is more or less the same. Angry neckbeards do nothing for us but bashing their own keyboards. Luckily they serve a zero factor to the market. We have ten more customers to deal with.


What a wonderful discount of my thoughts. You completely dismissed my three simple statements and went off on a totally unrelated tangent. Cool.


To top off the utter discarding of my comments; you managed to insult my age, my typing skills and my spending power in the space of two sentences. You ARE good.


Now if I may bring it back onto the issue which the OP raised for me. As gaming progresses, different people will have different priorities. Some want really pretty pictures (as illustrated in the OP). Some want a FPS. Some want NEAT weapons and armor. For me, all that is wasted without a good story to drive it along.


Please feel free to ignore my comments again and go off on a different tangent. I enjoy watching the grandbabies play.

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What a wonderful discount of my thoughts. You completely dismissed my three simple statements and went off on a totally unrelated tangent. Cool.


To top off the utter discarding of my comments; you managed to insult my age, my typing skills and my spending power in the space of two sentences. You ARE good.


Now if I may bring it back onto the issue which the OP raised for me. As gaming progresses, different people will have different priorities. Some want really pretty pictures (as illustrated in the OP). Some want a FPS. Some want NEAT weapons and armor. For me, all that is wasted without a good story to drive it along.


Please feel free to ignore my comments again and go off on a different tangent. I enjoy watching the grandchildren play.


Ahh sorry if you felt that way. The only first paragraph was quoting you.
I guess it would be better clarifying that I wasn't specifically calling anyone Angry Neckbeard. Even if do so, it is not an insult in this field. Just as how gamers often make a good laugh by joking on developers(like OP made fun of it in no harmful way), we also use that term for good laugh. Angry Neckbear is like a Cute Piglet to us. Perhaps that's only possible because they have zero effect on the business.
Maybe it will be also better clarifying my intention. I wanted to offer a different point of view from development part.
Modern games can be underwhelming in story development. It will be more. More resources get forced to being used on epic graphic and spectacle thingies. To keep the business, a front war maintaining the majority of customers at the same time recruiting more of them, developers have little choices.
I saw some pun about VR in this thread. To provide a view, many companies are actively pioneering that field to survive in the future. I am not Beth but ours is also onto that. Video game industry has grown too small and competitive for the investment we put in.
Edited by midtek
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What a wonderful discount of my thoughts. You completely dismissed my three simple statements and went off on a totally unrelated tangent. Cool.


To top off the utter discarding of my comments; you managed to insult my age, my typing skills and my spending power in the space of two sentences. You ARE good.


Now if I may bring it back onto the issue which the OP raised for me. As gaming progresses, different people will have different priorities. Some want really pretty pictures (as illustrated in the OP). Some want a FPS. Some want NEAT weapons and armor. For me, all that is wasted without a good story to drive it along.


Please feel free to ignore my comments again and go off on a different tangent. I enjoy watching the grandchildren play.


Ahh sorry if you felt that way. The only first paragraph was quoting you.
I guess it would be better clarifying that I wasn't specifically calling anyone Angry Neckbeard. Even if do so, it is not an insult in this field. Just as how gamers often make a good laugh by joking on developers(like OP made fun of it in no harmful way), we also use that term for good laugh. Angry Neckbear is like a Cute Piglet to us. Perhaps that's only possible because they have zero effect on the business.
Maybe it will be also better clarifying my intention. I wanted to offer a different point of view from development part.
Modern games can be underwhelming in story development. It will be more. More resources get forced to being used on epic graphic and spectacle thingies. To keep the business, a front war maintaining the majority of customers at the same time recruiting more of them, developers have little choices.
I saw some pun about VR in this thread. To provide a view, many companies are actively pioneering that field to survive in the future. I am not Beth but ours is also onto that. Video game industry has grown too small and competitive for the investment we put in.


Apologizing for how I felt? Really? How deliciously dismissive. You get to make it my fault. You insult me and it's my fault. You REALLY are good. However, i choose to ignore your insulting non-apology and I am moving on.


Please consider; I am angry, I have a neckbeard, and I don't like the phrase. In the future you may refer to me as an OLD FART. Angry Neckbeard just has too many hard consonants.


And I (and the rest of us old farts) have more impact on the market than you seem to understand. I will grant that approximately 70% of the gamers playing are between 16 - 25. But there is an interesting statistic that gets ignored, 9-12% of games are bought for little Suzie or Johny by grandparents. Additionally, 8-11% of gamers are over 50 years of age and we buy our own games. Granting crossover, the conservative number is that us old farts make up 15-20% of the market that actually buys games. So please reconsider your comments about the impact that us old farts have on the market.


Finally, I am not a game developer. You tell me that developing "story" is more difficult than than developing landscapes and buildings and NPC's, so I have to believe you. Maybe you all could explain in excruciating detail why that is. Oh ok, keep it simple for the noob.

Edited by RattleAndGrind
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