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Lydia's Famous Disappearing Act.


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I got Lydia to carry items for me last night as she's a lot bigger than my Breton female character :happy:


Lydia doesn't seem to run out of arrows in her inventory. Also, how do you make her put on armor given to her?

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If you lose Lydia, go up to dragon Reach. She is usually up there. She must be really depressed as she's always eating.


And choking on it. She coughs A LOT.


Lydia: (cough)

Dovakiin: "Shut up, I'm thinking."


She also likes to bump into you from behind then blame you for stopping.


Anyway, to the other poster that asked, she'll use better weapons, including arrows, but switched back to her bow for me, but I could be remembering that wrong because I don't here anywhere much. There is a mod for taking and replacing anything, except that bow glitch. I like to dress her in Forsworn armor before accidentally killing her. Really, it's always an accident because of how she rushes ahead before I can get that firebolt scroll aimed at the frost troll charging me.

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I got Lydia to carry items for me last night as she's a lot bigger than my Breton female character :happy:


Lydia doesn't seem to run out of arrows in her inventory. Also, how do you make her put on armor given to her?


No follower actually uses the arrows you equip them with. If you watch, you can retrieve the arrows they fire and slowly grow their inventory of a particular kind of arrow over time. In order to uparmor Lydia or any other follower, the armor you give her must have a base armor score higher than the base armor they start with. Upgrading the armor will not affect whether the follower will wear it. The other shoe is that if you give a follower unupgraded armor of the same type as they are wearing, they will don the unupgraded armor in prefereence to the upgraded armor.

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