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Yeah but I hope that's not the cheapest house. I only have a few thousand gold :-(

And you're only near the start, presumably. You've just escaped from prison with only the clothes on your back and what little you could loot from corpses. A house is meant to be a kind of reward as you go through the game, not something you can easily afford early on (like in real life, really). I remember finding the buyable house in Final Fantasy VII - that cost 300,000!

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Yeah but I hope that's not the cheapest house. I only have a few thousand gold :-(



5000 is the cheapest as far as the buyable houses go. They go up from there. Honeyside, the house in Riften is 8000. If you go to that college in Winterhold and join, I think you get quarters for free.

Edited by mellowtraumatic
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