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MLP debate


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@Beriallord, where is this "real world" you mentioned in your previous post. Just wondering.... I'd love to visit if I get a free moment...:psyduck: :dry:

Oh Granny, it's everywhere.... populated by actual flesh and blood people that all have real consequences when interacted with unlike the internet. It's a place where in theory your real persona has to manifest itself and you reap the consequences of how you are perceived by others.


I have seen many who hate how they are perceived by others and tend to look for excuses and blame others entirely, instead of taking a look at themselves and owning some of that responsibility for their actions and behavior. That is the thing about a free country, you can behave and act however you want within legal limits, but you also reap the consequences of how you are perceived by others. You have to put some foresight and decide, if I act a certain way around a certain crowd is it going to reflect negatively on me or not? For example, I used to work for a Veterinary medicine distributor and deliver medications to horse farms, even though I wasn't into horse racing, and honestly think they are dumb animals, I wasn't going to share my opinion with that group of people, because it would reflect negatively on me. Now I have opened my mouth and said things around certain people I shouldn't have and it reflected negatively, and I don't blame them, I blame me, I should have kept my mouth shut.


I tell you politics in the workplace is one of the biggest ways to get in trouble, and quick. I found it is best to not even discuss and if someone asks just say I'm not into politics.


For example I'm not going to flaunt my love for South Park around a Christian crowd, if I have to maintain any dealings with them on a personal or professional basis. Its as simple as putting 2 and 2 together.

Edited by Beriallord
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Thank you for that explanation, Beriallord. And please forgive me for attempting to be a trifle whimsical with my original query. I did not mean to sound sarcastic or facetious. I apologize if I came off that way. Just attempting to be a bit droll (as a friend would put it).:)
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Thank you for that explanation, Beriallord. And please forgive me for attempting to be a trifle whimsical with my original query. I did not mean to sound sarcastic or facetious. I apologize if I came off that way. Just attempting to be a bit droll (as a friend would put it).:)


I wasn't offended in any way, but your post did hint of sarcasm. :thumbsup:

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I personally am not into it at all.


But I'm an adult woman in my late forties, and I love all the Shrek movies, I also love the Incredibles, Despicable Me, and UP, which are all children's movies that have a wonderful theme and that I can share with my kids and their kids.


People tell me that the my little pony series has good stories. I wouldn't know, but I enjoy Peppa Pig and Miss Spider's Sunny Patch friends with my granddaughter. What's wrong with that?


To each, is own.


(What I really don't understand is why people can't live and let live anymore.)



I think we're about the same age, then! I don't have kids, but I still enjoy those things. I also like Adventure Time, The Regular Show (recently, this one had an expy of Hircine, which made me like it even more) and a few other cartoons on Cartoon Network as well as much of the fare on Adult Swim.


The modern MLP does have some very good stories. It also has clever wit, and it's not all Happy Sunshine Sprakle Fun and sappiness. There's an excellent storyline with the god of chaos, Discord, amongst others. I can understand that people might mix this one up with the 1980s original, but they aren't much the same.


I don't get the whole pony slash stories (same-sex ponies in romantic or erotic pairings) either, but I let it go and read what I do like. As for age, why do people care? I have supervisor at work who LOVES Hello Kitty! She's in her mid-thirties, married, has kids, and a position of responsibility. Her liking of something that by the logic in this thread is for little girls changes none of this, nor does it impair her ability to function properly as an adult. To me, this is the deciding factor: is this person still able to function in society and do the things expected of them, despite their liking for something outside of societal norms?


Stop using it as another way to judge and browbeat others into behaving the way you think they should. Personally, I don't like anime, and this extends into anime mods here. I can't get my head around giving your female character the face of a 10 year old girl and a BBB body. But I keep my opinions to myself, partly because I like it here too much to get banned, and partly because while it isn't my thing, I will RESPECT that it might be yours.


As for the live and let live thing, simple: some humans can't tolerate ambiguity or differences. They can't accept that others think, feel, and act differently, and it makes them question themselves, and it makes them feel unhappy and uncomfortable. Rather than opt for self-exploration, they'd rather badger someone into being normal, ie more like them. But that's just my own opinion.


Edited to fix epic typos of doom.

Edited by nyxalinth
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I have no opinion on it, other than it doesn't interest me personally. I had the MLP toys when I was in elementary school, and eventually moved on to the Breyer model horses as a preteen-teen. I no longer even collect those. For me it was a love of horses, not love of cute stuff. This means I like realistically colored horses. *shrug* Just my 2¢.
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I am quite sure it was a more or less normal group, but the reason they were hated, was because they were obnoxious on internet boards, and especially on one of the more popular chan boards. It became in a way an annoyance for those that wanted to discuss what they usually discussed on the certain board, and by first looking at the people an image they created of themselves it was easy to see the hate source.

Oh and also, the video. Whatever you do, DON'T bring anything like this to public. No one cares if you are a furry, a brony or whatever. Keep it to the part of the internet where it is acceptable and that's it. :facepalm:

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My Little Pony is just another kids show, I have no idea why there is such a huge fan base for it. Male adults being so caught up in it... It just isn't right.

I can easily understand girls watching MLP, but males? The hell is going on? The show is all bright and happy, about making cakes and dressing up - girls' territory.

There's just nothing masculine about the show.


And now we have to see it everywhere.



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My Little Pony is just another kids show, I have no idea why there is such a huge fan base for it. Male adults being so caught up in it... It just isn't right.

I can easily understand girls watching MLP, but males? The hell is going on? The show is all bright and happy, about making cakes and dressing up - girls' territory.

There's just nothing masculine about the show.


And now we have to see it everywhere.



well i only have one thing to say to that and that is


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