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True Anthropomorphic Race


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Non lore-friendly mods are, in a word, lazy. Regardless of how much effort creating the models and textures takes, the unwillingness to at least make a token attempt to fit it into the world smacks of a lack of conceptual effort, respect for the very game you are modding, and overall adaptive-creativity.

I read enough. While I do agree with the unneccessity of aggressiveness and raging against weasel lore creation and people popping in with "but it's not lore-friendly" and other such nonsense interruptions, the above statement was too much.


I don't care the least about lore, my biggest modding project is an encyclopedia example of lore break, and I can't be bothered to create some improvised weasel lore to somehow fit it in with the rest of the game world. That's not my responsibility. Users can come up with explanations for why they use my mods or why they fit into their games and how. I'm designing the content, not what anybody else might do with it. I already got enough delays by my current lack of free time. There's no time left to think of something as insignificant and meaningless to me as lore.


Bethesda themselves are breaking their own lore with each new game or DLC they release. Why should I care about it then, if not even they do?


This statement and others like it remind me where the impulse to no longer share my mods is coming from. If you excuse me now, I'm back at my "lazy" modding projects "lacking of conceptual effort and overall adaptive-creativity", and let you fight your pointless lore - non-lore discussions here.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Non lore-friendly mods are, in a word, lazy. Regardless of how much effort creating the models and textures takes, the unwillingness to at least make a token attempt to fit it into the world smacks of a lack of conceptual effort, respect for the very game you are modding, and overall adaptive-creativity.

I read enough. While I do agree with the unneccessity of aggressiveness and raging against weasel lore creation and people popping in with "but it's not lore-friendly" and other such nonsense interruptions, the above statement was too much.


I don't care the least about lore, my biggest modding project is an encyclopedia example of lore break, and I can't be bothered to create some improvised weasel lore to somehow fit it in with the rest of the game world. That's not my responsibility. Users can come up with explanations for why they use my mods or why they fit into their games and how. I'm designing the content, not what anybody else might do with it. I already got enough delays by my current lack of free time. There's no time left to think of something as insignificant and meaningless to me as lore.


Bethesda themselves are breaking their own lore with each new game or DLC they release. Why should I care about it then, if not even they do?


This statement and others like it remember me where the impulse to no longer share my mods is coming from. If you excuse me now, I'm back at my "lazy" modding projects "lacking of conceptual effort and overall adaptive-creativity", and let you fight your pointless lore - non-lore discussions here.


your mods are not laz7y Drake they are very big yeah?


people nya looked on the lore friendly races and lot of the don't exactly in Land of Skyrim Like the Sload and another race nya cant remember


It will look really stupid (sorry for telling it) and i wondering How can a sload or a toad surive in the harsh cold weather like in the Skyrim?


and Think How the Skyrim is in weather and temprature


And nya think nay know what Pyro thought in his outburst rage and Lachdonin Go in to the game and Look around in the game and See the around of the animals and everything and tell meh what you see how animals live in the areas in the game.


That is realism and nya dont see the other beast races like the sload and the toads nya can remember tha name if it.


Is there any ideas who can fit the Land of Skyrim? what i can see is skyrim is a harsh cold country with strong Winds from north

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I would just wanna add what I thinks is that the reason there is not many Anthropomorphic Races in skyrim is out of 100% of players who plays Skyrim maybe 20-30% likes Furry and to be honest this is Skyrim not furrim nor is it pokemon I have nothing against Anthropomorphic Races but I would not wanna play a snake nor a pig or a turtle or fox or dog or a hippo I even never played an elf race in any rpg game. Sure I started to play a little elf now with the Epic elf mod. But I do think a mod with 2-3 Anthropomorphic Races would be good fore does who wanna play it all players should get equal love what ever they like.
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This might sound abit over the line/out of place. but this is a western game, it dosnt really need the anime and manga influence, i know its to late to say that, but whats the point of playing a game like skyrim if your just going to make it less... well... good.


I apologies if that offends, or unpsets anyone, but i dont really like the fact that half the mods are japanese school girl cloths, or humans with little cat ears, of stupid weapons that are un-wieldable. i mean there are games like Kingdom Hearts for a reason.


It dosnt seem right to me to play a game like skyrim, and then use content that makes it look to be a completly different game.


Cant you just change the human model with a werewolf one, and be a werewolf all the time.


Again apologies for the rudeness. but its getting to me, how most mods arnt lorefriendly, and i have to sift through hundreds of them to find actual mods that i can use.

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Nyan like the ideas you have given on this topic Pyro made here nyeh see a lot of lore races here and a lot of non lore and please find more ideas please?


meh really like the Chuhrai race mod on Oblivion, people


maybe the segal and Chuhrai race mod fits better to skyrim yeah


any better non lore races, anthro Beast races?

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There's already two anthro races! You know how many most settings have? Zero! We're lucky to have the two we already have.


In a way, there's four true races in Elder Scrolls, playable anyways. Human, Elf, Khajiit, Argonian. That's two of four. Everything else is a variant of humans and elves. So half of the four true races in the game are anthro.


Not to mention this idea isn't really lore friendly in the least... but we've already had a topic like this.


Just... in my personal opinion, the notion that there aren't enough anthropomorphic races in TES couldn't be more flawed, and I'm a big fan of the beast races.


...And if you really want to play as wolf people, you know the game already has werewolves in it, right?


You do realize that in Akavir (which last time I checked was part of the lore), there are fox people called Lilmothiit, cobra people called Tscaeci, Tiger People called Kao Po' Tun, monkey people called Tang Mo, and icy half-dremora called Kamal. Not to mention the Imga, the gorrilla people native to Black Marsh.

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Why is it that every time furries and "normal people" interact everyone looses their s***.


This here is an issue of personal tastes. What we value as people affect what we want or expect out of something. In effect what we want out of entertainment in general. An opinion is only fact if everyone else agrees with you (and even then it's just a popular/general opinion). Please people it actually matters if it is lore friendly or not is because there are people out there (like me) who want more beast races AND want it to fit into lore. You can make a mod that adds something based on something else (Yes even anime) and still make it lore friendly. You just have to waste a little more time on your mod to add that CONTENT in. Yes whether or not your mod is lore friendly is part of the content because you had to take the time to do research and adjust your ideas accordingly balancing fun,lore, and artistic integrity (ie your idea as intact as possible) to make it as enjoyable for all as possible.


And Bethesda kinda knew this as well. In order to add something they had to make a world open enough for a wide number of things to be made without it getting ridiculous. Things change, entire civilizations, continents, and ecosystems can vanish in less than 50 years under the right conditions. Who says magic can't do the same thing, science has changed over 100s of 1,000s of years new ideas/fields of study/theories are made, improved, dis-proven, made into laws, rearranged, lost, and found. This is fundamental to how history works, and with any kind creative thinking can be applied no matter how crazy it sounds.


Ramblings aside you have an opinion and you decide to share it. Be civil, be on topic, and always remember. Your opinions can and WILL be criticized by another opinion (or worse crushed under the iron might of the logic/fact hammer).


And if you don't like it don't post it.


SIDENOTE- I'm going to throw my opinion out here. Play everything ever whether you like it or not. If you've never tried it you have no business even having an opinion on it in the first place.


Also if you value lore friendlyness you probably value roleplay or improving the vanilla experience as much as possible, if you value anything else but the previous you probably value gameplay, variety, and improve over all fun factor the game can achieve.

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