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(WIP) The Small Addition - Worldspace


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The Small Addition - Work in Progress

I don't usually do these types of threads (because, honestly, my mods aren't usually big enough to justify it). However, since I've started nearing the end of the initial environment bits and am, of course now, running into a few issues...well, I figured I'd pop it in here and see if there is even any interest (even though this was mostly for my own enjoyment and not truly anything huge, fancy or ground breaking, technical or otherwise) and maybe a few tips, heh. =)

New worldspace (The Small Addition)
Absolutly, without a doubt, not lore friendly =P
2 (small) cave dungeons so far
6 settlements so far
...I don't know...other stuff? Still lots of work left.

A few of the things I've run into and havn't solved yet:
1) Worldmap in Pip-boy is offset...about an inch lower than it should be...and about a 1/3 of the size it should be
2) First time through the Dollhouse (the door in the Commonwealth) into the worldspace puts one about 5 feet *below* where they the marker is and, consequently, below the floor (into the foundation) of the mirror dollhouse and upon the desks where it sits...I've tried so many things to fix this...it's just so lame
3) Object and World LOD are fine...at least for objects that Bethesda already supplied the files for (Data>Meshes>LOD>etc, Data>Texture>etc>etc). The hedges (as seen in the below shot), for example, don't have LOD meshes from the start, so I'll need to deal with that. I'll use my go-to example, the Mr. Handy Box. It needs to be seen from 3-5 cells away. So, I need to figure how to give it, and other similar objects, LOD. I haven't really tried yet, and kind of at a loss as to how to start, to give static 'not-usually-needed-to-be-seen-from-several-cells-away' objects. I'd assume I'd have to change in the CK>Object>Edit>HasDIstantLOD (to maybe just reflect the original meshes), then go chew around on the nifs, blah blah blah...yeah, I'm getting lost on that.
4) *Still* some objects that just will not respond to any of the tried and true ways of making an environment object stack'able...folded towels and folded sheets are, without compare, my true nemesis' right now.
5) ...I simply need to learn to create quests...something I've just never done...because I was born without the story telling bone. =/

Some screenshots:



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Looks very creative! Can't wait to see it in person

Thank you. =)

I know it's not a terribly fancy mod (in neither breadth nor scope...no nVidia awards for me).

However, I think it could be fun (for maybe an hour or 2...that's what I'm shooting for, at least...not counting settlement build time and however long people might spend building in those wide open spaces with a good bit of vertical opportunities).


Couple small cave dungeons.

Working on an inner wall and an inner tree dungeon.

Few more ideas (not lacking for ideas for locations...but quests, on the other hand, I don't even know where to begin...that takes real creativity there).

...and I'm quite proud of the treehouse (worlds most unsafe, "what kind of parents would build this for their children!?", treehouse). All vanilla assets, obviously (until I start trying to create LOD for it), but came out well and I just like the idea of it.

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Still having fun (except for the lazy cat and off-center map). =)


'In Wall' dungeon...total darkness without a light.

I've got some issues with blurriness (and some rainbow dots, heh) due to the scale of the objects that I'm just not understanding how to rectify (even with some 4k textures?), but with the complete lack of light in the cell making player character view very narrow and having known from the beginning that blown up textures were going to be an issue, I might just have to let it go.





Where does one usually get power in a house?

...and the Easy Bake Oven (Workshop Workbench). =P







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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Alpha is up in case anyone is interested in giving it a whirl. =)

-New worldspace: The Small Addition.

-Absolutely, without a doubt, not lore friendly. =P

-4 (new'ish, small) dungeons.

-8 settlements.

-4 new('ish) weapons, 1 clothing (male and female) and 1 helmet (male and female).

-1 new race/faction (4 enemy types, plus 1 legendary).

-Worldspace specific perk to boost jump height and negate fall damage. Removed for the time being (known issue: not working as intended or at all)...best to bring a jetpack or be prepared to built plenty of staircases.

-Most definitely a work in progress.

