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Winter style Clothing/Armor for Skyrim


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WiC, Frostfall and Wet & Cold have this covered. I use all 3 and it works perfectly.


I have to say you heat sink comparison is a bit lackluster.. metal armors were not worn in direct contact with the skin, they have a thick layer of cloth underneath, mainly as to not cause cuts, pinching (having worn chain armor I know first hand exactly how painful the pinching and hair pulling is without an additional layer.. VERY) and adding an extra layer of protection that weighs little. Medieval knights that wore suits of armor were typically too hot and became dehydrated rapidly during combat.


I DO recognize your concern though as this is very poorly portrayed in game and sleeveless armors are just plain silly. Maybe Cabal or Hothtrooper will team up to resolve this issue in a mightily epic fashion? One can only dream

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