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Why do PC gamers look past all of the greatness in Skyrim?


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Skyrim has it's issues and any game is going to, some more then others (DA2 ... *cough* ). But despite any minor disappointments I may have, this is a beautiful game. I am still not playing the story line and just exploring, maybe a minor side quest. I am enjoying it and see many hours of just getting lost in it. Are PC gamers spoiled? damn right, I certainly am. :whistling:


I don't care if the game is RPG or what ever, or if the story is linear, what I care about is what I see on the screen and if the game sucks me in. I totally enjoyed Witcher 2 despite the linear story line, it was visually pleasing and interesting to play. I think the PC platform has much more to offer in gaming because it does raise the bar and can be made better with mods from a lot of very talented people. :thumbsup:

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Once we have the CK complaints will die down pretty quick, assuming its as flexible a tool as it was in previous iterations.




Personally though I reckon Skyrim has implemented a lot of ideas from the modding community, essentials really:

Like the Oblivion flora mod (you can tell when it's harvested), companions (yay! Pathfinding still a pain though), immersive music system (no more epic battle music fighting a rat, and enemies can sneak up on you now), crafting, sprinting, dual-wielding, infinite quests, etc etc.


Still... how could they forget horseback combat?! The animations on the horses are really nice now but I hate having to dismount each time to fight.


But once the CK is out... what complaints? Heh... oh, the console players =/

Sometimes I wonder really though if the CK is really still being worked on, or if Microsoft told Bethesda to hold off its release until they get more 360 sales :pinch:

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The AI is broken. Nobody can argue that.

They had no intention to balance the game to prevent players from powergaming/exploiting either. They designed it so people could end up ruining their own experience. Didnt they learned anything from past games?

Those 2 are huge flaws in design.

Since AI is broken, things like pathfinding, and kitting mobs destroy any and all sense of difficulty, even in secluded areas with scripted encounters!

They should had put realistic timers on skill progression ALONGSIDE use. Nobody can defend the current reality of "from noob to grandmaster in a few hours on any and all skills". Nothing NOTHING excuses that. They had to have designed it in a way that people simply dont go from level 1 to 50 in a day, period. Put reasonable caps on progression. The whole level scaling fiasco all over again. Vendors restocking out of thin air with level scaled goods. Tell you about breaking immersion. "Hey dude, so how did you just got this daedra heart one hour ago? What about this ebony armor of destruction?"

Dont get me started on the consolity disease. Thats an offense to pc gamers.


Its not about "people liking to *biatch*". They have valid concerns and they are consumers.

Edited by ogridum
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I think one of the most worse point in the game is the lack of informations about quests and places in this game.

All is intended to force you to use the stupid following quest system. You can't manage to search for places, because quest givers don't give you any valuable information but "it's east from here".


Even if the world is a bit more coherent than Oblivion, I always have the same feeling : I wander everywhere, I found places (by luck lol with the compass), and I explore them without knowing why... Just because I was there and it was there...


Never in one town someone tells you "I heard about a strange place just east from here blablabla..." but it's linked to a quest.

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I love when people use the word "broken". In order for something to be broken it must first have been functional. If the game is too easy for you then change the difficulty setting. In order for there to be a stable level of difficulty the game would have to linear like the Witcher 2, or have areas of the world closed off to players like GTA or Dragon Age. In Skyrim you have a completely open world, you can do the main plot firs, last or not at all. So there is no way of determining what level you will be when starting a given quest. There is a price that must be paid for freedom in a game, so the level system is just that.


If there was no map then you would spend hours upon hours wandering aimlessly. Skyrim is a big place.

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Skyrim wouldn't be the game it is if people hadn't complained about the previous games shortcomings, criticism is of far greater use to developers than the ravings of fanboys. Skyrim certainly is a fantastic game but there are areas which could be improved, the god awful UI being the stand out one. As for being grateful, I'm the customer, being grateful because a company let me buy their product is somewhat bizarre. Anyway compare the fanboy ridden official boards with this one where we can discuss all aspects of the game without being jumped on, I know which one I prefer.
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Once we have the CK complaints will die down pretty quick, assuming its as flexible a tool as it was in previous iterations.


Skyrim has good points but also a lot of things that aren't as great as a well-modded install of previous titles. Thats the big difference. Console players know nothing but vanilla Oblivion. My Oblivion has 220 mods, a solid third of which are oriented towards visuals, and looks better to my eye than vanilla Skyrim. That's why we're picky; the bar is higher.


I see Skyrim as a break blank canvas to work on. It has the potential to be superior to a lot of games, but seeing the great canvas without having the paint leaves the artist a little frustrated.


Hey Valamir your are totally right.. We are a picky group of gamers.. That's probably why we choose pc over console, and the potential skyrim offers is HUGE for pc gamers/modders:)


Btw I would love to see a video of your Oblivion game with +200 mods;) Haven't played Oblivion in years and I only played vanilla back in the good ol' days:)

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PC gamers are notoriously hostile towards their favourite titles getting redesigned for consoles, often with good reason.


Skyrim did a lot of things much better than their predecessors, melee combat and animations are the main things that come to mind. Other things not so much, look at Morrowind where you had to discover the world and finding things like the thieves guild or the morag tong was slightly challenging and rewarding. Compare that to skyrim where the thieves guild and dark brotherhood are running open recruitment and several quests in the game _force_ you to join the mages guild. What if your playing a warrior for gods sake? This kind of hand holding annoys some people.


Skyrim is a beautiful canvas at the moment as others have said before me. The magic system is arguably worse than the predecessors. (its more involving, but far less customisable and a few of the schools are trash.) Seeing this beautiful canvas and not being able to do anything with it because we havn't been given a brush yet can be more than a little frustrating.


That and people are generally critical of things they like anyway/

Edited by falloutreign
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Skyrim wouldn't be the game it is if people hadn't complained about the previous games shortcomings, criticism is of far greater use to developers than the ravings of fanboys. Skyrim certainly is a fantastic game but there are areas which could be improved, the god awful UI being the stand out one. As for being grateful, I'm the customer, being grateful because a company let me buy their product is somewhat bizarre. Anyway compare the fanboy ridden official boards with this one where we can discuss all aspects of the game without being jumped on, I know which one I prefer.


This is very true and i absolutely agree with you jim...skyrim itself is proof beth listened to the critique as many things/ideas were taken from mods...still there are things that repeat from oblivion or even go a bit back but that dossent mean people who criticise, hate the game...on the contrary, its becouse they want it to be better as it is in current state and thats nothing bad in my opinion.

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