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Beth messed up our elves!


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I have read about half of this discussion and would like to thank all for a (mostly) good read. I like the elves in Skyrim. Didn't like them in Oblivion, but no race looked good in Oblivion.


What I find to be the "default" elf look is that of Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition (yeah, they change a bit as well). I've attached a picture from a book, but I don't know how it works on this forum.


These elves are slender and more frail than humans. They are pretty in a way that some humans achieve as well, with their high cheek bones and skinny look (appealing to many men). My best real example here is actually Johnny Depp, though. Someone name a chick celeb with these features?


However, a form of pretty they cannot achieve is the piggy cute look very well exemplified by Drew Barrymore.


Anyway, for me it's not a matter of prettiest because humans have something elves don't and vice versa.



Edited by Lokiron
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Why does everyone seem to hate the new elven look? I find it to be darker and more unique. Lets face it Medieval Fantasy has had a lot of beautification and bright look made to them for the local populous. I actually do not like this approach because in the past elves (as an example but not the only one) pretty much look like humans but with pointy ears...and lets face it prettier lol In this game its going for a darker approach.


So why not have the elven races look a lot different than their human counterparts? I remember quite a few times in oblivion I wasn't sure whether I was about to attack a person or elf. (When I first started playing lol that was before I noticed that all the body meshes were the same for each race)


This of course is just my opinion. I honestly love the race change to looks.

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Most are but some are arguing that Oblivions were wrong and Skyrims are right, a silly argument about a fictional race.


This, for me at least, is less about it being a fictional species and more about consistancy within the story. If you're fine with the story changing every game, and a total lack of sense or consistancy, fine. WoW should be right up your alley.


But to some of us, maintaining a consistant world is important to the story telling experience, and Oblivion just flat out got it wrong.


Theres a point where too much customization compromises the integrity of the races, and Oblivion took a nose-dive off that ledge.Skyrim has climbed back up, but seems to be holding possition a good ways back from the ledge.

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Meh this thread became a word catching game...someone says something, then it gets twisted, used against him/her and then the whole cycle repeats...sadly the whole point of this gets drowned in opinions pushed upon others.


I wanted more costumization and i dont care if people go stand on their heads with their excuses of pretty elfs, this isnt humans and whatever crap, isnt going to change my opinion on that period. :dry:


I think more customisation is all people want, arguing over the appearance of a race that doesn't exist is ridiculous, not as ridiculous as claims of racism but ridiculous none the less.

Thats what we are talking about here the whole time....costumization nothing else.


Most are but some are arguing that Oblivions were wrong and Skyrims are right, a silly argument about a fictional race.


That's a little blind-sided, the main quantity of people in this thread are arguing that Oblivion was right and Skyrim was wrong.

Regardless, it should be about customization, and while maybe Skyrim's customization isn't quite as full as Oblivions, Elves on the whole look far better and fit much better with the TES lore. Which surely, is what's important.

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That's a little blind-sided, the main quantity of people in this thread are arguing that Oblivion was right and Skyrim was wrong.


Well I certainly am not. I am saying that Oblivion gave us more customisation options, for example detailed alterations were possible to the nose, forehead, cheeks, chin and general face shape. If you had actually read my posts, you would see that I have agreed that the default Oblivion heads were generally dire and the elves were no exception. But with the more detailed sliders, if face making was your thing, which it is in my case, you could make something different. And as it happens, I gave my Oblivion elves large slanting eyes (achieved by lifting the outer corner of the eyebrows), pointed chins (shorter in the cases of the females), prominent cheekbones and more concave cheeks. And when I say elves, I mostly stuck to the stock TES Bosmer and Dunmer, if I wanted a mage I played Breton. This is why I refute the suggestion that I am wanting my elves to look like "humans with pointy ears" when it comes to Skyrim. I am saying that I can go with making elves look different from humans in Skyrim (because I tried to do that in Oblivion), but I feel that the Bethesda defaults for Skyrim are very extreme, and end up with a rather masculine looking result for the females, in my opinion.


To reference what jim_uk says, we are arguing about a fictional race, and this thread really started as a discussion of what people want in their own games, of personal choices. So really, no, the lore is not the be all and end all for every person. Choice is.


@Lachdonin, that really was uncalled for "If you're fine with the story changing every game, and a total lack of sense or consistancy, fine. WoW should be right up your alley."

. These are video games we are talking about, not an intellectual exercise. It really isn't on to insult people just because they like their characters different from the way you like yours. And the most consistent thing about Bethesda games are the bugs and the patches that break more than they fix...

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@Lachdonin, that really was uncalled for "If you're fine with the story changing every game, and a total lack of sense or consistancy, fine. WoW should be right up your alley."

. These are video games we are talking about, not an intellectual exercise. It really isn't on to insult people just because they like their characters different from the way you like yours. And the most consistent thing about Bethesda games are the bugs and the patches that break more than they fix...


You obviously missed the point of my post. We are well past the point where games can get away with a total lack of story, and a series tends to flop if they don't maintain a cohesive story throughout (There are some exceptions, Final Fantasy being obvious). This means that story telling is important. It is doubly important in RPG's.


Personally, i don't care if elves look like super models, or tenticles mosters with acidic fangs, so long as its consistant. The artwork had always portrayed the Mer in a particular fassion, but it was only upon Morrowind that they had the resolution to do it properly (FYI, Berniziah, a dark elf, had white skin in her earliest incarnation, so... you know...). Then Oblivion took the path of overt customization rather than maintaining the character and traits of the races. It was this change, this move away from the core artwork and image of the francise, that i view as wrong.


Again, while i do indeed like the currten (and in my mind proper) look of the Mer, i couldn't care less about it so long as its consistant from game to game. As it is, Skyrim is more honest with the artwork and artistic design, but i suppose we have to wait for TES 6 to determine if their going to stay honest.

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