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Follower Overhaul


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I'm very in favor of hand gestures, maybe (once the CK comes out) it could be some kind of special menu so one could type in something like ']1' for stay, ']5' for Get Your Butt Over Here, etc., and have it be able to be macro'd for those of us with gaming keyboards, but no more obnoxious than necessary for those who don't.


I also really like the "go to town and sell this junk/back home and drop this off" idea. I tend to collect nearly everything that looks interesting, and a large dungeon can max out my carrying capacity mighty quick. *blush*


And, of course, leveling is pretty much mandatory. I'm sure they had good reasons for not including that in the game but danged if I can figure it out.

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When the multiple companion mod comes out with the CK, as you know they will, you could have an option to set them out on patrols. Since players will undoubtedly add content like player owned fortresses, ranches, farms, ect. Then you can hire followers and set them up to guard your places, cook, farm, craft. Ect. Sheesh. XD There's enough vanilla followers to populate a small town.
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I think the idea with hand gestures is have them as lesser abilities costing no mana with infinite uses and just favourite them.


The no block is a good idea. Need to have it so that it works on other NPCs too, primarily in interiors.


Edit: Nothing worse than an evil wife who likes to trap you in rooms so she can try unsuccessfully to have a conversation with her husband.. or worse have her way with you.

Edited by Sagenth
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I like the idea of hand gestures. Would definetly be an improvement in how you utilized followers when you can give them commands and do things like set up ambushes, or just have them stick in the back and wait sometimes. Plus, I like the idea of having more than one follower at a time. Imagine clearing out dungeons with a small army ;). And then sending them to your home to drop all the loot off to sell.


Personally what I'd like to see is the chance to have your followers learn different abilities. Like some could learn healing abilities, some can learn magic, some with better archery, ect.


Or, have 5 followers learn conjuration and keep summoning flame atronachs. My poor framerate =P

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summoning flame atronachs. My poor framerate =P


Heh, I hear ya. I have a strict "no atronachs!" policy in my house. My frame rate is around 14-22/s so I definitely hurt with more spells.. mostly only with vast amounts of textures or lighting though, like looking down from a mountain or around in a city. Old CPU and DDR2

Edited by Sagenth
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Yes they definitely need improvement; lydia ffs use THAT armor :) also maybe a recon mode to keep them from attacking even when we are sneaking and i get spotted and quickly move and become hidden again she's off down the hall on the attack, leaving me swearing under my breath. all your points sound better then what we got already.
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The armor/weapons is obvious, but I want more...varied followers.


The housecarls, are, for all intents and purposes, completely identical in everything but looks. Same stats, same level caps, same everything. :/

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I like all of these, but you're all missing one major factor: RIDE A HORSE, NOT ATTACK IT!


I can't tell you how many times I've rode my horse and left Leyda's ass in the dust only for her to just catch up AFTER I've been ambushed.


Oh, and dismount ONLY when you do! That way you don't have to deal with them being stupid and jumping off the horse every moment a bandit decides to jump you.

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