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Kind of Sad - a Thank You can go a long ways.


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Hey modders, I love the mods you have created. Your work is wonderful and makes the games a lot more fun.


But know this, I do now sent you a couple of bucks to buy your friendship. What's that profession again? You know. The one where you pay for friendship. Oh... yeah. Do you measure yourselves that way? Do you think my couple of buck is my way of soliciting you? Or do you just believe us mod users to be beneath you, undeserving of your gratitude and that we can be treated with contempt?


I send you a couple of bucks so you know I appreciate your efforts and want to see more. Now, I do not expect bands and flowers but even my overworked and underpaid waiter says thank you for a gratuity. I expect no less from you when I part with my hard earned bucks to show my approval of your work.


And yes, I am annoyed. Do you not realize how your apparent lack or gratitude makes you look. Have you ever heard the words elitist, snobs or ingrates? Imagine that. You act ungrateful and we think you are ungrateful. Don't act ungrateful, and we won't think you are ungrateful.


Grow some humanity.


Now, for a practical matter. Send your thank you notes from an un-monitored email account. No need to see the circle of emails you have whined about. Or will that cut into your time too much?


You only speak for yourself. I cannot know whether a donor would even want me to email them, I know I would not want that.

Further, up until very recently thanking donors on the mod pages was against the no solicitation rule at worst, and dancing over the line at best, which is another reason I and others chose to not do it.


Next time you jump to conclusions "grow some humanity" and don't automatically assume the very worst of other people.

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Now it might be they had a bad day?


I am starting to donate to Mod Creators of specific mods that I feel are worth the $$ to me, in that I would like to see more of "this" or "that" kind of Mods.


Both were over $10.00 and I will leave it at that and no, it was not $11.00 :wink:


But in neither case did I get a "Thanks!" - "Thank You!" or "Why did you do this, this mod is not worth that .. but Thanks!"


But sadly neither of them have taken the time. It's been over 1 week to 1.5 weeks with both. Sadly I will not be donating to them again. :sad:


The Strange thing is - both Mod's Desc. Page encourage "ENDORSE, it means a lot and keeps me motivated and if you want to share of few pennies / dimes, I will not say, "no" to those either."


The above is paraphrased, so as to the avoid "Fall Out".


Now maybe I just gave to the wrong the Mod Creators?


I have received 2 donations in my time here on Nexus totaling $25.00 I never asked for it, but you can bet it made me feel pretty good :) I was also confused as to what I should do. At that time it was forbidden to mention donations on the site and I didn't want to get in trouble. Those people never sent me a pm to say thank you and I didn't know if it would be appropriate to write them from my personal email address or over stepping a boundary. If those people are reading this thread. Thank you so much :) Sorry I couldn't communicate my appreciation or didn't know how.

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Now it might be they had a bad day?


I am starting to donate to Mod Creators of specific mods that I feel are worth the $$ to me, in that I would like to see more of "this" or "that" kind of Mods.


Both were over $10.00 and I will leave it at that and no, it was not $11.00 :wink:


But in neither case did I get a "Thanks!" - "Thank You!" or "Why did you do this, this mod is not worth that .. but Thanks!"


But sadly neither of them have taken the time. It's been over 1 week to 1.5 weeks with both. Sadly I will not be donating to them again. :sad:


The Strange thing is - both Mod's Desc. Page encourage "ENDORSE, it means a lot and keeps me motivated and if you want to share of few pennies / dimes, I will not say, "no" to those either."


The above is paraphrased, so as to the avoid "Fall Out".


Now maybe I just gave to the wrong the Mod Creators?


Some mod authors do not feel comfortable thanking for donations, especially when the only way to do it is through the email given in the Paypal email notifying about the donation. As a mod author you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, you are not allowed to allude to donations in your mod comments or descriptions and how else can you contact and thank them.

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