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Have you married anyone yet?


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As there is no real romance, the short answer is no and I don't plan to. The marriage only idea is terrible, makes me think they did it as a quick add in. I would much prefer a bit of romance, a kiss and hug now and again would be nice, even to be able to turn round after a hard fight and say "you OK".


Even if I was considering it, I've yet to see or hear anyone that I would be remotely interested in. The characters seem biased toward men, who have quite a few CLEAN attractive women to choose from, whereas so far I've found most of the men are either filthy, have the worse case of panda eyes I've ever seen, or have voices that make them sound like they only have half a brain cell between them. So far I've only bought 2 house, 1 has Lydia in residence (nice for the men) and what do I get, some dirty, brain dead, one eyed, muscle bound chimp in Markarl :(

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I wish we could give our spouse's stuff to wear. Sylgia walks around the house with a giant pickaxe on her hip.


It's possible via console. I too married Sylgja, and removed her pickaxe and original clothing then had her wear the Master Robes - nice and casual.


In console (tilde key) click on Sylgia and then enter 'showinventory' without quotes.


Use 'Removeitem (item number) 1' without quotes or brackets to completely remove items from her - the 1 stops them respawning. The showinventory command lets you know all the numbers of what she has on her.


Then use 'Additem (item number) 1' without quotes or brackets, using an item number for whatever you want her to wear/equip.


Finally, 'Equipitem (item number) 1' without quotes or brackets to have her wear whatever you want. Again, the 1 makes it permanent. If you forget the one, each time she loads she'll be in her underwear.


Hope that helps!

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Not yet, I'm waiting until I've got a good idea of all the possible suitors (which is probably loads)


Right now I have my eye on Ysolda in Whiterun though.


Same here. Ysolda is the one and only.











I don't finish her quest because I've read that here are a radiant quest where she dies and leaves an inheritance to you if you have given here the tusk. So until a patch comes along and fix the whole marriage thing Ysoldas quest will never be completed by one of my characters.

Oh and I read that you can indeed get her to sorta own that inn she wants. Search how to or PM me if you want to know the unconfirmed way to do it. Uesp.net have the info also.

Edited by Tarm
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I've considered Aela, Mjoll and Jordis, but Jordis sounds just as passive-aggressive as Lydia (same VA, I think), Mjoll still feels in-debt to Aerin, who would continue to follow her around, and Aela... I don't really have an excuse for her, beyond the, "I'm still finding myself" bit.
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I married Lydia.

The next day a dragon kiled her.



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I've considered Aela, Mjoll and Jordis, but Jordis sounds just as passive-aggressive as Lydia (same VA, I think), Mjoll still feels in-debt to Aerin, who would continue to follow her around, and Aela... I don't really have an excuse for her, beyond the, "I'm still finding myself" bit.


Hm, Aela might fit my orc warrior... I dunno about my Khajiit mage, though.

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