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How can i get in contact with the Nexus managers?

Guest HunterL1fe9

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Guest HunterL1fe9

Hello. Hopefully this is the right subsection to ask. I'm trying to get in contact with the site managers. I've sent them emails from two accounts, this one and another, by pressing the "Contact us" button below to the left. I'm asking about an account issue. But i haven't received a response for over a day now. I don't really have time to waste anymore. I may be doing something wrong. So i would like to ask, how can i contact the site managers and get some help on my issue. Thanks in advance.

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Depends on what the site issue is. Pressing Contact Us will get you in contact with a moderator, admin or the site owner. However depending on what the issue is and what else is going on with the site there might be an unspecified wait time. Considering that there's less than twenty staff for an entire site catering to over 10 million, a day or two is not too long to wait for a response from a report ticket - especially if the query wasn't dire.


You can also post site questions, feedback and suggestions here if it's not too serious of a matter and maybe one of the other forum members can help you out a bit faster.

Edited by Oubliette
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Guest HunterL1fe9

Only 20 staff? How do you know that? Where can i go to learn more?


I don't know if my query is that urgent, but it's unusual, so it may be.


Alright, so i was doing the right thing. Hitting the "Contact us" button. I'll just wait then (not that i have any other choice). Thanks.

Edited by HunterL1fe9
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Only 20 staff? How do you know that? Where can i go to learn more?


I don't know if my query is that urgent, but it's unusual, so it may be.


Alright, so i was doing the right thing. Hitting the "Contact us" button. I'll just wait then. Thanks.


I said less than twenty there's actually only about 18 of them. Used to be the "Moderating Team" button worked but now you can generally see them all by clicking "Top Overall Posters." Anyone with a colored blurb under their name on that page is staff.


As for learning more, well it helps to click around and read a few of the other blurbs, forums and buttons around here or you can just be older on this site than Methuselah and take it all in by osmosis.

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It may be that since this was a weekend with a US holiday they are a bit backed up. Dark0ne is the one that handles account issues typically (and the CONTACT US button is the best way to get help for this) and like I said, it may just be that things are a bit backed up.

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Staff list is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/games/users/top/?


The "contact us" button is a direct line to to the site owner (username: Dark0ne), and as far as I'm aware he's still the only one that has access to anything sent via that link. If needed he can pass queries on to the relevent party.


As you have submitted a ticket via that form you'd be best waiting on a reply, involving more people may just lead to "crossed wires" and miscommunication. It is a heavily used system though, so I ask you remain patient until your item is viewed and can be dealt with in detail.

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