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Help: Skyrim "data files" unclickable


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Ok i'm using XP for computer


I found the fix through reading all coments here


First of all go to C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\My documents\My Games\Skyrim


SkyrimPrefs: Look for [Launcher]


First its hard to find so look well should be somewhere in middle

then change it into this






copy it and delete it


Then put it above [Display]



Note i screwed my other SkyrimPrefs but the game doesn't mind it though


Have fun


Extra go to SkyrimLauncher then Data Files and click your mods to activate ^^

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I didnt go through all the posts. here is my problem.

I go to that folder mentioned. c document bla bla bla and there is that SkyrimPrefs....when I control f it, nothing like what said in earlier posts shows up/ " i treied both while I had clicked the file and while just on the page" and tried adding that thingies to the skyrim....but didnt work. I added it both before and after skyrim..... HELP oh and I use win 7. and you guys said lok for Lancher. Where the heck is that Launcher thing? this Skyrim Prefs is just a single file. should I oppen it and add it?

Edited by mohsen4star
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