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Engineering and Old Burdens


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*Author's note: If you've read my various writting on the TESNexus imageshare you'll understand this. Might as well give a bit of a incite to what I've got planned for Skyrim*


Deneb after wandering through the war-torn Hammerfell and Cyrodiil, eventually she reached a little quaint cottage hiding in the Jerralls between Cyrodiil and Skyrim. A faint sound of a hammer hitting metal was resonating from deep within the cottage. Ancient chimes started to ring as the cold wind started to blow as the Witch entered the cottage. The sound of a hammer was soon replaced with the Fwoosh of something Bellenia called a Torch. How it worked Deneb could never figure out, Bellenia had no skill in the arcane arts yet she could make a piece of metal shoot a hot flame out for an extended period of time.


Bellenia turned off the Torch and raised her goggled above her head onto hair that had slight strains of silver in it. "Did you find that Dead Man" Bellenia said coldly to Deneb. "Well, he wasn't rotting anymore and someone already tried to kill him before I set him on fire, said something about a red headed drunk, I've forgotten alread-" Deneb replied before she noticed someone sitting at the bench staring at her. "Your sure that piece of s**t is dead" the Man said with an accent that seemed stronger than Lockes had been. He went back to putting something back together that resembled the thing that had killed her years ago. Deneb noticed an intricate blade lying on the table, at first it seemed if it were stained with blood then she realized it was a vampiric blade. Deneb stared at the blade, she knew it hungered constantly for blood and eventually drives the wielder mad until it taste their own blood. "You must destroy that evil blade" Deneb demanded the man who now was stitching a coat of leather and steel.


He looked at her with a stare that made even the mana essence in her freeze and said "I forged that blade out of my regrets, my hate, anger, sorrow as well as a shattered blade of a line now long dead and even a piece of my very essence. It torments me with whispers of my broken vow and failure. If I were to destroy it, it would kill me". Bellenia turned around and stared at the scarred man before she flipped a switch on the mechanical creation. It roared for a second before it shot a piston out of it, shattering a wall. "Damn it" she screamed as she threw a spanner across the workshop. The Man walked towards the chalkboard and revised the schematic Bellenia had drawn up there and said "This should work, James Watt works have never been miniaturized although". "You" the Man said as he pointed at Deneb "He said something about a Drunk redhead". Deneb stuttered out "Y-yeah, might have been the person who killed all his sons and grandsons in gruesome ways". "There is still one out there then" the man replied. "How would you know that" Bellenia said with some frustration to her voice. "Because if I know the Scarlet Lady well enough, she won't stop until shes drenched in blood. She killed forty people with my own blade after I stood on a crude mine, those who obtain the ire of the Scarlet will eventually face her wrath no matter how far they run. So many years ago..." a tear left the man's face as he said that.


Bellenia walked over to a map on the wall, looking at Skyrim she said "The last of Lockes men if they survived with an heir are probably heading to Skyrim to fight in the Civil war". "Civil war" the man said with a questioning tone. "Long story short, the Elves kicked the crap out of the Imperials and they signed a treaty that said no more worship of Talos, a man who ascended to godhood. The Nords are not too happy with this, so they've rebelled" Bellenia explained. "Oh a religious civil war, Troid níos mó as rud éigin nach bhfuil ann." He replied. The man grabbed his gear and before he left he asked "What in the world are you building that needs multiple steam engines". "A Dwemer Airship" Bellenia replied. The man walked back over to the chalkboard and wrote down a few things and turned and said "Outfit it with a dozen of those, you'll lay waste to everything in your path". Bellenia looked at the chalkboard and something clicked in her head, She hadn't heard that tongue being spoken in years. "Deneb, we've got a ton of metal to smelt down" Bellenia yelled at the witch who was trying to sneak out of the workshop that lie deep below the cottage.

Edited by Flintlockecole
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Like it very much except perhaps the story needs a little more background explanation to items and characters that appear in it.







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  • 2 months later...

Ah! Tankee vera much! Your storie is just fine for those of us who have a mind to imagine where your's has been Flintlockecole. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif


I myself felt the tug of ancient/modern Skyrim soul's as they chatted there, on the time flow on my presence, so I could almost sense me sitting in the room, looking on, crafting something too, as them players were as I read those word's. It made me eye socket's feel sunken in a might like as the mortar around the forge stone's would be dried so too, as Bellenia is working there.

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