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Combat Zone Restore The Cut Arena.


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This is the only thing in the entire Fallout 4 game that really bothered and still bothers me, they cut the arena and there is even cut dialogue for Tommy, that suggests you could bet, and of course fight, after some digging my self I even found out there was to be a use able merchant that was cut in the Combat Zone as well , named Patches.


I am prepared to compensate who ever can do this task, through paypal or donations, premium account on the nexus, or even a game of your choice on steam via gift, if you so desire it, It would be worth it.


Add me on steam for more info, http://steamcommunity.com/id/THERECANONLYBEONE/

Edited by bowbra100
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Come on modders, he is offering real world compensation. It's a win/win.

I always love mods that restore cut content, it's kinda like fixing the game. I just wish Bethesda would stop relying on the modding community to fix and finish their games. There is no reason an unofficial patch should even be a thing for example.

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Actually you would be better off not mentioning money publicly. That can get these threads shut down, and a few have been recently here on the FO4 boards. It's also against the terms of use for Bethesda software to solicit money for mods. It is against the terms of service of this site. You are allowed to donate but do not solicit for donations or say that you will pay for a mod. I don't know if you will get banned for it but it's best to play it safe and not breach the terms of service.


Just checked this thread which did the same thing and got shut down (I suggest you read it completely to include the staff's comment): Projects for Tips

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As Genolune said above, this could be considered soliciting a modder & is against the TOS of Nexus.

Combat Zone isn't the only thing Bethesda ended up cutting, Mama Murphy's Mr-Handy chair (as found in Fallout 4's concept art) was also cut (a texture file for the chair still exists in the game archives, but it looks somewhat unfinished & there's no mesh or .nif for it either)

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The un-used audio files mentioned by the OP are just remnants of an idea that got dropped by the devs for reasons only they know; it hints at what Combat Zone could have been.

You'd have to use the Bethesda Archive Extractor to extract the texture files from .ba2 file. Mama Murphy's unfinished chair can be found in Textures\Actors\HandyChair whilst over in Textures\GameJam\Sky there's a pretty nice Red Giant Sun texture (+ a matching Sunglare texture) that I've not seen used in the vanilla game.

Edited by AGreatWeight
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I have been thinking about doing a restoration mod for the combat zone, I saw the second cell for it and was really curious why it was cut, It actually seems like it was meant to be a addition to the first cell rather then a individual cell if one checks it out. And I have to agree, looking through things it hints that you would have been able to wager on fights going on in the combat zone, or even participate yourself in the fight with how its laid out. The lifts in the second cell are non-functional, It seems they never finished working on them, dropping the idea and moving on to something else.


It would be kinda cool though to enter the combat zone and see the lifts raise up Cait and her opponent into the ring for the fight scene at least.


Patches does exist in the actors (CZ_Patches) and his Vendor chest (VendorCAPatchez) and services (ServicesCZPatches), patches seems to be setup as a generic vendor, selling armor, weapons, and misc items. I can not find any relevant linkage to Patches anywhere in the game itself though besides a the dialog for generic doctors oddly.


I wonder how many other characters are sitting there in the actors that may not of been used in game...


edit in: just as a example of what I was refering to about the area itself, the second cell was designed to fit perfectly within the first cell, the doors and platforms lining up perfectly:



Edited by caleb68
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I know from some work I did before on the Combat Zone that if you were to clean it up you would need to do a lot of work on the ground because the trash/debris/rubble covers up "The Void" instead of floor being underneath the trash. It would be neat as a functional settlement or restored to an actual arena like everyone is talking about.

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edit in: just as a example of what I was refering to about the area itself, the second cell was designed to fit perfectly within the first cell, the doors and platforms lining up perfectly:

Just a note about this: When I build larger things, I most often build them in an empty interior cell then group, then copy/paste them into their intended location. I could see that as a likely reason for this.

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