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Scriptname AceAddItemsToList extends Quest  

LeveledItem Property LootBanditChestBossBase Auto
LeveledItem Property LootDraugrChestBossBase Auto
LeveledItem Property LootDwarvenChestBossBase Auto
LeveledItem Property LootFalmerChestBossBase Auto
LeveledItem Property LootVampireChestBossBase Auto
LeveledItem Property LootWarlockChestBossBase Auto

Book Property SpellTome1 Auto
Book Property SpellTome2 Auto
Book Property SpellTome3 Auto
Book Property SpellTome4 Auto
Book Property SpellTome5 Auto
Book Property SpellTome6 Auto
Book Property SpellTome7 Auto
Book Property SpellTome8 Auto

Event OnInit()


	Debug.notification("Spells added to boss chests")


Haven't done this in a while and I just want to make sure it's correct. The script above is attached to a quest that runs once and starts game enabled.

Will the spell tomes be in every boss chest or just some of the time? Is this still the best way to do add items to leveled lists?

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how on earth do i force my npc ive made to use a specific chair i've made for them? she seems set on drinking and dancing around the inn all the time like some crazy alcoholic, i want the player to meet her while she's sitting down.

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Another question- does anyone know if SEQ files need to be generated for SSE mods? If so how?


Yes exactly the same way as the original.


Scriptname AceAddItemsToList extends Quest  

LeveledItem Property LootBanditChestBossBase Auto
LeveledItem Property LootDraugrChestBossBase Auto
LeveledItem Property LootDwarvenChestBossBase Auto
LeveledItem Property LootFalmerChestBossBase Auto
LeveledItem Property LootVampireChestBossBase Auto
LeveledItem Property LootWarlockChestBossBase Auto

Book Property SpellTome1 Auto
Book Property SpellTome2 Auto
Book Property SpellTome3 Auto
Book Property SpellTome4 Auto
Book Property SpellTome5 Auto
Book Property SpellTome6 Auto
Book Property SpellTome7 Auto
Book Property SpellTome8 Auto

Event OnInit()


	Debug.notification("Spells added to boss chests")


Haven't done this in a while and I just want to make sure it's correct. The script above is attached to a quest that runs once and starts game enabled.

Will the spell tomes be in every boss chest or just some of the time? Is this still the best way to do add items to leveled lists?



Since you're calling the script on on a base object it'll affect all of them. You could possibly create an array which may be slightly faster.


how on earth do i force my npc ive made to use a specific chair i've made for them? she seems set on drinking and dancing around the inn all the time like some crazy alcoholic, i want the player to meet her while she's sitting down.


Give her an AI package centered on the chair either "sit" or "sandbox" with a very small radius so she won't wander.


She'll still likely stand up and clap and whatnot after a bards finished performing as thats a separate quest that searches for nearby actors to perform those actions, I'm not sure which one though. If you can find it might be able to check for a condition on that quest to exclude her from it.

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Hi, everybody.


How do I select the exterior area of a given place where an NPC can go? I know I did that before, I even watched a tutorial somewhere... but I just can't remember. :confused: I want to place one NPC outside an inn, but I want her to interact, not only stand still.


Thank you. :happy:

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Not sure exactly what you are asking but if you want an NPC to move about in the world you need to assign them some sort of AI package to do the things you want.


Also if this is a new area you have created if the cell is not navmeshed the NPC will just stand in one place and not move .

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Not sure exactly what you are asking but if you want an NPC to move about in the world you need to assign them some sort of AI package to do the things you want.


Also if this is a new area you have created if the cell is not navmeshed the NPC will just stand in one place and not move .



Thanks for the quick reply.

Right, the AI packages are done already. But I remember I've seen something related to a selected area in the environment that tells the NPC the limits where she can go in this exterior place.

The area where I want to place the NPC is vanilla. :smile:

Edited by Narinha
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Put Condition GetInCurrentLocation on your package and select the location you need. If you need a place in the wilderness put an xmarker there and link it to the npc, set a name like yourxmarkerRef on your xmarker and set the package location to specific reference, yourxmarkerRef.

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Put Condition GetInCurrentLocation on your package and select the location you need. If you need a place in the wilderness put an xmarker there and link it to the npc, set a name like yourxmarkerRef on your xmarker and set the package location to specific reference, yourxmarkerRef.


I'll try that. Thank you. :wink:

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If someone knows the archived location of the weapons and impact foley for killmoves, or how I can locate it myself, I'd appreciate being pointed in that direction. It seems to be stored somewhere odd or uses a non descriptive naming convention. Either way, I can't find it among or nearby to the regular combat foley.




Edit: I got it, Data\Sound\FX\NPC\kill. Nice organised structure in these archives, I too favour the dartboard method.

Edited by Augh3d
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Is it possible to set a dialogue condition for a base object to be nearby, rather than a specific reference? Like for an NPC to react when there's a butterfly, or a silver ore node, or a type of weapon lying around? I feel like this should be an obvious thing, but every way I've come at it, I've hit a wall. Every condition seems to be about a specific object/actor reference or a specific cell. Am I missing something?

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