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Skyrim: Less Harsh Hardcore Mode


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not being able to use restoration or alchemy are pretty arbitrary and stupid restrictions. the rest do seem pretty hardcore though.


the necessity to eat and drink would be awesome, like in new vegas. clearly the infrastructure is all there, except maybe the ability to bottle water from springs.

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I just added a few things to my "self imposed rules".



I will aknowledge everything the NPCs says. If they say something is urgent. I will go and do it.

Whenever people talk to me without a dialog screen, I will talk back to them sometimes or atleast nod with my head.


A self imposed minimum realistic time per each recipe when Blacksmithing:

I can only craft one item every 30 minutes to every few hours, depending on the complexity of the item or material.

If Im crafting weapons with materials up to steel, 30 minutes per item. If Im crafting armor or jewelry, atleast two times as that per piece. If Im crafting arrows (with a mod that allows me to do that), 30 minutes per stack of arrows.

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Looks like masochism to me, especially deleting your character upon death. You guys certainly have a lot of time on your hands, and deleting your characters entirely upon death is throwing away the life essence you spent playing them. Are you certain it couldn't be spent better another way? I think these "immersive" elements are redundant because there's nothing you can possibly do to trick yourself into thinking that you aren't just sitting in a chair in your room. I don't mean to offend, only to make you question the validity of these concepts. My 2 cents
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Looks like masochism to me, especially deleting your character upon death. You guys certainly have a lot of time on your hands, and deleting your characters entirely upon death is throwing away the life essence you spent playing them. Are you certain it couldn't be spent better another way? I think these "immersive" elements are redundant because there's nothing you can possibly do to trick yourself into thinking that you aren't just sitting in a chair in your room. I don't mean to offend, only to make you question the validity of these concepts. My 2 cents



kinda what it came down to here, so i try a lot of the difficulty elements without deleting my character now, cause it was taking a little bit too much time and i was doing hte same things over and over so i decided to not delete the character. But for those people that completing parts of the game i understand how deleting your character is valid, you play for the sheer difficult challenge and deleting your character isnt going to make you play longer just the next time you play you'll have a new character. my insight on that ;]

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Ok, so everyone stating master is easy... seriously, how do you do it? You have to glitch and kite the hell out of the game and/or spend all of your coin for buying potions, spells and top-of-the-line equipment. And I'm one of the players who carefully plans leveling and perk spending. I'm interested: how do you really do it? What can you do that I can't?

I mean, there's gotta be some annoyance, right? Be it farming wolves for xp, glitching, reloading 10 times for a mob of measly equipped bandits... ?

Edited by domanz
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New Vegas at least tried something different with their difficulty sliders by adding weight limits etc as opposed to just upping the npcs hitpoints and damage ratio.


Would love to have seen Skyrim incorporating same ideas where Master difficulty added item decay and fast travel no longer functioning. Am sure a future modder will incorporate these into the world...

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New Vegas at least tried something different with their difficulty sliders by adding weight limits etc as opposed to just upping the npcs hitpoints and damage ratio.


Would love to have seen Skyrim incorporating same ideas where Master difficulty added item decay and fast travel no longer functioning. Am sure a future modder will incorporate these into the world...


Something like that would be awesome. I hate it that enemies on master take ages to kill and deal out massive damage. Instead, Additions to gameplay which limit your godness would be nice, like having to feed, to drink, to resharpen weapons, to sleep... I thought maybe even puking while fighting near pools of blood and sekeletons and stuff. But not immortal enemies which force you to exploit game mechanics.

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