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Noob up and running :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so I officially pushed the modding envelope past my knowledge level by trying OBGE 3.1RC (along with a half dozen other mods) and broke my install, but I've learned quite a bit about the process, so I'll hopefully have a cleaner strategy when I start fresh tomorrow, lol.


I might try adding Unique Landscapes, MOBS, RAEVWD, and a few others into the mix, see if I can get it all to work.

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Edit: I forgot to install the terrain noise and BTQ+QN LOD textures. I used the 1024 versions without the border regions lod's.



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Looking really good! I'll have to compare your mod list to mine to see if I'm missing anything :) That screenshot of Uriel Septim reminded me I want to try this mod the next time I start over...http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8210


That's awesome, I hadn't seen that one.


I started paying closer attention to my amount of memory in use instead of just the framerate, and I think I've about maxed out my 5830. I backed off to the 512 LOD files, as after manually travelling long distances I was getting up around 800megs in the vram and noticing a lot of stuttering.


I think I've finally found a good balance now though, so I'll start updating the original post with my final list.

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Thanks, and agreed. There are so many quality mods for this game you could break just about any computer if you tried running them all. Since my computer is fairly middle of the road at the moment, and there are probably going to be a few more stragglers picking the game up with all the $6 sales lately, I'm going to try to get the original post updated in the next few days as a more comprehensive noob guide. I've got it running on both the desktop and laptop now, so I've spent way too much time installing and deleting things to not share it, lol.


I have never spent this much time just wandering around admiring a game.













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