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Did you kill Paarthurnax?


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I killed him, although I felt pretty bad for doing it.


My character has Dark Elf ancestors from all over Tamriel, including the hero of Kvatch/Champion of Cyrodiil. Who would likely have killed Paarthurnax if he were alive during Skyrim's time. So my character was doing it out of honour for his ancestors, instead of any personal vendetta against Paarthurnax himself.

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The Blades, they couldn't even save the emperor at the time of the Cyrodiilic crisis and needed the help of a lowly prisoner and the emperor's bastard son to save the land from Dagons tyranny.


And here we are and only two remain, the last of a distinguished line of warriors that fell into decay and disrepute and are bereft of honour and renown.


One hides behind locked doors in the stinking sewers of a slum town, the other poses as a serving wench in a backwoods village inn.


And then the one that calls herself Delphine says, "kill Parthanax, you'll get no more help from us until you do".





For I am Ellerin, kin of the Dova, Dragonborn, you will bide by my words and I say Parthanax will live on. Alduin will die by my hand with or without your aid.


I have spoken, now go and scribe that on your precious wall.

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The Blades, they couldn't even save the emperor at the time of the Cyrodiilic crisis and needed the help of a lowly prisoner and the emperor's bastard son to save the land from Dagons tyranny.


And here we are and only two remain, the last of a distinguished line of warriors that fell into decay and disrepute and are bereft of honour and renown.


One hides behind locked doors in the stinking sewers of a slum town, the other poses as a serving wench in a backwoods village inn.


And then the one that calls herself Delphine says, "kill Parthanax, you'll get no more help from us until you do".





For I am Ellerin, kin of the Dova, Dragonborn, you will bide by my words and I say Parthanax will live on. Alduin will die by my hand with or without your aid.


I have spoken, now go and scribe that on your precious wall.



I agree so much, Paarthurnax felt like a mentor to me, filled with wisdom and power. Meanwhile the blades sit in a ruin, doing next to nothing. I don't care about the help of a serving wench, or an old man living in a slum.


Paarthurnax helped me learn Dragonrend, which served to defeat Alduin, hell, he served as an ally when Alduin attacked on The Throat of The World! What did Delphine and Esbern do? Sure, they helped me find the existence of Dragonrend, but before that, they led me on a wild goose chase that ultimately led to nothing except making me an active target of the Thalmor.


After learning Dragonrend, and defeating Alduin the first time, Odahviing carried me to the ruin to enter Sovngarde. I've had more help from the Dov than from Delphine or Esbern.


Gee, I wonder what's more important... A mentor who is slowly turning the Dov to a more peaceful approach, and a Dov who serves me when I need him, or a tavern wench with a sword, and an old man who lives in a slum?


Yeah I think I'll go with my mentor and comrade.

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The Blades, they couldn't even save the emperor at the time of the Cyrodiilic crisis and needed the help of a lowly prisoner and the emperor's bastard son to save the land from Dagons tyranny.


And here we are and only two remain, the last of a distinguished line of warriors that fell into decay and disrepute and are bereft of honour and renown.


One hides behind locked doors in the stinking sewers of a slum town, the other poses as a serving wench in a backwoods village inn.


And then the one that calls herself Delphine says, "kill Parthanax, you'll get no more help from us until you do".





For I am Ellerin, kin of the Dova, Dragonborn, you will bide by my words and I say Parthanax will live on. Alduin will die by my hand with or without your aid.


I have spoken, now go and scribe that on your precious wall.



That's exatly what I thought myself

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Never. Like I'd choose some old-lady who refuses to talk to me if I don't do what she says over Philosopher dragon bro and the kind old men with booming voices?


What I don't get is that the Blades were originally supposed to serve me, the Dovahkin, the dragonborn. They are quick to take credit for putting you down the path to defeating Alduin and getting the Stormcloaks and Empire to set up a truce, but, the moment I want them to, with good reason, forget about a dragon, they pull this whiny, childish maneuver of "DO WHAT I SAY OR I WONT SPEAK WITH YOU."


So know what I did? I left Paarthurnax alone, went into console and typed, "setstage mqpaarthurnax 100". I got to work with the blades (not worth it), and keep my Grey beard and Old Sage Dragon bros.

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I like Paarthurnax, but I don't like the Grey Beards; to me, they (the Grey Beards) seem just as self-important as the Blades remnants. While the Grey Beards might be 'Nax's pupils, they seem far too bent on their own prejudices and thus disrespect the wishes of others. If anything, I feel like they lack true wisdom.


'Nax lives in my games, but mostly from a tactical standpoint: a dragon is a better asset than two over-the-hill, out-of-practices former soldiers who failed miserably at their assignments. Actually, lore-wise, a single dragon should be more powerful than an entire army, so 'Nax makes for an excellent asset.

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Not to mention he seeks to help other dragons overcome their inherent nature to dominate and control. He's an asset, and for those who might be paranoid about his intentions, remember... he had hundreds of years with no Dragonborn around, why would he wait til you're around to do anything?


At least the Grey Beards seemed to have more of an interest in your personal advancement and growth. To me, it felt like the Blades cared only about killing dragons, which is exactly why the Grey Beards don't seem to like them. If they had their way, all dragons would be damned for the sins of the past, and would die.

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At least the Grey Beards seemed to have more of an interest in your personal advancement and growth. To me, it felt like the Blades cared only about killing dragons, which is exactly why the Grey Beards don't seem to like them. If they had their way, all dragons would be damned for the sins of the past, and would die.

I have to disagree with that. They only seem interested in your personal advancement and growth, so long as it fits within their worldview. Granted, I haven't really completed the main story, but just the condescension from their only talker annoys the bejesus out of me.

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I want a mod that if you kill Paarthurnax, you have a new choice, since you take his soul, you can go on a quest to find a way to re-imbue his body with the soul you absorbed, bringing him back to life, the Blades won't know this, but the Greybeards will because they will help you find the way to do this. His body should stay where he died, so all you need to do is go back there, and use this new ability (Shout, or spell, though a shout would work the best) and bring him back. He will of course have to follow you, since by killing him according to the dialogue with Odahviing who calls you something akin to the next Alduin, in the way that he led the other Dovs, not his tyranny.
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