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Skyrim Complaints


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-UI, of course. There should be some kind of sanction/law/holy war against it.


-The lack of character attributes is pretty saddening. Is my character stronger than the next dude? Nope, exactly the same. Faster? Nope, same as the next guy. Smarter? Nope. Without said attributes, you can't really be the big beefy fighter or hyper intelligent mage.


You can only be the average joe that has simply raised their skill levels. Being super strong, intelligent, fast, ect... is a defining aspect of a character. That level definition is simply gone.


While Oblivion's skill/leveling system wasn't that great. At least it had some options and customization to it. Using the same thing would have been bad. But, giving up and making it ultra simple/boring isn't the answer either. (even if lowbrow simpletons prefer it)


I agree with most of the things mentioned in this thread. And for the people who are far too in love with the game to realize its faults, we aren't saying that the game is bad. TES games have always had a good level of customization for your own character. This is what we expected/looked forward to and it isn't there. It'd be like making a starwars game without including the force or light sabers. Sure, it could still be a fun game. But people who were expecting the defining aspects to be are going to be disappointed.

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Well my only real complaint about the game is that Bethesda claims they use the same level scaling as fallout. Which is a load of garbage since I'm lvl 28 and bandits still get deathblows on me at 75% health. Never had a problem with raiders at that level. But roleplaying wise this makes no sense at all since I can annihilate dragons but when it comes to a freakin bear or a bandit outlaw+ its ALWAYS a pain in the ass with me using potions galore. ITs rather annoying and it doesn't use the same level scaling as fallout, that is a straight up lie. They should have just used ratios or something. for every 2 levels you gain the lesser npcs gain 1 lvl. But no they cover it up by making elite versions of bandits! This doesn't make sense either cuz when you have 1 regular badit with a bunch of elites it tends to rub the balls the wrong way. Honestly as cool as they are, why in the hell did they give fodder npcs (ie bandits) deathblows? Yea they are cool but when the player can't do anything about it and get their face smashed with a hammer u know you blocked but the game decided it wanted you dead anyway, its a real deal breaker. They should make it so that IF npcs got deathblows, they have to stagger you or something and not just auto kill you whenever they feel like. Its a good game for the most part but its got its stupid stuff just like the other TES games. Edited by haidenx2
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i would ask one thing, that they fix the amount of damage that you take when a npc hits you with a iron hammer and kills you outright from 280hp, with a average armour rating of 190. very annoying at low level, granted im playing on master but shield doesnt seem to negate much damage either.
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Most of my pre-release prediction were correct, it's a fun game in it's own right, but, very gimmicky, and lacking in many areas.


But, as others have said, the modding capabilities look good, and it may very well dethrone MW(or insert fav ES game), after some much needed love from the community. Optimism aside, some things may be hardcoded again, which could be bad, I'm reserving judgement until I poke around the CS a bit.

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Let me just make it clear that I like Skyrim. But, I miss the beginner class system. Some say you're a jack of all trades stretched too far at the start, I would go as far as saying you're jack-sh*t at the start.


Warrior, Mage and Rogue are all that's needed to fix this.


Giving each class a choice to increase four class abilities by respectively 20, 15, 10 and 5 points, and make "Muffle" for example a Rogue only perk and a different perk for the other classes making them marginally "better" at their choice profession. Nightblade builds that use Mage as a starting base can still get muffle through spell or equipment enchants, or simply by using clothes or robes, so the impact of such a change would be a matter of convenience rather than balance.


I have already made a mod for this, unreleased, as it involves a crapload of txt files, one for each race/class comination and the use of console. (bat breton_rogue and so on) I intended to include most classes from Oblivion, but abandoned that project and focused on just three as soon as I realized that I had to make one class file per race. I also use a "slower levelling mod" to counter the fact that you start off quite decent at your choice of trade. But then you get very few perks, and I am not adding perks at the start to avoid upsetting balance or "premaking" the characters too much.


I am not going further into that complaint - solution, I am sure some modders will do a much better job if it's even possible to do any other way.


Footprints, I have seen screenshots with them, but I can't for the life of me get them in my own game... a small detail, but I'd like it very much.


Darker nights, so far I've not seen any point with Khajiit night eye, or torches at all. I can see clearly at all times, and sometimes wonder if it's night or just cloudy weather.


A dedicated visible model for offhand weapon while sheathed, and a visible bow even when it's not selected as main weapon. VERY important to me, and it really provokes me that Bethesda was too lazy to include this.


Main faction quests seems short, somewhat shallow and quite uninteresting so far. But I have not yet played them all as I just travel around watching the world until enough mods are released to truly enjoy the game and its story.


Horses canter too slow, sprint way too slow and has stamina as a full time smoker... seriously?!?