Entrance to world is just on the edge of Concord on the second floor of a house (as shown in the above image).

Step out of the Museum of Freedom, turn right, walk to the end of the block, last house on the right.

Fast travel marker will appear following the player character's first entrance into The Small Addition.

If you are in a hurry, open the console with ~, then type "coc poiasa" (minus the quotes) and click on the dollhouse.

I'm hesitant to put this up as there is much more work to be done to flesh it out. However, I'm running a little short on time these days and itching to get this out to gauge the interest. This will be expanded upon, at least in regards to locations, dungeons and further development of the new faction.

Suffice to say, there is much more to do and plenty of room for improvement. =)

Quests, well, may not come anytime soon. I just don't seem to be getting any interesting ideas. I may revisit quests at a later date or, perhaps, enlist some help.

Edits cell 0000DDDD in the Commonwealth, on the outskirts of Concord.

Mods that edit Concord *may* be incompatible with this mod. However, as long as that building (or a suitable 2 story building in it's place) remains, there shouldn't be any issues.

Plenty of bugs to find, I'm sure. So, please feel free to report them, along with any suggestions to further flesh out the worldspace. ;-)

P.S. I started out with the intent of about 2 hours of gameplay...but ended up somewhere around 30 minutes. I'm still still calling it a win, as this is my first full worldspace (I've done settlements in this game and several other items for other games).

Be kind, helpful, and remember that someday you may need help and that it might be a good idea to keep bridges un-burnt. ;-)


Edited by BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
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  • 3 months later...

I'm at a place where I really would appreciate some bug finding.

Anyone want to lend a hand?

Maybe even technical hints for fixes to some of the more exasperating ones.


I'm sure there are a lot of them. I know about some (some really glaringly obvious ones, to boot), but I'm also sure there are a lot more.


Ideas are always welcome, but I'm really looking for "guns don't work as expected", "texture is totally whacked", "beacon no work no good", "getting stuck here...", "settlers won't actually leave the worldspace if told to a settlement outside of worldspace", etc.


Also, I'm officially breaking down and looking for someone to write some simple dialog (the very basics) for my companion. I think it's like all of 16 lines of "yes", "no", "okay" (but said cooler, heh). I'm just not the greatest at that, for sure.


Also also, (again breaking down) and asking for help with quests. Not only ideas (right now fetch quests are about all I can think of), but actual implementation.


Thank you for reading. =)


P.S. For anyone reading this and thinking it might be a nice time, I warn that I am very limited in my time to work on this project. I get little bits out at a time when I can scrounge the time, mostly on weekends. Also, I've found it difficult to put aside my pride and admit that I could use a real hand with this project. However, I think this could be really interesting and has lots of room to grow. So, again, if anyone is interested, talk about it here and see where we can go.

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Companion idea?


Green Army Soldier.


Then recycle some generic BoS NPC lines for that authentic military feel.


(Plus, the generic BOS NPCs already have all the URGH ARGH HNNNGH lines there, saving someone from having to sound loudly constipated into a microphone.)

Edited by Athanasa
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Companion idea?


Green Army Soldier.


Then recycle some generic BoS NPC lines for that authentic military feel.


(Plus, the generic BOS NPCs already have all the URGH ARGH HNNNGH lines there, saving someone from having to sound loudly constipated into a microphone.)

I stuck with the Gunner stuff for them, but the (Tan Army, actually) companion...I don't know, he's been a sticking point with me. Was such a pain in the butt to get him going that I wanted some small bit to make him stand out (if only for his one or two lines in recruit, trade and dismiss phases).


I forgot that I had thought about trying to get the Greens to have BOS dialog (while the Tans will keep Gunner dialog with (I feel) its much younger and unseasoned, but still military'ish sounding, attitude). Thanks for reminding me. =)


I *had* thought about making the sides choose'able and adding a Green Army companion (like suggested), too. But 1) once was enough on companions (darn thing was a pain in the butt to get working right), and 2) choosing sides quickly proved way outside my abilities. =/

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