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True Anthropomorphic Race


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And, now that I've had a look at the feet on that mod, you should remodel them and make them a bit thinner - Cats paws are only about as wide as their 'wrists', when you have a good look at them, so yours look a little on the big side.


They're also a bit long.

These look like they're modeled off the paws of bigger cats like lions and tigers, which that isn't true for. Also, since these creatures are bipedal, they need a larger base of the foot to stand on than a four legged animal.


I think they're for the most part fine. Let's just hope a mod like this is made for argonians too.


Has anyone contacted the guy that did the argonian beautification project from Oblivion? Might want to get him on this team.


That's something I really want to see, modders working together, learning from each other and making more stuff as a group, especially for the anthro community. (and especially for argonians and khajiits!)

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oh nice, and i agree, id love to see a mod like this for argonians, the problem i can really say with digi legs is that im sure wont work with modified armor and new armor, so if we do the digi legs i sure hope someone will be able to make mods for other armor mods to work with the digi legs. i hope i said this right x.x

and also, iv already made a mod request for this but il say it here too. there needs to also be better helmets for the animal races. all of the enclosed helmets iv used in skyrim transform my argonian's head into a human head xD

hopefully this will get fixed too.

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and there is a lore for a fox-like race :P

i remember hearing stuff about there being fox-like creatures from the swamp area

i forgot what they're called, but the name starts with an "L"

and also a wolf race could have a lore which originated from from were-wolfs, kind of like a permanent mutation or evolution of some sort, if you want to be lore-friendly of course.

Edited by shadowxi304
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moogle races. =D

when i first saw the pic, i though it was just a bat race, which would be fun, i think bat anthros look really hot. <3

but yeah, i have a friend that's been waiting for a moogle race to come out for skyrim, all he plays is the moogle race for oblivion. x3

Edited by shadowxi304
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no lore about that in TES.


Try some existing races that haven't been seen yet:

Imga (apes)

Lilmothiit (fox-like)

Sload (slimes)

Ka Po' Tun (humanish cats - something between Khajiit and human)

Kamal (snow demons)

Tang Mo (another apes)

Tsaesci (human upper part, snake lower part)



or more humanoid:

Maormer (tropical elves)

Kothringi (humans with metallic skin - extinct - whatasurprisefewhavesurvived?)

Orma (eyeless humans - extinct)

Nede (original form of humans, ehm, nords - see Ysgramor, or that BIGass guy in sovngarde - but I guess they would be too big to enter some places lol)

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no lore about that in TES.


Try some existing races that haven't been seen yet:

Imga (apes)

Lilmothiit (fox-like)

Sload (slimes)

Ka Po' Tun (humanish cats - something between Khajiit and human)

Kamal (snow demons)

Tang Mo (another apes)

Tsaesci (human upper part, snake lower part)



or more humanoid:

Maormer (tropical elves)

Kothringi (humans with metallic skin - extinct - whatasurprisefewhavesurvived?)

Orma (eyeless humans - extinct)

Nede (original form of humans, ehm, nords - see Ysgramor, or that BIGass guy in sovngarde - but I guess they would be too big to enter some places lol)


Um I'm for the Beast race you mentioned And make them more beast like and not more human races


Is topic is about More beast races Like the naga Wolf dragon apes foxes cats(all kinds)

And I wan't The Snow Leopardhttp://images.teamsugar.com/files/upl1/10/104166/01_2008/b5703211c3492420_bronxzoosnowleopardcrop.jpg to come to Skyrim and Siberian white tiger And all the Arctic Races

Arctic Fox

Arctic Hare

Arctic Tern


Collared Lemming

Dall Sheep



Polar Bear

Snowy Owl



and more

And maybe make some pokemon Just to Make Skyrim More Special like the image on theAttachments Thingie


I hope then the CS came public can make the races I wrote down and others too Remember True Anthro/beast Race plus make some new meshes to co-operate the Digi feet too and the paws


edit: I allso want to see the moogle too they are fun to play with on Norrowind. and i wondering how fun playin they are on Skyrim

Edited by Pyrothraxus MoonStar
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a snow demon race sounds really, cool, and hot at the same time, maybe if it could be an athro form, like a kind of were-wolf look to it but with bat wings and can be different shades of dark colors and warm colors like red.

and the fox-like races was the one i was talking about, the Lilmothitt, and for an arctive version of it, it needs to be a kind of 2-tone of white outer color with a selectable inner color. and for Slug/slime creatures... im not sure how that's going to work out at all...

and pyro, how about a Snow leopard, those are cute <3

and also about pokemon, how about throw in a lucario :D

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