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Companion keeps dying.


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I'm getting annoyed with lydia constantly dropping dead. I dont get what would be the issue with making companions immortal, iirc it was like that in the past two fallout games


Bethesda have made some concession in that, when she's near death, she'll drop to her knees and enemies will stop attacking her til she gets up. however she still tends to get finished off by wayward fireballs, hazard of being a wizard.


what about other companions? are any of them unkillable? failing that, does anyone know how i can make lydia so? I know it can be done, the engine supports it, and i've seen it done before in fallout. i think the setessential command, but not certain.

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I only really had her die early on. After getting used to the new mechanic, you have to make sure to avoid traps and whatnot when there's a cluster of enemies around. I haven't had too much trouble. She can even get thrown up in the air by giants and come back to me a minute later ready for more. Edited by Reddimus
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all companions I've found seem to be immortal. They can't be killed by NPCs, only you can give them a final death. I've learned to avoid swinging my weapons and casting area effect spells when I'm in close quarters with my companions.
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