Walk speed should be set to the same as NPC's, having to run in bursts to keep up with other walking NPC's during quests kind of ruin the moment for a "roleplayer"


Changing height should be included in the Character Creator, luckily I've found the console command to "fix" this issue for me, but i had to make a txt file to run every time I load a game to remain my desired size. (player.setscale 0.92 seems a good standard for female characters)

Different sizes of NPC's of the same race would also add immersion to the game, and I can't imagine that it would be a huge performance burden even on console.


Archery is completely ridicolous, way too much trajectory on short shots, auto aim is just silly, and sohhting distance is pathetic. This one needs a proper fix, as the mods are not working properly (at least not yet).


Stealth should be more focused on environmental advantages than actual perks, but in the game it feels that it's purely perks that matter and shadows or darkness matter little or nothing.


Animations and combat, seriously they are all below par and hardly any better than Oblivion, and Oblivion unmodded is abysmal. Female Orcs are an atrocity towards the race, bot animations and stance. I'm not asking for bimbo orcs, I just want them to stand "normal" and not seem like they have a back strain, or look like a man who just got kicked in the nuts.


Still, I like the game even though it may seem like I have many complaints. I have faith that the community will mod the hell out of this game once the official kits are released, but some of the hardcoded issues needs an official touch too in my opinion.


Thank you for reading.

Edited by Sabatasso
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I enjoy Skyrim. That said..


UI in need of some serious mod love.


AI is brainless and the level scaling can be bizarre at times.


Buggy as all hell.


Lack of differentation in many aspects of the game.


I know some like the more open classless system but I find it... classless. Choices should matter from character inception right up til the final scene. If I want to be a pure mage, there should be some bennifit for doing so. Same for a pure theif, or pure dual weilder and so on.


And tied with the above... the faction quests. As much as I enjoyed becoming the Arche Mage of the College after a few hours of running around and fetching a staff I find it bizarre I could of done the same even had I not invested any of my game time up til that point in spell casting. Ohh wait, now I'm king of the thieves guild, a member of the dark brotherhood, a companion, a stormcloak and a werewolf? Where do I find time to be dragonborne? Choices should matter and when they do, they build the character, they give it depth.


Quests and storylines that seem to suffer from a lack of character progression. Using the Arche Mage example... once becoming Arche Mage why am I still treated like a glorified errand boy and not the true Magus of Power I have shown I am? Even the NPC's act like the title is as worthless and meaningless as the game lays out for you. And this is true all over the place in Skyrim.


Enchanting, Alchemy. Blacksmithing loop and the products of which turn everything else in the game obsolete.


(Could be wrong about this one) .. The inability to skip the wagon, headsman and dragon appearance at the start of the game when creating a new character.


Mercentile and Lockpicking are useless skills.


The dialogue sounds like adults dumbing down the venacular for a slow teenagers bennifit half the time.


Probably rehashed some of what others have said.


I played the Ultima Series, NVW Series, BG Series, DA series, the Witcher series and the previous two TES games all multiple times. Each for different reasons and some more than others (Ultima and BG series I <3 U 4eva) but I doubt I'll give Skyrim another crack until the modding community have had a good amount of time to finnish this game.

Edited by Psyche07
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I wish they would have taken a very close look at Two Worlds 2 and picked up on the good stuff.

Its a much, much better roleplaying game than I thought. You can craft almost every item or dismantle it and use the ingredients to strengthen your weapons, amulets , gear, armor and whatnot. You can create your own new potion formulas by mixing different ingredients and save them for later use. You can colorize you gear with color bags that can be bought or found. 5 different magic 'schools' - Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Verita with matching gear and staffs.

The skill system is quite complex for todays standards, You've got four different main skills(endurance, strengh, precision, willpower) and 51(!) sub-skills divided into 6 groups(warrior-, ranger-, magic-, assassin-, crafting-, common-skills).

You can create you own spells in a menu by combing magic cards with different properties.

The textures and character faces are far superior to Skyrim.

The attention to detail in buildings and cities or small villages is just amazing, the artwork is also very detailed and lovely.

The menu is about a century better than Skyrims.

In combat you can fight one handed, one handed with torch to confuse enemy, one handed plus shield, two-handed, bow n arrow(one shot, double shot, triple shot, fire shot), wield magic with staff and still have the ability to block melee weapons of enemy. Plus you have two defensive moves.

Of course it has its weak points too, but for my taste TW2 is more of a real roleplaying game because of all this options it gives you to develop your character and its unique skills.


Only things that I like more in Skyrim is that the steering of the charakter and horse is more direct than in TW2.

Edited by Mental Gear
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My biggest complaint:

Linear dungeons :wallbash:


Minor complaints.

No blocking while dual wielding

Very few houses, but could be fixed with mods

Companions still stupid, but at least more dynamic than before.

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