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Boycott Beth.net


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Because modders, no matter what they say in public, are drooling at the prospect of (what they think) is 'easy money' when Bethesda re-introduces payment for mods.


See the CS:GO-lotto scandal (Valve forcing under-aged illegal gambling into the gaming community by hiring economic and DRM experts to monetise virtual items, all while APPEARING to have clean hands)? Zenimax seeks to exploit the same types of foolish people by DRM prorecting mods and monetising them, using the same advice from economic experts.


Get rich quick schemes never go away, cos there's always enough fools thinking they will be the ones getting rich, not the people running the con.


People modded for FUN. If peeps wanted paying, there are millions of legit careers in every aspect of the computer creative fields. But Beth knows it only has to wave a TINY (to Zenimax) amount of money in front of the noses of modders, and many of them insanely fantasise that modding could become a 'career'. Same reason idiots play the lottery.


Stage one, in the minds of such people, is the need to CREEP to Bethesda as hard as they can in the hope that their grovelling will 'pursuade' Beth to do what Beth has intended all along- to exploit modding with money.


How many people have the brains NOT to play the lottery because they correctly understand the precepts of rational gambling? Not many.


Nexus is an astonishing service, and deserves the greatest loyalty. Sadly Nexus is about to discover just how shallow and foolish most people are.

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Because modders, no matter what they say in public, are drooling at the prospect of (what they think) is 'easy money' when Bethesda re-introduces payment for mods.


See the CS:GO-lotto scandal (Valve forcing under-aged illegal gambling into the gaming community by hiring economic and DRM experts to monetise virtual items, all while APPEARING to have clean hands)? Zenimax seeks to exploit the same types of foolish people by DRM prorecting mods and monetising them, using the same advice from economic experts.


Get rich quick schemes never go away, cos there's always enough fools thinking they will be the ones getting rich, not the people running the con.


People modded for FUN. If peeps wanted paying, there are millions of legit careers in every aspect of the computer creative fields. But Beth knows it only has to wave a TINY (to Zenimax) amount of money in front of the noses of modders, and many of them insanely fantasise that modding could become a 'career'. Same reason idiots play the lottery.


Stage one, in the minds of such people, is the need to CREEP to Bethesda as hard as they can in the hope that their grovelling will 'pursuade' Beth to do what Beth has intended all along- to exploit modding with money.


How many people have the brains NOT to play the lottery because they correctly understand the precepts of rational gambling? Not many.


Nexus is an astonishing service, and deserves the greatest loyalty. Sadly Nexus is about to discover just how shallow and foolish most people are.

Don't see how it is 'easy money'


Nothing about making mods is really easy. And some modders already make plenty of money already without paid mods.


Also, paid modding is not a scam... I do not know where you get that idea. I know people who make paid mods and I hear it is very lucrative.

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Because modders, no matter what they say in public, are drooling at the prospect of (what they think) is 'easy money' when Bethesda re-introduces payment for mods.


See the CS:GO-lotto scandal (Valve forcing under-aged illegal gambling into the gaming community by hiring economic and DRM experts to monetise virtual items, all while APPEARING to have clean hands)? Zenimax seeks to exploit the same types of foolish people by DRM prorecting mods and monetising them, using the same advice from economic experts.


Get rich quick schemes never go away, cos there's always enough fools thinking they will be the ones getting rich, not the people running the con.


People modded for FUN. If peeps wanted paying, there are millions of legit careers in every aspect of the computer creative fields. But Beth knows it only has to wave a TINY (to Zenimax) amount of money in front of the noses of modders, and many of them insanely fantasise that modding could become a 'career'. Same reason idiots play the lottery.


Stage one, in the minds of such people, is the need to CREEP to Bethesda as hard as they can in the hope that their grovelling will 'pursuade' Beth to do what Beth has intended all along- to exploit modding with money.


How many people have the brains NOT to play the lottery because they correctly understand the precepts of rational gambling? Not many.


Nexus is an astonishing service, and deserves the greatest loyalty. Sadly Nexus is about to discover just how shallow and foolish most people are.

If you compare making mod for money with playing the lottery then you don't really understand how mathematical probability works.

Also you are drooling with envy. I underlined the words that show it. You are angry someone might make money and you are not getting a cut. Oh and Nexus is happily making money off mods without the modders getting a cut.


And go to hell for declaring modding not legit work in a creative field.

Edited by lelcat
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Says the guy who threw the actual insult by calling anyone who disagrees with you a sell out.


Haven't called anyone a sellout. If you ditch the Nexus to lick the scraps from Bethesda's table then you would be though.

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Thank you :smile: You've been living up to your username, at least in part, in your posts.


*laughs* Which half of my name? :smile:


Polite. Unless my door's been kicked in and I'm missing my silverware... Nope still there.

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Games are software, and software is a thing that is bought and sold. If it wasn't I and many more would be out of a job. People charge for aftermarket car parts, why not game mods? So on.

No one is saying mod authors shouldn't be paid for their work...

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Because modders, no matter what they say in public, are drooling at the prospect of (what they think) is 'easy money' when Bethesda re-introduces payment for mods.


See the CS:GO-lotto scandal (Valve forcing under-aged illegal gambling into the gaming community by hiring economic and DRM experts to monetise virtual items, all while APPEARING to have clean hands)? Zenimax seeks to exploit the same types of foolish people by DRM prorecting mods and monetising them, using the same advice from economic experts.


Get rich quick schemes never go away, cos there's always enough fools thinking they will be the ones getting rich, not the people running the con.


People modded for FUN. If peeps wanted paying, there are millions of legit careers in every aspect of the computer creative fields. But Beth knows it only has to wave a TINY (to Zenimax) amount of money in front of the noses of modders, and many of them insanely fantasise that modding could become a 'career'. Same reason idiots play the lottery.


Stage one, in the minds of such people, is the need to CREEP to Bethesda as hard as they can in the hope that their grovelling will 'pursuade' Beth to do what Beth has intended all along- to exploit modding with money.


How many people have the brains NOT to play the lottery because they correctly understand the precepts of rational gambling? Not many.


Nexus is an astonishing service, and deserves the greatest loyalty. Sadly Nexus is about to discover just how shallow and foolish most people are.


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But Beth knows it only has to wave a TINY (to Zenimax) amount of money in front of the noses of modders, and many of them insanely fantasise that modding could become a 'career'. Same reason idiots play the lottery.


Who is more foolish, the modder who is an 'idiot', or the person who fills their hard-drive with the intellectual work of 'idiots' while begging them to stay?




Polite. Unless my door's been kicked in and I'm missing my silverware... Nope still there.


Oh, thankyou. I actually thought I'd been a bit harsh at some points, but I've gotten a bit worked up over the topic.

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