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Bored of Skyrim?


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I think fundemental to the main failings of this game is the insistence that the game be open ended, you can explore anywhere, anytime. The trouble is that rather than designing and creating a progressive environement where monsters, tasks, rewards follow a tree type structure they need to make sure everything is accessible to all players at all times (apart from the very obvious and completely spoiling the openness concept, the locked door that requires a key that pops up all over). So development, progression and rewards are left to the player. In itself not a bad idea. But to make sure everyone progresses the rewards and nice stuff are made too easy to manufacture. So you end up with a game where everyone is walking around in Daedric type armor wielding swords that do 100-200 pts of damage per hit, battling Bandits, wolves and bunnies.


Now if they partly forsook this jihad of open gameplay, made part of the game explore and find, and part a progression, they could manage the reward system better, and thus balance the sort of char that you create to the next level of dungeon/quest difficulty. Let's face it Bethesda have never been great on the storyline aspects of games. They do good graphics, and big games. But big isnt always beautiful, even if its pretty. Creating 100, or is it 200 dungeons, will be repetitive, I read they had 4 people working on Dungeon design, you go design 50 dungeons and I bet they all start looking the same!


I feel Skyrim would have been a better game with fewer quests and dungeons, still a large game, but more focus on helping the player forwards rather than just handing them the entire game.


Its boring, repetitive, too easy to become almost invulnerable, lacks charm, immersiveness, has a dreadful UI and after a while is just a chore to play. It does have some great touches, but they dont outweigh that after a while it just becomes no fun. They just really dont get that trying to be totally open leaves the game with no clear path and no real feeling of accomplishment.

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I think - as someone touched on above - one of the major stumbling blocks of Skyrim is that there's been no truly impressive evolution regarding how you interact with other characters or the world of the game itself.


It's a bit like the Sims 3 evolution (or lack thereof): Changed a few things since the last game, tweaked this and that, but the heart of the game is still the same...Been done before and overdue for a real overhaul.


Skyrim doesn't feel innovative...and that's a real shame :unsure:

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I have nearly 140 hours in the game, although I played for 120 in 10 days. I just find that Skyrim is basically nothing new, if not Oblivion with enhanced graphics and gameplay. Quests still don't have the impact that, say, KotOR, Dragon Age, Mass Effect had (notice the pattern? 3 BioWare games, 3 story and character-driven games with enough freedom to remain interesting). The story is boring (I literally fell asleep during the main quest, and I have never fallen asleep playing a game), the characters are extremely shallow, gameplay is underwhelmingly easy, marriage is terrible, dragons are far too common and easy (rendering the entire 'oh no end of the world' plot pointless), Dark Brotherhood was disappointing, Thieves Guild was way too predictable, Companions was too short, Sheogorath's quest was far too unimportant, stealing and pickpocketing is incredibly easy, it's still pointless to go hunting as there are so few NPCs with valuable ingredients/pelts, smithing is a joke, not being able to craft arrows is stupid, and then there's all the graphics and performance problems (no surface collision detection for snow/rain, terrible LODs, incredible lack of optimization, still no x64 exe), and a very, VERY long etc.<br><br>Don't get me wrong, Skyrim is a great game: the combat is intense (when it's difficult enough), exploration is worth it, there's a great variation of biomes (my personal favourite is the automn-ish forest biome), theres tonnes of content, and eventually we'l be able to do whatever we want with the Creation Kit. However, after the first 100 hours I realised that it was getting a lot of things wrong, and, to be honest, I'm pretty much done with the game now. I'm replaying KotOR for the 6th time now and it's still as fun as ever. I'm sure that in a year's time Skyrim will be really fun with the appropriate mods and all, but for now I've spent enough time in Tamriel's snow-filled region. Edited by RejectedCamel
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I've started a new character and this time I'm completely ignoring the main quest, I finished the tutorial bit, bought a dog and went my own way. I'm enjoying the exploring and only doing the odd quest when I feel like it, I've done a couple of Thieves Guild and Companions quests but mainly it's just the dog and I wondering the world. No cliffrac.... er.... I mean Dragons either. :thumbsup:
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I'm still playing my dumpster warrior and still haven't really played the game. Granted, I haven't played as long as many of you, only about 30 hours. I'm still busy exploring! I have done some of the minor quests and am now at level 22. I still don't know how to 'enchant' anything even though I'm the arch mage now...LOL! I lost Shadwomere in that one, oh well. And my smithing skills suck, I can't figure out what 'You lack the proper skills' or something like that means, I do have perks in smithing. None the less, having a great time and a long ways from being bored.


