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Dealing with dragons as melee


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Try to find a hiding place near some more open ground. I'm not sure about my character right now, but not so long ago I'd get killed by one full breath attack from a frost dragon, so I always had to stand behind rocks or under little overhangs. Even a thick tree would do it. However, the dragon won't land unless there's a relatively large open space for it, so you just need to wait it out in a safe place nearby and wait for it to drop down. You can also use shouts to attack it when it stops to hover and spew out breath attacks.
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To get it to land, just pull out a bow. Wait for it to land, as it tries to counter your weapon choice, and then switch back to melee.


So just pulling out a bow forces them to land? Will have to try this.


Will have to use the shouts more too, forget I have them sometimes.

Edited by dmgvss
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my tactic is pretty simple. the first time it hovers low, i use Marked for Death on it. I have a bow to plink away at it as well but the damage is fairly negligible. Equip an amulet of talos and when the dragon hovers again, hit it with ice/fire breath as appropriate.


repeat until it lands, whereupon you lay into it with melee. if it never lands, killing it slowly with shouts and bow is pretty much best.


always carry a bow anyway, it's just cool. the consummate warrior should have a variety of weapons at hand.

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So just pulling out a bow forces them to land? Will have to try this.


Will have to use the shouts more too, forget I have them sometimes.

I don't think it does. I only ever use bows against dragons and they'll eventually land maybe once in the whole time I'm fighting them. When they do land, it's usually to attack something else, like my follower or an animal, and they're usually using melee weapons. They just tend to land after a certain amount of time if they can actually land, if there's somewhere for them to stand and move around a bit. If the ground is too uneven or covered in trees, they won't. They also like to land more often by towns (again, attacking the NPCs that are all melee) and on rooftops.

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I'm trying to play a pure melee 2-hander warrior guy, how are you meant to deal with dragons without any ranged weapon?


I just feel like a sitting duck while they fly around for what seems like forever.


Dragonrend. Knocks them to the ground and they stay on the ground so long as you keep it on them. (dragonrend is a thu'um you get during the main quest line.)

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