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The Dragonborn Legacy


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Wow looks great, ATM trying to setup a new Modding Resource which gotten popular even while I lacked off. I fixed the problems and make it easier and made the list more likely to be better quality!


Within this new resource people with talents show and offer their services, this thread may be able to assist you locating talents that you seek.


The new thread is still rather new, the older resource list is outdated but many have created posts of their work and their services.

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Not sure when this will be done, I still think it would be done by 2013 or something (at least the full version). But who knows, we're still working on this, we got some voice samples though for one char. But ya, we're busy in a way.
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Alright, it's official - I'm retarded... :wallbash:


I did a clean Skyrim reinstall since it was becoming buggy from a few other mods 'n' stuff only to realize an hour later that when I wiped the Skyrim data, I wiped my latest WIP ESP... :wallbash:

Worst part is when I cleared the skyrim folder, I did a shift+delete which skips the trash can so I can't restore it.


No worries though I already did a self-bashing so I'm working on it immediately again. Oh, and I'll also be able to do a few things differently this time around so... yea. Hopefully it'll come out a little better than last time. And for the ETA, I'm staying optimistic that I'll be able to work on the mod non-stop through summer.


EDIT: Oh yes, also after looking at the Dawnguard information, I saw quite a few new game mechanics that would prove invaluable to TDL for example the unlock-able vampire skill tree.

Edited by Budz42
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The latest backup I have is version 6a - I'll have to make the navmesh, clutter the dungeon again, restart on making the prologue quest, put in all the lights again and of course remake the lava.


EDIT: So I saw on the SkyrimNexus the Dark Daedric Axe made by Zertual and have contacted him to see if he'll join as our armor/weapon designer. If he accepts then the Goltoor weapons and armor will be just around the corner.

Edited by Budz42
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A few bump-worthy updates...


Due to the setback I've contacted dogtown1 - uploader of the skyrim monster mod to request permission for editing his dragon man mesh.


I've also began concept art on the Goltoor heavy/light armor sets and I must say they are looking pretty good. Also, the armor sets will be segmented and have equip slots set up to fashion after the combination outfit mod but for both men and women and will be upgrade-able. Unfortunately my cat appears to enjoy sleeping on top of my sketchbook whenever I work on it. :tongue:

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What are heavy light armor sets ? xD


Anyway love to see your motivation, even after such a little shock . I'm wondering however, what do you need the dragon man mesh for? Didnt you already model the humandoid dragon? Any porblems rigging the werewolve anims to it?

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It's not so much that my model isn't working or anything, it's just that I don't really want to spend time on it when I'm doing other things... Plus his dragon man thing appears to have a nice weight paint and again I don't want to spend extra time than I need. Why reinvent the wheel when there's already one. Anyway, I'm just going to be adding my dragon man's wings to his dragon man. After that I won't have to worry about the extra bits 'n' bobs of making a new model from scratch (or at least rigging it as if it were from scratch). However, if there was a creature designer on the team (s)he'd be putting it in the game.


Anyway, the basic armor top is taking shape, been making it from the vanilla buff male mesh to make it have the ancient greek chestplate look to it.


Something like this.


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