I am not a strong archer, good single hand skills, and still going. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, I'm taking a break,too. After 178 hrs more or less straight, all missions done, fane of several towns, boss of the companions and the thieves, found all shouts and all words, erradiacted the Dark Brotherhood, won the war on Imperial side, hit level 61 and all that's left are repetative quest which are too easy.


But....no, I'm not bored, just exhausted :biggrin: and let's face it: it's just a first game check to see what it's all about and what potetial there is. Was with Morrowind and Oblivion like that. Both games gained their heights due to the awesome jobs of the modding community. Any it will be the same with Skyrim.


Cheers Euclid

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You could say i am abit bored right now, the open world is great, altho characters and story lack. The choices do not seem to have much of an impact and it turns out some of the responses are even counterintuitive to that nature. I wonder, if i should have bought it later, now with the patches and all that theater. Still it is a great game with fun combat and epic vistas. :wub: With some fixes by mods i mean. :laugh:


More consumer terrorism is what we need.


Well and mods with poeple willing to voice act. :D

Edited by Nadimos
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I simply don't get the "feel" of being part of the world as I did in Oblivion.


Now that you mentioned it, I didntt really feel like a part of skyrim as i did with oblivion aswell... In oblivion, i always felt as if i was living a second life. In skyrim, not so much. Hell, it didnt even feel like i was a dragonborn. Felt as if i was just a guy with a fancy title.

I'm pretty much the opposite. I felt like I was part of a world in Oblivion, but I feel even more so like I'm part of a world in Skyrim.


I think many things are responsible for me feeling this - not least the more impressive graphics (esp. with all the mods and tweaks). But three of the main ones are:


-much more realistic conversations: People actually talk to you when you enter a room rather than standing around waiting for you to activate them. Once you do actively speak to them, the world continues to turn, rather than everything freezing in place while you talk.

-more unique locations. So far, every dungeon, every cave, every guild HQ I've seen is very unique and generally interesting.

-This is the first RPG I've played where I feel like I don't want to do EVERYTHING. Don't get me wrong, I do want to complete most of the quests and see all of the map, but between all the fighting styles, crafting types, and gazillion side quests, I feel like the world is not just built to serve my character, but is genuinely bigger than my character, and I'm happy to just find my niche in it while the rest of it keeps living and breathing around me. I love that feeling.

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They removed classes and physical attributes from the game to make more presentable for non RPG fans, in the process they removed the aspect of diversity, as every character I've tried to make turns out more or less the same, with different appearance. You get a little sneak, because nothing is really stopping you from it... ok you're a bulky Nord, but after sneaking through some bandit camps you're as sneaky as a Khajiit. Ah, yes.. some blacksmithing, ore everywhere ~30 minutes later, or should I say 80-10 Iron daggers later, and 10 levels higher, lets kill some!!!! One perk in smithing, and 50-60 in smithing and your steel weapons can cut through anything with ease.


And the list goes on...


Let's try some magic... WTF?!?! A kid with a Zippo lighter has caused more damage than this?!? BROKEN!


...and the result; Boring.


OK, let's try to up the difficulty. Yeah, that's fun, because as melee you can't really prevent incoming blows, parry just softens it. And every goon with a two handed weapon does more than twice your health in one blow... how sensible. And archery hurts about the same as a tiny mosquito on everyone who isn't rabble.... makes sense.



I am now awaiting immersion mods, realism mods and hopefully proper class mods that will make this game interesting.


Slightly exaggerated to prove a point.

Edited by Sabatasso
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