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Nvidia Contest Joke


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Still doesn't explain why it's in the wrong category.

Yeah that's a mystery. I can't remember if I selected data or map when I submitted my entry but it certainly wasn't status lol


So you're saying despite clearly stating which Category you want entered in, they moved you into another one?


It's very important you're honest about this. I am building a law case against Nvidia right now and the more evidence we have and the more examples we have of the effects of their actions the greater the chance there will be a liabilities claim which, if I did go ahead with this would see everyone that entered get a pay out.

Edited by GeneralLuBu
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Still doesn't explain why it's in the wrong category.

Yeah that's a mystery. I can't remember if I selected data or map when I submitted my entry but it certainly wasn't status lol

So you're saying despite clearly stating which Category you want entered in, they moved you into another one?


It's very important you're honest about this. I am building a law case against Nvidia right now and the more evidence we have and the more examples we have of the effects of their actions the greater the chance there will be a liabilities claim which, if I did go ahead with this would see everyone that entered get a pay out.

Correct. Because quest weren't really specified to a specific category, I figured it would be under data or map. I want to say I selected map, and I'm about 70% sure on that. I figured if I did select the wrong category by accident or it had been data instead of map, they would move mine accordingly in the event I was selected. But apparently they choose to move me to status for whatever reason.


It doesn't help there was no confirmation emails. Even being selected as a finalist I didn't receive any type of email. So why the did what they did is beyond me.

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Still doesn't explain why it's in the wrong category.

Yeah that's a mystery. I can't remember if I selected data or map when I submitted my entry but it certainly wasn't status lol

So you're saying despite clearly stating which Category you want entered in, they moved you into another one?


It's very important you're honest about this. I am building a law case against Nvidia right now and the more evidence we have and the more examples we have of the effects of their actions the greater the chance there will be a liabilities claim which, if I did go ahead with this would see everyone that entered get a pay out.

Correct. Because quest weren't really specified to a specific category, I figured it would be under data or map. I want to say I selected map, and I'm about 70% sure on that. I figured if I did select the wrong category by accident or it had been data instead of map, they would move mine accordingly in the event I was selected. But apparently they choose to move me to status for whatever reason.


It doesn't help there was no confirmation emails. Even being selected as a finalist I didn't receive any type of email. So why the did what they did is beyond me.


Thank you for your honesty

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No offense man but you would probably have an easier, and more productive, time suing bethesda for freaking hosting stolen content for months on their website than suing Nvida over anything about this contest.


Run that whole situation by your lawyer the next time you talk to him and see what he says. Maybe because authors aren't selling their work theres some legal technicality there but honestly I dont think so.

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As well as a false advertising lawsuit over no ps4 mods, they advertised a product with 0 ability to actually deliver.

yeah this as well. Also even if authors don't sell their copyright it wouldn't be a stretch to prove monetary losses for authors in the form of donations.


Something tells me bethesda is leaving itself wide open to suit when they acknowledge authors copyright on their own website while at the same time hosting heaps of stolen content for months on their distribution website.


Seriously lu bu. If you are already talking to an attorney it would be 100% worth it to ask him about this.

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@Alex The thing is Bethesda actually covered themselves lawfully in that they acted when things were brought to their attention, thus far, Nvidia have ignored largely the claims made. There is a much larger legal basis to go for Nvidia due to the fact they ran an illegal contest.

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Nvidia is doing some weird stuff on that reddit thread. I've noticed the slowly all of my comments are being attacked and hid, also no matter who upvotes that thread it won't go past 43 or lower than 30. Well at least posting a big nasty scam warning on their main page got their attention. If you haven't already, please go reply to the Nvidia Social Manager and let him know how you feel.

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@Alex The thing is Bethesda actually covered themselves lawfully in that they acted when things were brought to their attention, thus far, Nvidia have ignored largely the claims made. There is a much larger legal basis to go for Nvidia due to the fact they ran an illegal contest.


I mean as I understand it there are still stolen mods being uploaded to bethesda.net and some that have been up for months. Also the users who are uploading the stolen mods have had little to no action taken against them but correct me if im wrong. If this is the case then bethesda might still be breaking the law. Its like if a torrent site removed a torrent link because of a dcma but then didn't ban/suspend the users account (clearly protecting them) there is still a copyright case to be made on that alone.


Also Nvidia could just shut down the contest and not pay anything to the winners and you no longer have a case. Whereas, if the stolen mods produced any revenue whatsoever, even if bethesda completely shuts down beth.net you would still have a case.


As an edit: Im not sure if ill get banned for mentioning the site name so I wont (the one with the fat former owner that got raided and shut down by swedish police). The entire reason behind the raid and the attempted shutdown wasn't because they were hosting stolen content but because they "created an environment" where hosting stolen content was encouraged and protected. Essentially bethesda.net. However im unsure if the european laws applied there would apply to bethesda or if america has similar laws.

Edited by Alexotero1219
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