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27 hours in...impressions


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Hey all, so I just hit 27 hours of playtime in Skyrim and unfortunately finish some school work so a break is needed. I just wanted to give some impressions of the game and see what other people think.


1. Graphics. A big topic already on these forums. I love and hate the graphics. Beth made a beautiful world that we will all be able to spend countless hours in, I just wish those hours were spent looking at more attractive textures. I'm running ultra settings just fine on my 6870, but there is definite room for improvement. Draw distance is something that mods will hopefully correct, as well as low res textures. The snow at the Throat of the World is just hideous on the ground. Armor looks amazing (rocking nightingale set right now), and cannot wait to see what else is in store, as well as what modders can design.

2.Choices/Freedom. I love the freedom we've been given, and I haven't felt too restricted yet in the options I have.

3.Combat. A big improvement over oblivion. I love love love the finishing moves, and wish I saw some more often.


Let me know what you guys think so far

Edited by colemurdoch
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Dittos on the incredible world. Did a little rock climbing from Orphan Rock clockwise around High Hrothgar (trying to find the way in) and some of the panoramas from cliff sides is incredible.


That also says it all as to the freedom of movement. Nowhere is off limits as long as the slope isn't too steep and the doors are not locked tight.


There are definitely some mods to be made. Too many clipping issues, horses disappearing under you, stuttering, etc. to be considered world class. My old NVidia 9600 card barely gets by on Medium with freezes for region reload, I presume.


The combat is a huge improvement, indeed. It is obvious Bethesda was looking at the TES IV mods, as they incorporated many into Skyrim.


All in all, a Huge thumbs up.

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I like it as well I do think the textures in some places do look pretty terrible though. The main quest is great I finished it too fast though lol. The lod looks pretty bad I think bethesda could've done a lot better there... The voice acting and character animations are awesome compared to oblivion! The new combat system and the leveling trees are really good too.
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34 hours in... I was skeptical of the combat at first, it felt too overpowered and "mashy". But now that I've started to level up my 2-handed, 1-handed and blocking perks, there is an incredible amount of depth to the combat. My character is using no magic whatsoever (this wasnt so much an intention, just became obsessed with the weapon mechanics first up), and combat is becoming more and more complex. Ever direction you move in while striking (quick or power strikes) has a different move, and shield bashing/multiple target perks allow you to wade into a throng of enemies like a true Nord.


And it rocks in 3rd person, which I diddnt expect. I only use 1st for looting, conversation and archery now.

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