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Over 1400 hours in FO4 and (Short rant)


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I kill BoS every time I see them. They are racists and don't deserve to live.

And here I thought I was the only one. DEATH TO THE BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL!!!


The BoS is the scourge of the wasteland. We need the Enclave to return from the shadows and help us wipe them all out!

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I'm pretty pissed off myself.


Everytime I try to launch FO4 now I get an application load error with varrying numbers. Checking integrity fixes the issue. It replaces one file. So I'm running the game, but next time round the application load error is back again. Right now it seems as if I always have to check file integrity before I'm allowed to run the game.

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I'm pretty pissed off myself.


Everytime I try to launch FO4 now I get an application load error with varrying numbers. Checking integrity fixes the issue. It replaces one file. So I'm running the game, but next time round the application load error is back again. Right now it seems as if I always have to check file integrity before I'm allowed to run the game.

Let me guess: You're running either Windows 7 or Windows 10.


We have 3 computers here. One is locked down and running Win7 Enterprise and FO4/Steam is having major issues. The one I am on, Win10 Pro and yeah, major issues. The only computer without FO4/Steam issues, is the one that's running Win8.1. Other than random CTDs, but that happens even in Skyrim. That's 3 owned versions of FO4 and 2 out of 3 has major issues.


So, I don't know if it's OS specific or not. But, it's annoying. I actually think that it's more a Steam issue, rather than a FO4 issue. I think Valve's Steam coders are making the new Steam updates with Win8.1. lol Nah. I have no clue what's up. But, it's bs.


But, look at the bright side: All you have to do is verify. Every time I play, I get excellent game time. But, after I exit the game, or reboot the computer, Steam can't find FO4 and wants to install it again. So, yeah.

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Let me guess: You're running either Windows 7 or Windows 10.





Yeah, I'm running win 10 and I'm pretty sure it's a steam issue. It didn't happen though until the latest patch and Vaulttec workshop.


Agreed. Steam losing FO4 has happened to me once before. When we got the FH update. I was able to fix it after reformatting my SDD. I don't want to do a reformat this time.

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LOL BoS is written that way by biased writers trying to push their crap on customers I hope you guys noticed that. The institute and synths story is written so poorly it feels like a huge burden to deal with later on. In skyrim the various factions didn't have any problems with each other but in fallout we have all this "rabble rabble" that is not necessary or enjoyable. I think they intended the player to take over the BoS at some point but left it out. I remember reading something about it on the unofficial patch page somewhere.

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LOL BoS is written that way by biased writers trying to push their crap on customers I hope you guys noticed that. The institute and synths story is written so poorly it feels like a huge burden to deal with later on. In skyrim the various factions didn't have any problems with each other but in fallout we have all this "rabble rabble" that is not necessary or enjoyable. I think they intended the player to take over the BoS at some point but left it out. I remember reading something about it on the unofficial patch page somewhere.

It was intended as so. Parts of it are still in the CK.

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I hate how they leave stuff out like that under the excuse of running out of time. They had all the time in the world they just wanted to push out the game and didn't care about us like EA with ME3. Maybe the unofficial patch guys can bring it back like they did for skyrim with their cutting room floor mod.

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