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Are we still on SOPA?


I'm pretty sure the entire legislature has moved past it.


There is a bipartisan effort to adopt something more in line with the OPEN Act.


PDF Text of OPEN.


SOPA has been difficult for me to take seriously, from the beginning it has had very little chance of passing.


Apparently it goes before Congress again on January 23rd or thereabouts, so is not dead yet. There was a piece on the internet news today about Wikipedia planning a blackout in protest.


@ Aurelius, no one on here is an advocate for the pirate sites, but Richard O'Dwyer's alleged offence is not an offence here, and is hardly on a par with murder. On the other hand, murder is murder whichever way you look at it, and is an offence which carries the death penalty in the USA, although not here. I remember how long Joe Doherty, a convicted murderer, was harboured by the United States and lionised, and only deported as an illegal alien, not for his murdering ways.


It is considered over here that draconian jail terms for alleged intellectual property offences are disproportionate, seizure of any profits made from such offences would fit the crime better, since the issue is profit.

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I would like to point out that the media is doing more reports on the royal families wedding then they are doing on SOPA. In the USA.


And people wonder why I got mad about everyone caring so much about their wedding.


The media is completely ignoring the bill.

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Another one? Holy parade! I still having trouble getting over ze events at the last 20 royal European weddings.


Never the less Wikipedia stirred up a loot of news world wide with hit's announcement to protest tomorrow. So that's the good side ..

I ask you know to read an article in the link below from Mailonline and i would like you to think about what happens in the internet if some company lawyers get lose on the internet in a similar way if SOPA and PIPA get (ab)used in a similar bulling way down at pretty small mostly local company's or else that are customer dependant.

Link to Mailonline article about :

"German caffe owner sued by Apple after computer firm says her logo is too similar to theirs"

Compare them and take notes what happened here and try to imagine what would be the result if SOPA and PIPA would be in this little stuff as well and don't think thy can't expand something that has already applied .. They CAN! :ohdear:


Fear never has made people free, it has only the power to enslave!

Edited by SilverDNA
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I saw that at the time, SilverDNA, and thought what the....??????


Does this mean that Apple are going to try and claim intellectual property rights over the cider industry in the English West Country because it uses apples? What am I going to call my Somerset Apple Cake?

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Yep Ginnyfizz

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you can chancel your Somerset Apple Cake,

(BTW formally requesting the Somerset Apple Cake recipe from you, please! I like to bake 12 months a year cakes ( saves me the trouble to make a sandwich :biggrin:))

as well my Apple Sprinkle Cake are now under the vile influence of Apple Company due to intellectual infringement. Next we get charged for it by piracy for baking our own cakes, and yes cider company's could get in trouble next. What a shame.

If they start doing this on Irn-Bru, I'm then on the verge of starting a rebellion!

Edited by SilverDNA
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I would like to point out that the media is doing more reports on the royal families wedding then they are doing on SOPA. In the USA.


And people wonder why I got mad about everyone caring so much about their wedding.


The media is completely ignoring the bill.


Well considering that the owners of most news organizations are some kind of entertainment company that has a vested interest in supporting the measure...I am not surprised.

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I predict that there will be uproar over this in Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. They are genial folk there but not to be messed with, and have a history of uprisings when pushed too far.


Altogether now...

"And shall Trelawney live?

And shall Trelawney die?

Here's twenty thousand Cornish lads shall know the reason why!"


That was the last time a tyrant went too far with them and arrested the Bishop of Exeter and six others. Thousands of them marched on London, Parliament acquitted the Seven Bishops, the King's army mutinied and William of Orange was invited over to depose King James.


Apple clearly have no idea what they are dealing with. They will be besieged by an army of angry Westcountrymen toting flagons of scrumpy. I tell you that stuff is rocket fuel...


SilverDNA, I recommend you grab this recipe before SOPA requires it to be taken down;-


Somerset Apple Cake

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What Royal Wedding? We haven't had one for six months!

I know. Our media is still talking about it more then SOPA. That is how insane it is.


Apparently there will be a lot of blackout protests done by Google, Wikipedia, and a few others. In case its not obvious the reason shutting down your site for a day would help is so it will force everyone to notice SOPA.

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