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What The Heck Is Wrong With Bethesda

Itachi 92

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Yeah, but my point was you can still die in the end. Immortality would be to be able to be totally unkillable, not even if a mountain fell on top of you. :P



yeah ok that would be god-like immortality more like invincible^^ but vampires are considered immortal as well ..even in the game actually...prove is the ingame book "Immortal Blood" telling a vampire story ..

Edited by Itachi 92
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Vampirism isn't a main focus of the game.


*facepalm* what is the main focus then? Dragons right?


Hey everyone just do the main quest line k? Never mind all the other content, it's not the main focus.


Oh also don't pay attention to the magic system, that's not the main focus either, that's what shouts are for.



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..also playing in daylight is s*** cos stamina and health wont regenerate -.-


But you're a vampire... :unsure: please don't say you want to be sparkle :biggrin:


Anyway I can see the need to buff vampirism. Because the weaknesses and draw backs, which are maybe close adequate and make sense to lore and gameplay challenge at least. how it tiers up to stage 4 and all that is cool. At least the idea is right perhaps not the complete execution. Stage 4 vampires shouldn't be running around in the daylight if they know what is good for them, in an emergency like if their lair is rumbled by hunters or soemthing, but not the normal thing for a vamp to be sunbathing on the beach in my idea of them.

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I feel bethesda really gimped the game on factions...

They're all really short aside from generated missions, so there should be plenty of time to make a wearwolf clan, anti wearwolf clan (join the silver hand or whatever they're called) some vampire clans (perhaps 2 rival ones?)

and a warlock/ necromancer group too!


Some more Deadra stuff would be nice too!



I can never be pleased.


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